R her after she uses her smoke, your R will remove her smoke. Do not EVER R her before she uses her smoke otherwise she can use it in the realm and wait out your entire R.
Pick Demolish. Honestly, what a joke. He does nothing and will never kill you. Your challenge is to see what the minimum CS is you can let him get. There are some tips. Don't fight near his turret as he can easily bump you under it for easy 2 tower shots. Be careful of ganks as he brings a lot of CC to the fight. Ult after him to steal his stats.
Typical ranged. If they kite they win, if you melee you win. Very similar to Varus where their R stuns you and allows them quite a bit of damage. Try and cheese the first brush to get easy melee damage. Play with brushes a lot to not allow kiting. One note about Ashe is that her kiting AA is extremely bad for Morde, be careful of it.
Care for her poke. Never take a tower shot vs her because she can lock you down under the tower. As Morde your R is your only chance for a kill so play it well.
Second wind + Shield are broken vs burn champions. He's a typical skill shot mage, if he lands everything he wins, if he misses you win. One tip is to save R for when he R since you can remove his fireball from existence.
Don't take Ignite. Play SUPER SAFE early (she heals A LOT so don't take a close fight early on). Rush Bramble. Once you have Bramble you can take on literally any fight. Be aware of her ulty when you are recalling with low HP anywhere.
You beat most fights after lv3-ish. Lv6 you hard win. If you ult her in the middle of the lane she can't hook anywhere. Keep in mind she can jump over a wall in your ult. Her dash is everything and on a 16-12s cooldown so play around it. I think your ult removes her ult?
You NEVER win this. You ****ed up in champion select. Sit under your tower and hope she's dumb enough to never freeze the wave on you. Pray your team carries like crazy. The best you can do is at least not get her fed.
Super easy. Just sidestep his W or even ult to remove it.
Minor threat because you outscale if he doesn't snowball. Walk into his Q center, not away from it (denies him healing and a stack). Don't take Steelcaps since he has built in ARM pen. Don't fight him until 1 completed item. Stay out of his pull range. Don't ever use E to pull him in otherwise he can pull you in response. Only use E as disengage vs him. You win lane if you don't die. One of the rare champs that dominate completely early but lose if they don't get fed.
Dr. Mundo
Ulting him in team fights may not be the best choice since you rarely kill him 100-to-0. Destroy him early as he is one of the weakest early champs. Deny him from the first 3 minions to get a lv lead. It's not that you die a lot to Mundo, but Mundo's kit is really hard to out-macro and he scales really good. Stand behind your minions to block his Q damage.
I tried going Doran's Shield, Second Wind, Rylai's. It was meh ish. Maybe try Liandries etc next. I think going full damage might be better.
Take Flash & Exhaust. Start Cloth & pots. Rush Bramble first. Rylai's second because she's super fast and it's hard to land abilities and the slow counters her passive playstyle. Get the HP of Rylai first since it pairs well with your Bramble ARM. When she ults, exhaust her and kite backwards. You can also stand against a wall to deny her the last passive which spawns the healing field. When you E, immediately walk to the side because she is going to E you back and you will get stunned if you are in the line. You can get in easy Q's by knowing which side she wants to her the vital. The big problem really is that she scales really well, so you can't just play safe until mid game like Darius/Sett. If you are even in items then you probably won't win a fight. Easiest is honestly to play away from her on the map. Remember she can block your ult so only use it after she uses block.
There are two keys to beating Garen. All in him when he uses E on the wave. And always save your E to disengage his E if he's on you. If you both use all your abilities, he wins because of his E. Be careful of his silence, especially when you are relying on your W to win a fight. Don't ult him full HP as you will never kill him, only ult 60% HP or less. Fight after he uses abilities only. Use shield early since his damage comes in a burst and then he runs away. His R does true damage so don't rely on your shield. Take Ignite + Exhaust as soon as he starts spinning.
Take Second Wind & Doran's shield to sustain his poke and Qs. Never fight him in Gnar mode. Go Liandry's first since you mostly need damage. No need for Steelcaps vs him. Try and R him right when his Gnar is about to finish, before it finishes, because he won't expect it as much and he's still in melee range. Then it takes a long time for him to stack Gnar in the realm again.
You need anti heal. And don't start a fight with her stacks up and yours not.
The key to this win is Cosmic Insight, Magical Footwear, Exhaust, Flash. Then don't get poked so that you can basically use everything once you have lv6 to kill him. Using your shield for full value is important here. Go Rylai to make sure he doesn't get away from your full combo. Go Mercs after to get out of his stun faster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUZlw9xlg6k
I honestly find this champion really stupid. He has a thousand slows and fears and and and. You can literally never touch him. And even if you flash or ghost onto him, one second later and you are feared again. Just avoid him completely and don't ever try and get to him to kill him.
Take TP to survive early. Buy Oblivion orb first. She ults, you ult. Easy win. You easy win after 6 but before it's a coin flip. Her E is her danger, stand behind minions to block it. Running away when she catches you is fine, but it costs you a lot of time dodging tentacles and waiting out the effect. You HAVE TO be in the team fights if she is in them. Without your ult she will destroy your team.
Get anti heal (Ignite or Bramble) because healing is a big part of her success. Ult after her to remove all her things. You can also ult to remove her first E. When she loses her passive, don't allow her to walk up and get it on the minions again. She's weak without her passive. When you have 6 and she has 0 stacks, ult her because in the realm there are no minions for stacks. You easily win the fight if you do this.
Second Wind, Shield & TP. Rush Rylai first. If he's good you'll basically never catch him but if you can get into melee range with him you win a fight. Play for your team (grubs, herald, dragon) because you will never win lane if you two are staring at each other. Only E when he jumps on you because all Jayce players combo off for a second first. He's actually Extreme level but because he is a high skill champ you can win if they screw up. Rocketbelt or Exhaust might be required here.
I don't yet have a solution to this one. Hold your E for when he uses E. Don't fight him when his passive is fully stacked. Only ult after he ults. You win if you get a lead, so a jungle gank or two means a lot here. At lv6 with minimal items you have a good chance to win. Play good fundamentals here!
Typical ranged, she wins kiting, you win melee. Not a massive threat, especially since her Ult does nothing. Her passive does counter you HARD since her jumping makes it impossible to hit Q or E. Best is to use Rylai's and passive and just keep walking towards her. She takes long to kill you so go for extended fight items. Very late game, like 6 items, she beats you.
You HAVE TO completely destroy her early game. Don't give her a single CS before her range at lv6. She wins you late game. Go Rylai first because you need the slow to stick to her. Go Mercs second for the Tenacity. Lv1 of the ult hers is on 160s and yours on 140s so you have 20s to force a fight super quickly to get a free kill. Second level of ult they are the same CD.
Take shield + second wind. Biggest tip is to E+Q push waves. Kennen sucks at wave clear early on. In team fights ult him because we will hurt your team. Rush Rylai's as it gives you a MUCH BETTER chance at sticking to him. Go boots (probably mercs) second to make his stun last less & give you more movement speed. After he uses his dash is a good time to ult & all in. His dash is the big problem in his kit.
You win most fights. Never walk past the third bush (on his side) he can easily throw you under his tower and win the fight that way.
Buy Dark Seal & Refillable and see how many kills you can get. Be careful though since she has a bit of burst. Don't fight her with like 30% HP since she stun locks you to death. Shield early since her damage comes in with a burst. Ward well because ganks can be devastating with her CC kit.
You win at all stages of the game. Really hard. Ulting him in teamfights is useful since his ult brings a lot to a teamfights. Take Second Wind to sustain some poke but start Ring not Shield because the extra AP is what you need to push this guy to his tower. Win the game with proxy. Buy Rylai first because he's super fast.
Take Second Wind + Shield because of the burn damage. Not a hard matchup but hard to get a lead. If he plays well he will always have a spell shield for your E so you will never touch him. In Realm he can also just hit R so it's hard to do anything. The best advice here is ping the hell out of your jungler because Malzahar has no mobility and will always be pushed up right to your tower. EXPLAIN THIS TO YOUR JUNGLER AT LV1 ALREADY!
Pick Demolish and start Dark Seal. One of the easiest match-ups. There is absolutely nothing he can do to win this lane. Never settle for a short trade and always use your E (directly below you if possible) as he W's onto you so that it guarantees the hit. Try ulting after he used his ult so that you make it disappear, but this is not necessary usually. Don't ult him later on, he will be too tanky to kill.
You need anti heal (either Ignite or Bramble). You HAVE TO completely destroy him early game. Don't give him a single CS. Only ever ult after he does to steal his stats. You need Mercs to negate his slow & Liandries since his first item is Trinity Force so Liandries will do the most damage. After that Rylai's to stop him from getting away. The reason I put him in Major is because after 2 or 3 items he outscales you super hard and you can't do much about it. Even shutting him down early does not allow you to beat him. You have to hope your team can snowball fast enough to stop him.
Just farm until you get Rocketbelt. One you get it every R is a kill. Mercs next to stop her stun duration. Rylai next since she is slippery even with Rocketbelt.
Pretty easy. Use your W shield to win small trades. Ult when he ults, to remove his ram from the world. Big important factor here is that his W, his fire breathing ability, will negate your R and put it on cooldown!
He has a ton of damage early. You need to respect it! Only after lv6 you are a full ability over him.
Quite easy except that she's ranged. Take Demolish because if she leaves lane and gets nothing, you gain A LOT with Demolish. Also take Second Wind + buy Shield. Ping your team a lot when she's missing. Get blue trinket fast and place it near your team mate's lanes. Respect her early levels since she's ranged but has Zed level burst. She wins with roaming, be aware of that.
Minor threat because you outscale if he doesn't snowball. But to win you need to get to Steelcaps + Rylai's without losing too much. One tip is to start Cloth Armor + 4 Pots, this allows you to get to Steelcaps ASAP and survive early. Next get the HP of Rylai's first to get the most of your ARM + HP. Another tip is to ask your jungler for a gank or two. One or two successful ganks and you win this lane easy. Riven has no sustain so poke vs her is amazing.
Minor threat because you outscale if he doesn't snowball. Predict shield (similar to yours). Predict his W true damage line. His cooldowns are high (like 20s) so beat the **** out of him when he uses abilities. Rush Steelcaps. Don't fight him until 1 completed item. Stay out of his pull range. Don't ever use E to pull him in otherwise he can pull you in response. Only use E as disengage vs him. One of the rare champs that dominate completely early but lose if they don't get fed.
Super easy. Take Demolish for when he leaves lane. Respect his pre6 damage as he does deal a bit. What could help is if you ping his ult a lot in game and also ping your allies away from close fights. Care near his tower because of his taunt.
Take Demolish since you don't need Bone Plating to beat him. Don't ult him while he is running. Rush Liandries as it does a ton of damage to his HP build.
Go CD runes because every ult & ghost is a kill and you don't need Bone Plating vs him. Rush Rylai for the slow & boots for the speed.
Easy, you win at all points. Just use normal build and MR boots.
Tahm Kench
DO NOT FIGHT HIM BEFORE GETTING LIANDRIES! For some stupid reason he wins every fight. Once you get Liandries you win a 100-0 if he didn't get fed. His wave clear is horrible so going for a push strat vs him is amazing. Don't fight near his tower, rather let the wave push into you. His treat comes in walking you down the lane with permanent slows and killing you that way. Also if you are near his tower he can gulp you and throw you under his tower so don't go anywhere past the last bush.
Second wind + Shield are broken vs burn champions. Typical ranged matchup, easy to win if you catch him & don't get poked out of lane. Be careful of running around bushes and in river. Rush Rylai's because he's very fast. When blinded don't auto, just walk ahead of him with passive. Be careful as he has a super weird 1-2 item MONSTER spike in damage. Always check his damage first by letting him get an AA on you. Remember that in the Realm there won't be any shrooms! At level 6 just ult + ghost and play your shield correctly and you easily get a kill. You have massive wave clear advantage so just E+Q the wave and leave lane.
I actually feel this is quite a hard counter. Because she can jump away AND shoot you away in your R. She also has a really long range which is hard to play vs as melee. She can also easily jump over a wall in your R.
Super powerful deulist. You never win an even fight. He is prone to poke because of his abilities. Save your E to disengage him at all times. You have to ult after he ults, always! He steals defensive stats so it's not really worth getting armour. His damage comes in a massive burst of attacks for about 5s. Never fight him in his ice area since it gives him massive attack speed. You generally win this by poking him away from the wave.
Extreme SKILL matchup. Your shield is VITAL to beating him. Try one game starting W and fighting him if we wants at lv1 (if he doesn't have ignite) because I think you win. Conqueror, bone plating, passive stacks, level advantage, his fury. If you can get these things lined up you easily win an all out brawl. But if not you easily lose it. Get Rylai's first since the slow is vital to stopping his AA damage (kite him, don't give him free AAs).
Second Wind + Dorans shield. Protobelt then Rylai. Take Mercs for the tenacity of his ult. His ult counters yours. You ult, he ults. And your ult is on a longer cooldown than his. Don't fight him if you are low HP and he has ult, one ult + Q and AAs can do serious damage to you.
Everything about her counters you. Her true damage hurts your tankyness. Her Q dodges a Q or E. Her Ult counters yours completely since she can just stay hidden until you come back. She's a nightmare to deal with. The best champion to ban vs Mordekaiser but Tryndamere is a good option as well.
Take Flash since his wall counters you completely and Ghost won't mean anything. Take TP since he only wins the game with split pushing. Never fight him unless his wall is down or you have Flash. Your ult gets rid of his minions, his wife and his wall. So if you can get it down when all those have been used it would be great. He can't really kill you but his splitpush playstyle is hard to deal with. The wall is the big issue here, so try and ult the wall away. His wife will die in your realm so it's actually good if he spawns her in your realm. Rush tabis as the minions do AA damage. ALL of his damage is in his throw, so dodge that and you win everything.
Still easy but one of the harder ranged matchups. The only issue is her speed. She's super fast at dodging your Q's and running away from fights. Be careful of ulting her next to a wall, when her dash is up. She can just hop to the other side and leave you standing.
A minor matchup top, an even or hard matchup mid. Reason being, he has a long range and has 2 easy ways of stopping you from catching him. His bump bomb and his slow bombs. So mid lane, you can pretty much NEVER get to him before he gets to his tower. Top lane you can ghost and catch him though. So easy top, harder mid. Either way he won't dominate you, but you'll have to outplay his midgame/roams to beat him.
Never walk within range for him to throw you under his tower. His ult executes you at 25% HP, so your shield doesn't matter. Therefore vs Urgot, use your shield earlier in the fight to preserve HP. Even if you are ahead, he becomes seriously strong at 1-2 items, be careful of that! Respect his lv1 as his passive does a lot of damage, but if he uses it one the wave then definitely take advantage of that. Rylai's is a massive counter to him since it stops him from moving around you to proc his passive.
Don't take Ignite vs him. Doran's Ring, then Rush Bramble. Once you have Bramble you win all fights. DO NOT FIGHT HIM BEFORE THAT NO MATTER HOW CLOSE THE FIGHT LOOKS. You super easy win after Bramble but not if you die before that.
Rush Steelcaps. He does a lot of Magic & Physical damage. JakSho would not be bad here. If you ult while he's in spirit form, then the link will stay active until your ult ends and then he will shoot back.
Go Second Wind, Revitalize & Shield, the combo is insane against his shock poke. After that either Bramble or Liandries/Rylai. I tried Bramble once but your damage spike is SO SLOW with Shield & Bramble. I think going Liandries first is best to get some damage. Liandries is good here because he is prone to a lot of poke & he builds a lot of HP. When he ults, you have to wait for him to land before you ult!
I tried going Exhaust + Shield + Liandries. It's fine but the fight is super close and since you lose lane early you mostly lose the fight. You need anti heal I think.
Could be a rare Ignite + Exhaust case?
Shield + Second Wind start. Oblivion Orb next. You win lane hard since he needs a lot of items to get strong. It's useful to ult him in teamfights because he will destroy your team. Remember if you ult while his pool is up he's just going to pool and cost you half of your ult time.
Extremely easy if you survive early and follow the right build. Take TP because you will lose early and need to back for HP. Build Randiun's Omen first then Rylai Second. After your Blasting Rod he never wins a fight anymore.
Note that I use the Synergies section to explain good vs bad Ult targets.
He has a ton of CC and slows so you can rarely stick to him. That said he has a lot of AOE so if he's really fed you can ult him to keep him away from your teamfight.
Miss Fortune
In general ulting any ADC is good. But her Ult is super powerful in teamfights so it's an added bonus to ult her.
She deals massive damage so ulting her to at least get her to use her ult is probably worth it. You rarely kill her if she has her ult. Use full W to survive her damage.
She's a fine target but you need to remember she has a dash that can go over walls. So you need to wait for her to use it first.
She causes chaos in a teamfight, so she's okay to keep away. But if you don't have Rylai's then you literally won't land any spell. Even with Rylai's it's a bad idea. Generally avoid.
Horrible ult target. He just ults you back and you stand there waiting.
Note that I use the Synergies section to explain good vs bad Ult targets.
He has a ton of CC and slows so you can rarely stick to him. That said he has a lot of AOE so if he's really fed you can ult him to keep him away from your teamfight.
Miss Fortune
In general ulting any ADC is good. But her Ult is super powerful in teamfights so it's an added bonus to ult her.
She deals massive damage so ulting her to at least get her to use her ult is probably worth it. You rarely kill her if she has her ult. Use full W to survive her damage.
She's a fine target but you need to remember she has a dash that can go over walls. So you need to wait for her to use it first.
She causes chaos in a teamfight, so she's okay to keep away. But if you don't have Rylai's then you literally won't land any spell. Even with Rylai's it's a bad idea. Generally avoid.
Horrible ult target. He just ults you back and you stand there waiting.
I wanted to make my own guide to question, test and understand things myself.
Summoner Spells
You always pick one of these two because you need one gap closer. Whether Ghost or Flash they both allow you to get out of bad situations and they both allow you to get into melee range to kill someone.
Ghost is just everything Mordekaiser wants. As an offensive ability it gives you the power to run up to a threat and hit R. In lane it gives you a good chance at securing a kill at lv6. As a defensive ability Mordekaiser is tanky enough to survive most initial CC/burst and thereafter you can just Ghost to get to safety. With Mordekaiser's passive and Rylai's Crystal Scepter this spell is a deathly combo.
I never take Flash but it's a personal choice, take it if you want. Personally I think spell is better for champions that need the INSTANT space to do things or avoid things (think Fiddlesticks R gap close) or for squishy targets to instantly dodge CC like ADCs. But Mordekaiser is neither of those. Flash + R is useless since you still need to run them down after hitting R. Many Mordekaiser players love the Flash + Q combo, but in my opinion that is quite a waste of a Flash. Sure it might get you the kill but with Ghost you could've just run them down after missing a Q.
You don't need two gap closing spells, therefore you pick one of these as your second spell.
Teleport is a priceless get out of jail free card and amazing tepo gainer. Worst case you Teleport to catch a wave or two which is still decent gold value. Personally I just love the macro power that Teleport gives me. For example, recall, walk and help out dragon, then Teleport back to lane. Priceless.
Take it if you are up against range/poke since early on they usually poke you out of lane so Teleport gives you a free HP refresh.
Ignite is the most confusing spell to understand on Mordekaiser. One thing about Mordekaiser is that buying anti-heal items is really meh. Morellonomicon is a HORRIBLE item for Mordekaiser purely because there are better items to pick from. Oblivion Orb is okay but it delays your damage spikes by A LOT and eventually you have to sell it so you lose a lot of gold that way. Bramble Vest/ Thornmail are decent but only if the enemy comp has a lot of auto attackers. You can't just build this because you are up against Illaoi and you want anti-heal. So in other words, anti-heal items generally suck.
But don't take it vs Warwick. Since he relies so heavily on auto attacks you will be buying Bramble Vest first item anyways. So having Ignite as well is a big waste.
To know if you need Ignite ask yourself these questions:
Does the enemy laner have heeling? Then you need anti-heal.
Personally I always take Ignite unless vs range/poke or I will be building Thornmail.
Take this over Legend: Haste. It helps you take towers down a little faster. But more importantly, when you hold your Q/E and the enemy is trying to dodge out of their mind, all you need to do is to keep auto attacking them.
I used to love this rune but don't anymore. The biggest reason is that this rune is good when you are ahead and bad when you are behind. Where as Revitalize is good ahead or behind.
I don't think this is worth it. I tested it and full build lv18 it adds 75 damage to your AA and gives you 10 ARM & MR. Early game it does even less. I don't think this rune is worth it at all unless someone could show me how exactly. I think you are either getting the kill or dying, with or without this.
I prefer this over Ability Haste. Because with Ability Haste you only get a 5s faster ult, which rarely makes a difference. And a miliscond faster Q, which only turns 20 Q's into 21 Q's. Taking Attack Speed you stack passive slightly faster and possibly miss less CS. Mordekaiser's AA also deal magic damage so you're not loosing too much damage here either.
Hit minions to grow Indestructible before starting a lane fight
Q & AA champions while you are CSing. If they don't run away, follow with another E + Q combo which starts a fight for you fully stacked.
Your Indestructible does SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU THINK when it comes to winning or losing fights. Watch some high level Mordekaiser plays to see how insanely big difference Indestructible makes in a fight.
Be weary of starting fights vs other champions that are fully stacked when you are 0 stacked. For example Tryndamere Jax Irelia etc. And the opposite is very true, when they have no stacks you have to take advantage and start a fight.
Don't E Threats Closer
Don't ever E threats like Darius, Sett, Riven closer to you when they are a danger. Your habit with most trading is E + Q, but this is extremely dangerous against these threats. Reason is, when you E them closer, you allow then the gap close they need to completely destory you. A general response is you E a Darius and he simply E's you back. Horrible trade for you.
Dominate Early
Mordekaiser's early levels are not as bad as people give it credit. Your passive is extremely powerful vs most enemies. It is very important that you dominate your early levels vs champions that you can fight. It is not good to only see Mordekaiser as a lv6 spike champion. Examples of champions you HAVE TO destroy early are:
Nasus. If he uses Q on you then he isn't getting stacks. Even if he does it's his only damage for another few seconds. His E does more damage than you might think though.
Kayle. She only gets range at lv6. Before that she only has a slow damage and one AA damage. Just W either of them and otherwise chase her away from the wave constantly.
Yorick. At lv1 he has nothing. He needs graves before he has any damage. Push him off of minions and don't allow him to spawn graves with his Q.
Dr. Mundo. Dodge the axes and otherwise don't give him a minion for a very very long time. This champion does not ever gain enough damage to kill you in lane. His biggest threat is outsustaining you.
Versus champions with bad wave clear, it is useful to proxy the waves behind their tower. Because what you can do is E+Q the front wave really fast. Then walk around and proxy. Many champions cannot contest your wave clear spead, especially if have a kill or two because then your damage spikes just enough to full clear a wave with 1 combo. Another tip is to only proxy when you have ult up since your ult turns any gank into a 1v1. Champions to do this vs are:
Only proxy if you know the position of the enemy jungler (or you guess you know lol)
Passive + Ultimate
Rarely ever use your ult unless you have your passive active. Reason being, you are probably going to waste half of the ult duration just chasing the enemy to the other side of the realm. This is super stupid. If your passive is active you get the movement speed that is designed to help you stick to the enemy. The only time this rule doesn't count is if you ult a carry to keep them from killing your allies. In which case killing them is not the goal.
Ultimate vs Smite
By far the greatest feeling as Mordekaiser. If you are in Dragon/ Baron pit you can ult the enemy jungler to keep them in the realm and therefore deny them from being able to Smite the Dragon/ Baron. Do note though, that they can still see the Dragon/ Baron for about 1 second in the realm. So you need to ult quite early. Don't wait for the exact Smite moment. This is also extremely useful when the enemy jungler jumps into the pit for the last Smite or they are just standing next to the pit and you have a ward on them. Hit ult and have both of you just stand on boths sides of the wall LOL.
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