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LoL Best Mordekaiser Top Build Guides 2024

Build guides for Mordekaiser Top on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Mordekaiser Top builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 14 Guides // Patch 14.18
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Mordekaiser | The One-Way-Ticket to Brazil | Detailed Guide

Guide by Your Desired Username updated September 14, 2024
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New Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide


Guide by FunnyJuanny updated September 13, 2024
Season 14 Guides // Patch 14.17
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Mordekaiser Matchups

Guide by Frankoloko updated August 29, 2024
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Season 14 Guides // Other Patches
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Raen's Mordekaiser Tips & Build (¬‿^)

Guide by Raen updated July 6, 2024
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

[14.**] The BEST Mordekaiser Guide + MATCHUP RUNDOWN

Guide by BezMemow updated June 26, 2024
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Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Full Tank Fatman Mordekaiser

Guide by orka4.sandraj updated May 22, 2024
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Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

S14 Mordekaiser top guide with matchups. READ NOTES [Master]

Guide by Witchking of Angwar updated May 8, 2024
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Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Chippys Mordekaiser S14 Guide

Guide by Amnosia updated March 21, 2024
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

[14.1 ] S14| In-depth | Mordekaiser Top + Counters

Guide by TXK_ updated January 14, 2024
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Season 14 Builds // Other Patches
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

[14.14] Fosildekaiser

Build by RanDomGuY060 updated July 17, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Mordekaise Quema Pelos Del Culo

Build by Lancer895 updated July 23, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Assasin morde

Build by Vishh updated June 29, 2024
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Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Raid Boss Mordekaiser Top/Jng

Build by Gamingboi updated June 21, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

My Mordekaiser Build

Build by Reeyver updated May 20, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Rocketbelt Morde

Build by Rattus updated April 27, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Mordekaiser Jesuscirraptor TOP Attack Speed AP

Build by Jesuscirraptor updated March 26, 2024
  • Off-Meta
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

(WIP) [SEASON 14] Ame's TOPLANE + JUNGLE Mordekaiser Guide

Build by SillyAme updated March 22, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

szynom build

Build by Kafami updated March 10, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide

Metal Is The Law

Build by WilsorBR updated February 20, 2024
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide
LoL Champion Mordekaiser Build Guide


Build by xtriXplox updated February 5, 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 23

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide