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Not Updated For Current Season
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Can be annoying to fight against him cause the dash and the poke. Try be alert when he has the tornado and specially after level 6. To kill it try predicting his dash, but be aware of the wind wall
Its a skill matchup. Rush Seeker's Armguard and be very careful. He is going to try to land you his 2 Q, if you cant dodge the 2 try that a minion is hit by it first. He will always appear behind you when he activates his R.
Early game you win, if you got on the prison dont go to the edges and evade his attacks.
can poke you hard, but if you get near he is dead.
Tough match, try not to be hit by her lunar arc, so she only can dash once to you. When goes all in, back a bit to tower an throw your e. Once in level 6, you need more aware of the dash.
Can delete you level 3 if not carefull, she will try to engage with ice (stun) or plant (invisible) element. She can also dash through you W.
Not so though, you can stun her on her ring. If she comes right at you with her ability just try tu stun her.
On lane phase, you are most likely to win. Beware your ult when engaging, if he throws it, throw yours.
intimidating match, pre level 6 she will try to poke you and farm with her Q (throwing knife). Dont stand near her blades, if she dashes to you or her blades, try to stun her.
When sup, your stun benefits her damage. Combo your ulti with hers.
Pretty good CC from both.
You can make him hits his abilities easier.
if she ult the whole team, you can R them and most of them will die.
if she stuns, stun the enemy again and he will be dead
A lot of stun potential + his passive
When sup, your stun benefits her damage. Combo your ulti with hers.
Pretty good CC from both.
You can make him hits his abilities easier.
if she ult the whole team, you can R them and most of them will die.
if she stuns, stun the enemy again and he will be dead
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