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Fairly easy skill matchup that you outscale by the time you get 2 items + executioners. Baiting his Qs should be easy as all Aatrox's have very similar aggressive patterns which makes them very predictable. Ult his 3rd Q if you need to and be careful for ganks.
Take fleet + resolve. it's not that bad if you're good at dodging skillshots but she will usually force you to run cleanse as they take glacial augment making her skillshots impossible to dodge
A matchup which used to be borderline impossible, but is now fairly easy as she has been nerfed so many times. Just make sure the wave is pushing towards you and you'll be safe to farm up to 2-3 items where you start to win 1v1.
A small trick is to let her Q you inside your minion wave to force her to push towards you.
If you're in a long lane before your 3 core items SHE WILL KILL YOU WITH YOUR ULT UP.
Take fleet. Very fast and high burst with kill pressure on you at level 6, but if you rush negatron cloak or a hexdrinker before your core she will cry.
Aurelion Sol
Take fleet. Not actually a scary matchup for you but you will need to have good map awareness and deep lane wards to ping away the lane which he walks to.
Take fleet + resolve. Very scary as his scaling is similar, but he gets to harass you very hard before you get level 6 and can kite you. Make sure to flash over his wall if you want to kill him.
STAY AWAY FROM THE WALLS THAT SHE IS CLOSE TO. Camille's will usually combine their ult with their 2nd Q which is perfect for you. Dodging her E with your W movespeed is an option too. You can confidently 1v1 her with core.
Take fleet + resolve. Very difficult the higher elo you go and requires a very good sense of how tethering works in melee vs ranged matchups. You need to be baiting all her Qs, back stepping her ult and surviving until 2-3 items.
Shouldn't be too much of a problem unless he takes Glacial Augment, which then he becomes a Major/Extreme threat. Remember that his Q is a fairly low cooldown so you will have to dodge it a lot.
Scales quite similarly to you but he shouldn't be a problem if you have a stable laning phase vs him, if you're confident go cull 1st back.
Make him annoyed by constantly using Q just outside his E range. If you haven't fallen behind until 6 then the lane becomes very easy. If he uses Q inside the wave it'll make the wave push towards you.
Her Q arcs so you can walk downwards and into her to easily dodge it and surprise her. Just make sure she doesn't land too many Qs early or she'll try hit 6 first and all in you straight away.
Dr. Mundo
Stand behind minions, buy executioners. You will beat him easily at rageblade so the pressure is on him to kill you.
His ult CD is MUCH lower than yoursbut you shouldn't ever be getting caught by his W or his E+Q+AA combos. Punish him on the way out of his trades.
Consistent laning until 6 is very important, with boots and bilgewater cutlass, you should be able to kite her. Make sure you DON'T start kiting until you know for sure she can't use her empowered E auto slow to catch you. Otherwise she'll run circles around you. Also if you dodge her parry she will lose every trade past laning phase on even footing.
His ult is a lot shorter cooldown compared to yours so try to dodge his surprise minion Q into R combo. Respect his kill potential pre six too. I usually take nullifying orb too.
Most Galios just perma shove and roam so just poke them down and stand away from your minions as his AoE is quite large. His gank assist is very strong so be careful if the enemy jgler is a snowbally assassin i.e. Elise/Kha'zix
His Grasp Q trades with corrupting are VERY strong early and can force a bad recall out of you early if you aren't careful. After laning it's all about baiting out his barrels and timing your autos just right. Kayle's auto animations are very quick which is quite handy here.
Click on his character and watch as his Q speed runs out as he runs at you. Using W to outrun his Q and turning on him after he tries to run away will make him question why he picked Garen. Make sure you don't use Q before he uses his, as he will remove your slow and probably kill you.
Requires some fancy feet pre-6 until you buy vamp scept where the lane becomes a farm lane. Stay away from walls as he can win fights with his ult that way.
Surprisingly annoying matchup with his Q being near undodgeable with high damage and low cooldown, he has very strong gank assist so you best bet is to just rush T2 boots and juke his barrels. If you watch enough Baus and Panunu Gragas plays you will see that they have small telltale signs of when they're about to full CC burst combo you which you need to pick up on.
Not really a hard matchup, but his R can be annoying if you're getting ganked. Free matchup once you pickup Bork/Gunblade as the slow actives destroy him.
Take fleet. Put on your dancing shoes and bait his abilities for the entire laning phase, some people hate this matchup but I personally find it fun as they usually constantly miss their abilities and slowly lose control of the lane. Just be careful of TPing back to lane, going for greedy last hits and bushes, as these moments CAN GET YOU KILLED.
Quite similar to Xerath, and Heimerdinger. You will enjoy this matchup if you are good at juking and you will hate it if you can't dodge. If he hasn't killed you by your first item then you've won.
Quite difficult as they now run Bork and use the active to guarantee their E. You also need to invest 800g into Executioners at some point.
My personal perma ban for if I play Kayle top. His E dodges all your damage and they will usually all-in you as you try to crash big waves into his tower. Bork makes him very sticky too. Your only chances are after if you manage to bait his E out. Poke him down with Q too. Mid game you probably won't be able to 1v1 him so try for team fights or sit under tower in side lanes and pick up farm.
Take fleet + resolve. Borderline impossible if the Jayce knows what he's doing. The new phase rush setup will make you burn your ult with no room to punish him. Goes without saying that laning phase will be a pain as he has the potential to XP zone you at level 1. Luckily these crazy good Jayce players are only in extremely high elo so have fun dodging his Qs.
Very akin to the Jayce matchup, just farm up under tower and try to get xp. You will need executioners as they usually have a decent amount of lifesteal in their builds.
My perma ban for if I'm playing Kayle mid. Has a better early, mid and late with high kill pressure starting from level 6. Try to make him use R to close the gap on you and try to DPS him down quick enough so he becomes scared and ults away, maybe try going AD Kayle?
Walk into her to dodge her daggers, as they spawn 350 units behind where she threw it from. Once she has bilgewater cutlass her E+W combo will becomes impossible to dodge which she will always follow into Ult post-6.
why u in norms bruh
Dodge his spells or stand behind minions, let him use his empowered AA on a minion. Ult when he ults and walk into him to secure R damage, be confident.
Fake going for minions to sidestep his E+Q combo and punish him hard if he misses it, Kled doesn't level W until he goes for his first all in, if he levels W laning phase will become a lot easier as he will be forced to use spells or tiamat to avoid using his W on minions.
Take fleet + resolve. Her W is her main damage and also her main waveclear. Find the max range of LB W and hover just outside of it and wait for her to miss, or use it on the wave. you NEED to dodge E as well. Be careful of early ganks as junglers love ganking for LB. Ban her if you want.
Not really that hard of a lane but she will TP bot and top with her ulti to force dives. You will also still need to play safe as junglers love to gank for Lissandra.
Don't ever let him get in AA range as he will proc PTA with E into his full combo. Level 6 stand behind a wave and let him waste ult. If he dashes forward he can be easy to gank as it's a 22s spell rank 1.
Not hard if you have happy feet but her ult CD is ridiculously low and she only needs to land one or two, She can't match you in the side lanes later though.
His R is VERY SHORT compared to your ult so you will need to stay very healthy to dissuade him from ulting you, let him Q you inside your own wave, as it's a single target spell and he will take minion aggro, and will push the wave to you simultaneously. Have your fingers ready on ALT+R.
Take fleet + resolve. Early QSS, junglers love ganking for him so be careful at six as he can literally flash R you.
Only way he ever gets anything done is if he calls for ganks constantly, be careful to not take free poke as losing this matchup should be embarrassing.
Master Yi
Luckily, a matchup you almost NEVER see top lane. Yi is able to dodge your abilities and ignore your slows. Pray that your team has enough hard CC to shut him down in teamfights. Gets easier as you climb and play with more coordinated teammates.
Only time he ever has kill pressure is at level 6 if neither of you have backed and you are missing a bit of HP.
Some people take phase rush for this matchup, but I have a secret setup that confuses the **** outta every dog in the world. Merc treads + Legend: Tenacity will make his W run out before he reaches you. If his W comes back up no worries, it will just run out again before he can touch you. Landing Q will be easy as he has to run in a straight line towards you to do anything.
Care for her E going through minions, the entire lane is decided on whether you can dodge these.
He can burn your ult with his short CD R or he can push and roam to sidelanes. Make sure to shove out the lane when he roams so he misses cs.
Phase rush might be decent in this matchup however I have not tested it in practice. His only way to snowball on you is with cheese Q spam early. Buy executioners and use W to dodge his Qs, you can run him OOM if you dodge enough.
Take fleet + resolve. Keep your eyes on where the ball is and try your best to position away from it to increase its travel distance for easier dodges. Orianna will get her jungler to gank you as her ult is very strong.
Dodge Q's and bait his E by standing at mad pillar distance. 80% of his ults mean that someone is coming for your ***.
Pyke mid will cheese level 1-2 with Q and HoB. Expect to get ganked a lot as he is a hook support. Keep denying him CS by freezing or crashing waves and make sure to deep ward mid lane to find out which lane he's roaming to, be careful though as he can walk out one side of the lane and W in the opposite direction while invisible.
Land your Qs and down let him get in range of you unless you're inside a very big wave.
Let her use her passive AA on minions and wait out the shield. Stay away from walls. She should never be landing the 2nd Q damage portion.
Respect her early kill pressure and try to time your ult for her ult. It's all about dodging her Qs in laning and spacing. Expect to get ganked.
Can be terrifying if the Quinn knows what he's doing. Your Gunblade slow will let you stick onto her if you've made it up to that point.
Freezing outside tower will completely nullify his lane pressure, if he gives you the chance, you need to thin out the waves he pushes into you to keep refreezing.
One of the hardest top lane matchups, however, no one plays him top. not much to say other than REALLY respecting bushes and reacting fast enough to R when he jumps on you with his R. Just be careful that he doesn't walk into melee range of you to bait you into panic ulting.
The epitome of all spacing matchups. If she uses enough spells to close the gap, she'll lack the damage to actually kill you. Smarter Rivens will delay their Q to use 2 sets of Q spells to stick onto you. You may need to R her 3rd Q as Rivens Q3 > W > R can kill you from a pretty high threshold
Bait him into using Q so it pushes the wave into you. Collect your free CS. Only way he gets ahead is during skirmishes where he gets really good ults.
Quite hard if you're vsing a good ryze. He will usually mindlessly push into you though. MR items like Maw/Wits End are recommended
Very similar to Garen. make sure he doesn't insec you and that you don't fight with minions on the other side of him for his E stun.
He will win if you can't kite and bait his E. Let your team know when Shen has R.
If he prroxies, just let the wave hit your tower and collect your free CS. Sometimes they go predator and roam mid to be sure to let your jg/mid know and deny him cs in the form of crashing waves or freezing.
If you can predict his E's he wont be able to land the rest of his kit. Care for Sion cheese from every single bush. Take this lane slow as being greedy will get you killed.
Soraka tops are usually bad at landing their Qs. Let your team know that Soraka has R and try to XP zone her once you get T2 boots + 1 item.
Stay inside your minion wave and he will never land E. Doran's Blade with PTA will DESTROY Sylas level 1. He won't expect it.
Take fleet + resolve. Similar to Cassiopeia, try to hover at max range of her Q and make her mad as you dodge and sustain with Berserkers + Vamp Scept and fleet footwork.
Tahm Kench
Not really a popular top laner anymore but when he used to be played this matchup was quite cancer. Not really sure what to say but this matchup is not that common so you shouldn't have to worry about him.
Take Fleet. She should never be landing her E+W and her Q wave clear is significantly weaker than what it used to be. Take fleet if you aren't confident in your dodging skills.
Letting him hit you with the 1st portion of his W is fine, but you should never get hit by the 2nd part, use W if you have to. Deep lane wards are your friend and will let you and your team know where he is roaming to.
Land easy Qs on him as he goes for greedy autos, you might need a Maw/Wits End. Grab oracles and plenty of pinks later too.
She can solo kill you at level 3. Luckily her E naturally pushes the wave so you get to farm under tower, just wait for the waves to come and don't get greedy for cs.
Pillar is quite annoying during ganks but is still easily kiteable and his R is very useless against a squishy carry like Kayle.
It's all about freezing and baint his W's. Turning towards him and AAing him will throw off his Ws and will let you kite him. HE HAS TO ULT FIRST IF YOU WANT TO WIN.
Twisted Fate
Cleanse is very nice in this matchup. Stand away from minions and your tower to avoid red cards and actively react dodge his Q to stay healthy. Punish his ults by shoving in his wave and denying him a wave or two.
Hope to god the Urgot isn't good. Care for E Flash animation cancel and try your best to dodge his Q's. Urgot's new PTA setup against squishies is very hard to beat until completed core.
Don't stand in front of your tower and guarantee your Qs by using them as she tumbles towards you. Let her AA you once if shes inside your wave.
Take fleet and cleanse depending if you can also get good value from the rest of his team. An easy matchup, however... if he takes glacial augment he will have really strong gank assist. Try to side lane to split him away from the team.
Take fleet + resolve. Viktor usually wants to E you AND the wave so stay away from your minions, I had a lot of trouble with this matchup until i played Viktor to get the hang of how his E works. If you struggle in this matchup I recommend that you play Viktor to get a feel for how he works.
Don't EVER let him get his empowered Q on you. If you decide to fight him be ready to click back to dodge his E. Easier once you hit core + executioners.
DO NOT SAVE YOUR R AGAINST WUKONG. He wins hard until you buy 2 items and are able to kite him
Take fleet. This matchup is a lot of fun if you enjoy dodging skillshots. T2 boots + vamp scepter is a must rush. If he can't kill you he will usually R a sidelane and pick up some kills. Try to split to counter his siege/poke win con.
Harder in longer lanes where he can dash through lots of minions. If you can't side step his tornado you need to use R as he will follow up with his own R.
Dodge his E and play slowly, once you get enough attack speed he will never kill you as you can break his cage very quickly.
Seekers + Fleet denies all kill pressure. Punish him with Q each time he tries to last hit with AAs/E. If he last hits with Q then just scale up. If you juke his triple Q you won't even need to ult. One bad thing is good zeds will constantly use his shorter ult CD so be careful for that.
Take fleet. Similar to Xerath, just dodge abiltiies. Remember that it's easier for him to land abilities on you if his Q AoEs on the wave.
Take fleet + resolve. If he takes glacial augment, say bye bye LP. I honestly dont know what to do in this matchup so have fun :P
Take fleet + resolve. Be careful of being too close to your minions as she will look to hit you and your 3 casters with her Q. Tenacity or Cleanse are both options in this matchup. Learn how she likes to throw her E and try to juke them. Standing in minions also works but she will 1 shot them later on in laning phase.
My IGN is Nabura and I play on the OCE server, as I am writing this guide I am 250LP Grandmaster and am aiming for Challenger. I've been a Kayle OTP for about 5 years and so I've played her before and after her rework with a cumulative total of around 1.8 Million points on her with probably close to 900ish ranked games on the new, reworked Kayle.
Kayle's position in the ever evolving meta
Kayle is a Mid-late/Late game hybrid hyper carry with DPS and supportive teamfight capabilities with flexible build choices that has the potential to split OR teamfight depending on the enemy, and her own team compositions.
As she currently stands in top lane, Kayle is looking to be a niche counter-pick to most tanks, with lots of difficult bruiser matchups that require high wave management knowledge with good spacing mechanics to outsmart and outplay. She will be more likely to be split pushing in this position as Kayle top can sometimes create teams with no front line, which will lead to splitting becoming the win condition.
In mid lane, she fulfills the same role, although you won't be taking up a potential tank/engage slot and team fights will likely become a viable option with front liners to soak abilities for you. Splitting is still a completely viable option when vsing enemies that are hard to match in teamfights. Think control mages like Orianna, Glacial Augment champions or high range 1v9 ADCs like Aphelios/Lulu, Caitlyn, Kog'maw.
Ask me anything
nabu#8860 on discord. Feel free to ask me anything Kayle related or anything regarding general fundamentals.
Synergies info
Most of these synergies are "balls to the wall" sort of champions that thrive in the middle of the entire enemy team. Supports like Lulu can also be amazing given you have enough frontline to make up for an ardent sup.
Starting items info
Something I like to do is look at OP.GG for what rune shards the enemy laner took and taking long sword if they go MR and dorans ring for armor. An extra thing to note is that PTA's damage type changes depending on whether you have more AP or AD so use this to your advantage vs high armor/MR base stat champs.
Corrupting Pot is the most popular start but can make last hitting a little hard. Personally I never buy this item because I feel that Dorans Shield and Long Sword both offer better stats for the two types of circumstances that you will find yourself in during laning. One other thing is that Corrupting deals DoT, so it'll help stop passives like Garen or Malphite from resetting for an extra 3 seconds. It can also have an opposite negative effect for anyone that starts with a Doran's Shield, so keep that in mind.
Doran's Ring is my default start against 95% of champions. Makes last hitting pretty easy and gives mana regen for a few more spells in early laning.
Doran's blade/Long Sword is a SUPER aggro start that is good against anti AP champions like Sylas, Galio, Kassadin that you can actually punish if played correctly. If you are going for AD early you may as well buy long sword for an earlier vamp scepter.
Doran's Shield is probably your buy against Cassio, Zoe and most poke Aery/Comet champions. This is actually an item that I have been utilizing a lot recently since it can allow you to still go PTA while letting you still survive through the laning phase.
When to split or teamfight
I'm going to give you the same answer that everyone else probably gives you, it depends. A general rule of thumb to follow is to split against long range mages and tanks and to group vs bruisers and assassins.
Split vs - Malphite, Ivern, Orianna, Twitch, Lulu.
Teamfight vs - Irelia, Khazix, Talon, Vayne, Pyke.
These examples are pretty extreme but you get the idea.
How to deal with mages mid via Tethering
Tethering is a concept that can be applied to any champion against any poke spell in the game. The way to win in these matchups is to run the enemy OOM.
Pretending to walk up for cs to bait a Syndra Q and then dodging it is this concept in its simplest form.
Once you run a mage OOM, you have two options. Constantly shove waves under their tower and make them miss CS or freeze the wave to make them miss CS. If you know the enemy has used TP and has no fast way to reset their HP/Mana then freezing can be very strong as you either deny multple waves of XP and Gold or force the enemy jungler to come to your lane to break the freeze for his laner.
I learnt this mainly from LS but Coach Curtis recently put out his own video on the topic. Both are good watches but start with LS's 15 minute video
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