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Aatrox is a tough battle as of right now, his early game is strong, but not as strong as yours, get executioner's calling and root out the Darkin with your Shield Vault and Comet Spear combo.
Your Shield will block her Charm, you can Shield Vault away from her Q with a creep as it comes back around.
Akali is weak in most hands with recent patch, you can beat her easy if you just don't feed. Not a hard matchup at all, avoid smoke screen.
Amumu is not too much of a threat alone, but will lock you down for his friends, get mercury treads for this matchup IF they are not a hard auto-attack team.
Anivia is pretty strong right now, but if you can kill her, you can easily burst down her egg with your W, Q combo. Her wall will zone you, don't tower dive.
Annie has annoying damage with a stun passive, she can now shield her friends too. But there is a hope: You can lock down Tibbers. Stay under tower until he is gone, then lock onto Annie and win.
Not a lot of Aphelios', much less that are any good. You'll only see him in the bottom lane, you'll beat him easily if you got a ranged ADC or a ranged Support.
You can block her abilities with your shield, but can still be very threatening in the right hands, block for your carry or support so they can move freely whilst you guys prepare to ability dump once she is vulnerable.
Aurelion Sol
He's not played much at all, and is pretty weak right now. Do not worry about this matchup.
Azir's kit can be AMAZING in the right hands, but you can block the sand men with your shield, and vault over his ult. but watch out for his exceptional power spikes!
He will provide heals for himself, his teammates, and provide hard stuns, and travel through walls, Don't enter bard portals or he will lock you down and do major damage himself, or with his friends. If it's on hit bard, take Plated Steelcaps
Step on his shrines to destroy them!
Blitzcrank grabs you through the shield, be prepared to kite the grapple. If you can't, you're in rough shape.
Brand is a teamfight exterminator, priority ban when Support as he is VERY strong, scales SUPER hard, and will BURN you with the 'balanced' 200 years worth of work that Rito has to offer.
Kill him as much as early as you can, do not let him feast upon you, or he will become too big for anyone to handle.
His early game is good, so is yours. But you cannot beat him without Plated Steel Caps, wait for him to initiate with his E pull, once he does that, he will likely Q, use Shield Vault to get too close to him for his axe to hit, and then burst him down.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo isn't much played right now, but his health regen is pretty bad, anti-heal and mercury treads to win.
Evelynn is just outright busted right now, control ward in key areas, and invade early to try and stave off her farm.
Fiora is usually a tank counter pick, you are no 'tank'. You are shield and spear, a Pantheon. You will win through attrition.
Garen is easily beatable, you must prevent his passive heal as much as you can with your Comet Spear, and do not let him execute you.
Fizz has yet to be fixed, and is a priority ban at the Middle Lane. Beg your jungler for ganks, but if he gets 2 kills in, before 15, FF 15
Your shield blocks his E, W, and turrets. Save your shield for when he ults as that is when he bursts his hardest. Do not walk into turret nest for any reason.
Elise is busted right now, she can become untargetable at will and will pounce on you within her circle, without warning. She also has annoying CC that will drive you bonkers. Mercury treads and ward, back away from ganks.
She has a physical damage shield and a good ult, can be a handful, but you can out damage her with this build, and even go toe-to-toe with massive amounts of lifesteal.
She is WAY too strong, she is a strong lane bully, and can actually 1v5 a team. It's ridiculous, play tower and ask for ganks to shove her into negative KD.
A well placed E and your W is meaningless. Be careful and play around Jax's cooldowns and you'll win easy.
Irelia is a strong bruiser, healing a lot with serious 1v1 potential, kite her stun. And Vault onto her when she charges her stab.
Anti-Mage, you are no mage.
Your shield beats ALL of his abilities.
Your shield beats most of her abilities. Not a hard matchup for Pantheon as long as he closes the gap.
His early game is strong, if you feel like you're about to win a fight with him and dismount Skaarl, watch his resource bar. You may wanna back down while you're ahead.
The CC lockdown she provides will get you bursted down, kite Zenith Blade and keep distance when not able to kill her in one engagement.
Jarvan IV
Great King Jarvan IV is strong, but when he puts up the arena around you 2 to go toe-to-toe, you will show him with power of the aspect.
When in team fights, he will zone you, try to W out of his ult somehow.
Mega Gnar is the only threat, play around it and you win. Keep back when its up
He will burst you down HARD, he will evolve just for you, if you're strong enough. Do NOT fight him alone, and do NOT invade.
You can vault onto him when he ults, and walk behind him. Shield it if you have to.
Lucian is strong, but Pantheon's kit is designed against him.
This is a clash of the early game, don't shield when he has his dashes up, as he will just dash behind you, W, Q combo him when close to tower, but if its middle of the lane or closer to his tower, stay back.
He will SOAK your damage output, priority ban for top lane.
Master Yi
Believe it or not, if you E in his direction before he uses Alpha Strikes, it negates ALL damage. Allowing you to kill him easily.
Early game is weak for him, keep him out of XP range, and completely bully him. Freeze lane under your tower as much as you can. But beware, he can outscale EASILY if left uncheck. He is a permanent split push presence, so always be ready to address him. Level 6 he can win EASY if you don't level up your E cool down.
He will guarantee kills and he will also provide unfair gold advantages, kill him first in team fights, and be ready to flash when in executable range.
You beat her so easily, she is very weak. But end the game fast and she won't scale up hard at level 16.
Kite her root and be careful of her E slow, buy mercury treads and be ready to get Maw for the shield.
You beat her entire kit with your shield, but she outranges your shield vault with her auto attack, so if you're going to get close enough to her range, be ready to engage and close the distance.
She is super-duper strong right now, you can E her abilities just like most things, but she has a lot of mobility o get around you, her damage per hit is unfair, and this maybe a priority ban for ADC.
Depends on who she is matched up with, she can be good with a Yasuo. But not many synergies for her
Pretty strong pick, but her root does manage to hit you through the shield, so kite that instead and shield vault out of her ult with proper positioning.
Stay away from bushes, and you win early. He will tank all the damage you try to deal. And he will lock you down with his CC, keep distance and fight his squishies before focusing him down.
Nidalee is actually very strong, her Javelin Toss is a kite, in worse scenarios a shield. She has quick, combo cool downs and will actually keep throwing combos at you, you will die if you don't have help.
His abilities allow him to negate all damage you try to put out, you need to play around his blocking and try to hurt him when he's not blocking. He will teleport around a lot, this will be the only matchup you may want to consider getting TP as a summoner spell.
He's just overall in a very bad spot right now. Watchout for proxy farm and don't chase for long.
If you're playing blind pick, switch to draft. I promise you it's better, but if you run across another Pantheon, it is a pure battle of attrition, land your combos first and immediately fault back into an E so that you can block his counter attack.
Has decent abilities, but the armor steal is more or less useless against you in this build.
He's tanky, and will out sustain you in the laning phase, get ganks when hes crashed in and get some easy kills on him.
Tahm Kench
He is tanky, and has a VERY strong early game, maybe even better than Pantheon's, if he's at the top lane with grasp of undying and domination runes, then get anti-heal and mercury treads.
He will gank you, and there will be nothing you can do about it except freeze under tower. He builds speed and stacks armor fast, you won't likely get to kill him.
Her W will block your W outright, stunning you and allowing free damage. She is seeing a small pick up in pro play as an off tank, or juggernaut. Positioning is her win condition, stay away from being between her and a wall, and when she throws her passive buckler out, try to step on it like you would a bard shrine.
Mechanically difficult, but a fun duel if you're not losing hard. Be careful, ask for ganks if needed, and fight around her cooldowns. Her ult is an issue if you let her get you low.
He is tanky, whilst 'juggernauting' your damage, he is dishing out his own, waking circles around you and slowing you. Don't let his shotgun blasts from his legs hurt you, try to stick to a half of his body and don't let him circle you, at half health. Watch out for his ultimate! It will kill you, play aggressive early.
I've played Pantheon ADC, and a buddy of mine can really put Nami to work, using her kit to boost your damage and knock up enemies, you're guaranteed immunity from death with her heal, and your lifesteal. You will burst down enemies so easily with this combo.
I've played Pantheon ADC, and a buddy of mine can really put Nami to work, using her kit to boost your damage and knock up enemies, you're guaranteed immunity from death with her heal, and your lifesteal. You will burst down enemies so easily with this combo.
Hello fellow reader and wiki goer! My name is AmericanNut. I'm a player, like many. That has picked up Pantheon a little recently because of how over tuned he is. You will find quick, successive ability uses with this character, with a decently quick cooldown and Q 'execute'. This champion is thematically fun and his lore is very entertaining! Listed below, are some Pros and Cons I have found whilst playing this champion in season 11!
-Strong Early Game
-Over tuned
-Abilities allow good combos and escapes
-Strong Duelist
-Strong Team Fight Defender
-Point and Click Stun
-Map/Gank Pressure
-Tanks beat him
Ability Run Down
Ability Run Down
Mortal's Will Passive: Land attacks or use abilities to gain a maximum of 5 stacks, on 5 stacks. Next ability will have a bonus effect.
Resets on fountain visit.
Comet Spear Q: Tap for a quick jab with your spear that costs low amounts of mana. Hold to throw your spear, spending more mana doing strong damage on the first enemy hit and less on collateral enemies.
Bonus damage to critical health champions. Mortal Will Bonus: Stronger flat damage and more AD scaling.
Shield Vault W: Point and Click stun, lasts 1 second.
Mortal Will Bonus: Stun for 1 second, boosting your Attack Speed on that target GREATLY. (Procs electrocute really well)
Aegis Assault E: Blocks all damage (except tower shots) In chosen direction. Pantheon continuously jabs his spear around his shield doing low damage to targets directly in front of his shield. (Duration can be cancelled at any time) Mortal Will Bonus: Gain 15% movement speed after the shield is lowered.
Grand Starfall R: In a medium sized circle, Pantheon chooses a spot on the map, jumping up and landing on chosen area. Dealing moderate damage and slowing all enemies hit.
Right before Pantheon lands, he throws his spear in the middle of his landing, slowing all enemies and dealing low to moderate damage. Mortal Will Bonus: Instantly fills all gauges to Mortal Will, even when empty.
Combo: While at full Mortal Will, use your Shield Vault on a squishy target, bursting them down with electrocute, follow up with a auto attack, which will bring mortal will up again, then Comet Spear to execute or deal a chunk of health. Finish them off with Aegis Shield and Ignite.
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