You can beat her in early and mid game due to your poke and you can generally out damage her.Predict where she tumbles to hit your Q.
You can beat Graves in lane but in a face to face 1v1 he should be able to out damage you so try to poke him down with your Q and Auto attacks.(use your e to position around him to get the poke out and to get out of his Q and ULT.)
You can out damage her but her Q is fight changing due to the damage and her slow passive stops you from escaping so stay close enough to land your Q and Auto Attacks but not to close and use your E to escape from her slow or ult.
Draven out damages you by alot so you would want to stay away take cs and poke with your q. to poke him out of lane use the marker of where his Q his gana land and shoot your Q there forcing him to either not catch his Q making him loose mana or catch the Q and take damage. Make sure not to get hit by CC from his sp so he cant get free Auto Attacks of cause they do a lot and could be fight changing.
Right now Jinx's early game is really weak and it is easy to snow ball against her.You should poke her and dodge her E.Jinx uses her rockets when her E hits causing you to take damage so dodge it. When her E is down you can go full ham on her as she has no other way to escape.
When she lands her E walk or E away to make sure she cant Auto Attack so she does penut damage
Same as graves you need to Poke first. Lucion is good at dodging your Q with his E sotry to predict it to maximise damage.
Kalista is Squishy.Make sure she doesnt get rolling with kills so you want to play safe, CS and poke to win lane and late game she wont be of much use as when she is behind she is bad.
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