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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune
Champion Build Guide
yeah, it lacks attack speed because Miss Fortune is more effective with Lethality than attack speed + crit. She relies on her abilities, namely Q and ult, to do damage instead of her auto-attacks. It's okay to use W to get the last hits (it's only 30 mana), and another trick that can come in clutch to get 2 minions at once by aiming Q properly at one so it hits the other as well. MF has one of the best base AA damages because of her passive so last-hitting shouldn't be a problem once you get used to it, AS or no.
I agree with you, I think Comet's past its due now. I'll update the guide when I can :)
wait until they buff ADCs next patch! :D Seriously though I feel your pain and in all honesty I'd avoid picking MF in those cases and go for someone with more range, more gap closers or just Sivir or something. Hopefully your support picks something to counter the enemy lane as well
I've never liked MF suppor for some reason, even though she's my favourite champion and support is my main role. Even when it was really good, I didn't care for it personally. I still see it being played nowadays (though very rarely), but I doubt it's effective in higher elos. I think there are a lot of better supports out there for sure.
I remember playing with it at the start of "runes reforged" but ultimately liking Aery and then (after Aery nerfs) Comet more. I see a lot of MFs using it (the pros are half and half) so it's good for sure, go with whichever you prefer.
I agree with you, I think Comet's past its due now. I'll update the guide when I can :)
wait until they buff ADCs next patch! :D Seriously though I feel your pain and in all honesty I'd avoid picking MF in those cases and go for someone with more range, more gap closers or just Sivir or something. Hopefully your support picks something to counter the enemy lane as well
I've never liked MF suppor for some reason, even though she's my favourite champion and support is my main role. Even when it was really good, I didn't care for it personally. I still see it being played nowadays (though very rarely), but I doubt it's effective in higher elos. I think there are a lot of better supports out there for sure.
I remember playing with it at the start of "runes reforged" but ultimately liking Aery and then (after Aery nerfs) Comet more. I see a lot of MFs using it (the pros are half and half) so it's good for sure, go with whichever you prefer.
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