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Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Jungling Guide
Fizz's best gangs come out at lvl 6 but still at lvl 3 u are able to do pretty good ganks too. As all u Fizz players know, Fizz can do lot of dmg with low ap cuz Fizz have fast cd and can cast lot of skills in short time. So i would say that with jungler fizz its more important to build hp and jungler items than actually real ap items like rabadon's or lich bane. But like many junglers u will not get fast ur build done if u don't gang a lot and get little bit feed. Fizz is more mid laner and farmer than jungler but i can tell u all jungler fizz is worth it.
So lets begin jungling. We start from blue ofc, ask hard pull so u are able to farm and lvl more at jungle. We go next to wolfes, wraiths, golems and last red if have potions and hp left enough. Remember still watch situations at mid top and bot if teamnates needs ganks.
Caution! Jungler Fizz need more skills and pation than mid laner. This build has tested in ranked 5v5
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