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Nami Build Guide by Adelaide

Support Nami the fish carry

Support Nami the fish carry

Updated on November 7, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Adelaide Build Guide By Adelaide 4,796 Views 1 Comments
4,796 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Adelaide Nami Build Guide By Adelaide Updated on November 7, 2019
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Runes: Cdr

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Nami the fish carry

By Adelaide
Hello I'm a League of Legends player and a support main. My actual divisions are diamond 3, platinum 4 and gold 4. I play since season 3, but I was absent for seasons 6 and 7 because needed some pause. Nami is my favourite champion so far because she can completely change the way a game turns out. Also she is very good pick when you need to poke or engage fights by your ultimate. I think instead of this I even find this champion so fun and I'm not getting bored by playing her for so long time.
Pros and Cons

- Good Poke
- Good engage/disengage
- Good sustain
- Good heals
- High team fight potential
- Beautifull fish


- Squishy
- Probably will suffer because of mana in early game
- Can be hard to learn Q
- At the beginning can be hard to learn how to play good in teamfights
Do the tear or Ignore it?
I found many people not sure about this item. Because it gives you much more mana which is very good in early game, but at the same time you will make Ardent or Redemption later. Honestly I'm a fan of this item, because I used to be agressive support and hard poke in early and middle part of game. So it's like a core for my playstyle and if you like it too, I would reccomend you to make this item as fast as you can. But if you are more like a passive support and you don't suffer of mana in that part of game, I think you can skip this item and rush Ardent or Redemption.
When you upgrade it to Seraph's Embrace - totally depends from you and game. But I usually do it as last or penultimate item
Laning Phase
Nami is a support with pretty good poke in early game. If the enemy support is passive, you can feel free to use Ebb and Flow many times on him and earn some free money. In a good moments you can also use Aqua Prison and make your adc deal a lot of free damage to enemies (which is also very usefull on early ganks)
If the enemy support is agressive, try to hide behind the minions and use your poke only when the moment isn't dangerous for you

If your team is planning to invade enemy jungle, you should take Aque Prison as first ability, if they aren't - start with Eb and Flow.
Remember to always keep vision in the river (I also reccomend you to keep the ward in tri-bush for feel more safe, mostly when you are pushing or enemies got a good champions to try fight under turret)

Boots of Mobility are good for you to back on bot as fast as it is possible. But if your ADC is ok with standing on lane and farming alone for a while, you can also roam mid. It's up to you when you finish your boots, but I mostly do them after finish fully first item.

Once you destroy the bot turret first don't feel stucked to your ADC all the time. You can also roam mid and top if he is in troubles and try to take herald for your team. When you are doing it, remember to keep the vision because you are pretty squishy champion.
Nami work in teamfight is make sure you will keep your carry alive, by protect him and heal. At the same time remember that your bubble can save the teamfight by stunning enemy carry champions.

Don't forget to use your items, because Redemption can save many fights and if you decide to make Mikael's Crucible you can easy cancel the enemies trying to kill your teammates.

Also don't forget your ultimate is a very good engage and can make many teamfights easy for your team. For example if in your team is Nami, Yasuo and Malphite - your 3 ultimates can win or at least almost totally detroy enemies.
I want to say: thank you everyone for reading my first guide on Mobafire. If it helps any of you, I'm really glad I could do it.
If you want to comment it and share your opinion about possible changes or just say "thank you" - feel free to do it :)

Good luck everyone with working on your rank!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Adelaide
Adelaide Nami Guide
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Nami the fish carry

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