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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by 33391

Mundo, the unstopable juggleknob

Mundo, the unstopable juggleknob

Updated on October 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 33391 Build Guide By 33391 1,289 Views 0 Comments
1,289 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 33391 Dr. Mundo Build Guide By 33391 Updated on October 12, 2012
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This is my Dr. Mundo guide. He is built to be invincible if you play him cautiously, and tanky enough that you can fight anyone 1v1 and hold off two people with ease (i have done this many times). It is an expensive build, but its worth remembering.

Alternative items and masteries or runes will be added to this build when i test them out, the main set up is complete but alternatives will come only as i test them out.

By the end of the build you will be able to solo any tower due to a massive hp regen and a ridiculous amount of health. You will also be able to maintain Heart Zapper indefinitely. I hope you enjoy my build.

P.S. this is a work in progress, if you have any ideas, please share them!!!
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I chose my runes for the simple reason that they boost the defense of Dr. Mundo by a lot, same with his magic resistance, since this build does not use that many items that boost those areas, it can help to use runes that beef them up a lot. This is a weakness to this build, because you have a lot of health, but you take a lot of damage, if you increase your armor and magic resistance without having to spend money on it it can help you become tankier and last longer in fights without any real damage to the build. I do not recommend health runes because their effects are negligible by the end of the build.
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I like to beef up my hp more than anything, this is a contradiction to my rune slots, but i find masteries are better at doing that, and they are free with better benefits for the character than negligible rune health add-ons.
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If you stick to my build you will be fine, as far as alts go, still testing them out.
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Skill Sequence:

Whatever you like to use. I prefer Infected Bonesaw to his other abilities, but with this build any skill sequence is great.
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Summoner Spells:

They help you maintain your position at the beginning of the game when you are still saving money up for the rest of the build, at least the Heal does, the second spell is up to your style of play and what you prefer to use, it doesn't really matter.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 33391
33391 Dr. Mundo Guide
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Mundo, the unstopable juggleknob

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