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hard to take down early due to how tanky he is and outscales u a lot, jg diff matters here. buy exec. Seems you actually outscale him with 6 items, you will need grievous wounds, mercurial and navori. He only wins at 2k stacks if you have proper build
skill matchup, never q engage, wait for his q then q on him, or if he misses his e for some reason. you can win early easily with ignite.
pain in the *** early
shouldn't be too hard with ignite. just block his q with ur e.
good first levels but u should beat him after lvl 5 usually, take short trades and dodge his spells
almost impossible to solo kill in lane and has very good teamfight ulti, build wits end at some point if you want to kill him, I would suggest bork normally but it's trash tier now
dodge her q and e and kill her at lvl 2. she is basically a minion if she misses those spells early game, your best chance is pre 6 and after that short trades until she is low enough to one shot. never 1v1 with her full hp if she has ulti and even gold
ez lane
don't feed her early lead and outscale try to cancel her jump with ur e
will always beat you in lane, you need exec
skill matchup but she usually wins early by default
never start with q on him early, you will get very low if you do it and auto lose the trade. it's very hard to play against him early on, ask for gank
careful of early cheese after that he is minion
Depends on skill of akali player. Either way don't fight in her shroud don't dive her unless you know you can one shot and outscale
If Cho is playing passively you won't be able to kill him, but neither does he pose a threat to you. Ward to stay safe from ganks
Dr. Mundo
Normally he is hard to kill but with addition of kraken slayer you might be able to finish him really fast. Buy exec
Very easy matchup just side step his spells or jump behind and whack him but his items right now are kind of busted
Depends on skill of croc but usually he wins early and you win mid and late. always try to block his w with ur e and u even win early if you outplay him
his early game is super strong and so is sunfire. You outscale him hard but he has a lot of teamfight power with his ult so if he beats you early you're in for a bad time don't get taunted under his tower
Depends on build of teemo player. Scaling builds like dark harvest and no ignite can be punished easily. All in him at lvl 2. Try tenacity rune in this mu and magic res shard.
Strong early game but falls off hard against you
Pretty annoying to deal with in lane, if your jg doesn't help you're pretty much guaranteed to feed him. If it's jungle rengar you won't have much trouble with him but in lane he really **** you up, don't get poked down at lvl 6 you can trade very well
Has some 200 years level of dmg early game and a shield. If he goes ignite he really can burst you a lot. You win this until level 3 then you need to outscale and let him push so he can't run you down.
Annoying as **** champ. Good sions will try to stun you from bush when you're entering lane so don't enter the lane directly. You outscale him but he can kamikaze your towers late game with demolish and tp so make sure you beat him hard in lane and end early.
She is a monster late game and has way more tf impact than you so you need to shut her down early.
Take Mr shard. He should usually int you if he goes top
Can't be killed by yourself and annoying poke
Don't get poked and you will be fine. Take quick trades and back off to get him low
Try to go even as you outscale her. If good riven player lane will be rough until 6.dont get baited into diving her
I like to run ghost against him and Mr shard. You're probably gonna need triforce here for move speed too or he's just gonna run circles around you if you don't one shot him during ur stun
A good kennen player will destroy your hopes
Very hard to solo kill but that might change with kraken slayer. Has way more team impact than u
Jump on her and aa w and retreat during ur counter Strike if she has her spells up. If she wasted her spells before your jump then run her down. Later try to just one shot her in teamfights, if she stuns you you're usually dead. Mercs are better than tabis here
Very hard to deal with throughout the game
Master Yi
Jungle matchup you should beat yi at all stages in the game usually even If he outplayed ur e.
Lee Sin
This blind fool will get cocky at scuttle. You can 1v1 him if you took ignite so just auto him to death at scuttle crab. If you're playing top beware of his ganks.
He can poop you in lane with his spam but you outscale hard. Try to hold your e until he ults you if you can and stun him as soon as he comes out.
Jungle matchup seems pretty even but if you're top it seems easier to dodge his ganks. If he ults just ward hop to tower. Don't build tanky
You can counter gank pretty easily and 1v1 him at lvl 3 but his vision reduction counters you hard.
If he dodges your e your dead. You outscale late game.
Xin Zhao
A good xin player will invade you non stop in jg and ruin your life early on
His ganks are very effective but you outscale him
Not seen top but she ruins your life with her cc and magic + true damage. Also impossible to touch since she has 3 dashes and you have 1 and she also has better cc. Honestly just pray your team can deal with her or that she is bad at positioning
As jg jax he is an easy gank but later on he becomes impossible to deal with and will **** on you in teamfights
Cc similar to Ahri very annoying to play against try tenacity runes
Can nuke you and cc u easily in teamfights
yuumi good
Nunu & Willump
disco nunu
Active: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for up to 2 seconds, causing all basic attacks against him to miss. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. After 1 second, Jax can reactivate to end it immediately.
Buffed jax is happy jax
Her heals are really good at keeping you alive for your cds to come down
Good setup for a multi counter strike.
The wind ****ters are strong with jax
A tanky mid like malph with huge cc to draw attention from the enemy team so you can deal dmg to then is always good
A good sett supp is good at drawing attention letting you get free hits on them during tf.
Strong cc to help you kill them and a shield
yuumi good
Nunu & Willump
disco nunu
Active: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for up to 2 seconds, causing all basic attacks against him to miss. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. After 1 second, Jax can reactivate to end it immediately.
Buffed jax is happy jax
Her heals are really good at keeping you alive for your cds to come down
Good setup for a multi counter strike.
The wind shitters are strong with jax
A tanky mid like malph with huge cc to draw attention from the enemy team so you can deal dmg to then is always good
A good sett supp is good at drawing attention letting you get free hits on them during tf.
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