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Wukong Build Guide by SPAGHETTIBOY101

Top MY BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

Top MY BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

Updated on September 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SPAGHETTIBOY101 Build Guide By SPAGHETTIBOY101 1,195 Views 0 Comments
1,195 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SPAGHETTIBOY101 Wukong Build Guide By SPAGHETTIBOY101 Updated on September 9, 2013
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Wukong, the Monkey King is a Fighter/slightly tanky top laner champion. In this guide, I will tell you about some tips and tricks to be a better Wukong!
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I would advise having Ignite and flash as your spells for Wukong, ignite can help you alot during the laning phase and even late game. I would always advise having flash for almost any champion in the game, it can save you from getting another death ( and nobody likes them! ) and you can use it for other things as well such as stealing baron!
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For Runes, try Armour Pen Marks, Armour Seals, Magic Resist Glyphs and Attack Damage Quints.
These Runes are very good for Wukong because the Armour pen Marks work with his 'Q'. The Armour and Magic Resist Runes are just good all rounder defence Runes and the Attack Damage Quints also work with his 'Q' dealing additional damage.
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For Masteries, try 21-9-0. In offense, get all the AD and a bit of CD for your Wukong page. And in Defense get a bit of Health, Armour and Magic Resist. Having these Masteries should help you a bit during the laning phase early game.
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Pros / Cons

The Pros about wukong is that he can deal amazing amounts of damage in a very short amount of time.

The Cons about Wukong is that if you are new to playing wukong, you may not know about his 'W' ability's clone is not controllable.
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Wukong is a great champion for farming creeps with. His 'Q' and 'W' abilities have a very low mana cost and cooldown allowing him to farm really easily. Try to get alot of creeps during early game to help you buy your core items so you can have the upper hand advantage over your opponents. Also in the laning phase, when you feel that you are strong enough and have pushed your lane enough, try ganking mid lane to help out your team, this can pick you up some easy kills and give you even more gold!
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Skill Sequence

When it comes to the sequence of Wukongs abilities, try using his 'W' to initiate to the target, then 'Q' them and to secure the kill, 'R' them and while you Cyclone is active Ignite your target to make sure your target has no chance at getting away.

Later through the game when you have team fights, initiate with your 'E' and 'R' straight away to knock up the enemy team so your team can lay down some more damage to give you a better chance of winning that team fight.
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To sum up my Wukong build, i would say that if you try this guide, you could be finding yourself that you might have a new favourite champion and that you could be winning alot more games with Wukong! So please tell your friends about this guide and have fun playing Wukong!!! :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SPAGHETTIBOY101
SPAGHETTIBOY101 Wukong Guide
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MY BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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