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Recommended Items
Runes: Renewer (S12 Recommended)
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order The only way.
Gathering Fire (PASSIVE)
Karma Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Im Chrys, a "veteran" player since Season 2. Although I main support, I do play all roles. I have decided to write my first guide about Tank
Karma though, as I consider her to be one of the most versatile Top lane champions. Her sustain (W), as well as her ability to strenghten her team and turn teamfights upside down makes her a huge powerbank.
In case you like my content here on MobaFire, I would gladly welcome you to my stream at twitch.tv/crywoofietv!
I have started streaming just recently, so every viewer helps me greatly! <3
See you on the rift, summoner!
Im Chrys, a "veteran" player since Season 2. Although I main support, I do play all roles. I have decided to write my first guide about Tank

In case you like my content here on MobaFire, I would gladly welcome you to my stream at twitch.tv/crywoofietv!
I have started streaming just recently, so every viewer helps me greatly! <3
See you on the rift, summoner!
Pros & Cons
+ Huge survivability + Great sustained damage + A lot of poke and slows with ![]() + Can carry the team as a protector + Not hard to learn + Literally unkillable if played right |
- Mana hungry early game - Needs core items for full potential - You can get flamed for the pick - Anti-healing makes your life a bit harder - Needs good decision-making - You tilt enemies too often |
Summoner spells
Rune page 1 - Recommended
This is my preferred page for

- Other possibilities :

Rune page 2 - Grasp
This is the preferred page for

Rune page 3 - Moonstone Renewer page

PASSIVE Refreshes 5 seconds of ![]() |
R This is what makes ![]() |
Q Great farming tool and really good poking spell with high damage. Fires a blast of energy that explodes on enemy contact dealing magic damage to enemies in the area and slowing them for 1.25 seconds. When empowered, deals extra magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area or upon reaching maximum range, slowing enemies. After 1.5 seconds, the circle erupts, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area. |
W This is what you save ![]() Karma forms a tether to target enemy champion, revealing and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds (one tick at the start of the cast and one at the end). ![]() When empowered, increases the duration of the root by 0.5-1.25 seconds and heals Karma for 20% (+1% per 100AP) of her missing health immediately plus another 20% (+1% per 100AP) of her missing health if the tether remains unbroken. |
E Great for escapes, survivability and when empowered, it can boost your whole team in team fights a lot. Karma shields target ally for 4 seconds and grants the target bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds. When empowered - it increases the target's shield amount. Allied champions gain 30% of that amount as a shield, and are also hasted by 40-60%. |
Starting items

-I also consider taking:

Mythic options

Always go for


Situational - your choice

All of these items have +% healing and shielding power, which is great for your kit too. You can even combine 2 of those items together in your build, and be even more helpful to your team.

Do not run:


His sustain is great, his CC is hitting hard, and later he becomes tanky enough to eat all of your damage. You can outtrade him early, as your damage and mobility are pretty high itself but he will get very beefy, so take

I am not as certain about this one, yet considering all the games I have played this matchup in, I do not feel like it is a hard one. Poke whenever she tries to farm and stay behind your minions, so she will not be able to use

Easy - Medium
The matchup got better in the recent patches.
Deny his farm, poke whenever possible. If he starts a fight with you, your spells should be enough to lock him down and along with

Easy - Medium
Most of the time, she will try to dodge or negate your

A good

Early, use your poke as much as you can after baiting out

Whenever she tries to run up you pre-6, you can simply use

You should have the upper hand when she hits level 6 and dominate the lane with your

He cannot outtrade you early and you can punish him for every minion he tries to take.

You cannot go wrong here, as the kit

Whenever he uses

Even though I believe you are to have the upper hand, he can be a nuisance later on. There are many


Early, your poke is just far better and your CC is far more reliable, as your

The thing with this big guy is that most of his power comes from prolonged fights, where he can make use of his passive. Even if getting crushed in the lane, he can get it back with just a little bit of underestimating in team fights. With that said, your laning phase and team fights should be focused on making him hurt less by zoning, kiting, and making sure he does not get to you and your team for free. Everything comes to your positioning. Whenever he wastes his

Created - 9th November 2017
//10th November 2017
- changes to some of the recommended items
//11th November 2017
- added item description
//17th November 2017
-minor update
//26th November 2017
-minor update
//5th December 2017
-minor update, match-ups WIP
//12th January 2018
-added few matchups
//16th January 2018
-second rune page added
//29th January 2018
-8.2 Changes
//11th February 2018
-8.3 Changes did not affect Karma, just to point this out.
//14th February 2018
-Change in the runes section and reasoning for not using Inspiration runes.
//22nd February 2018
-minor update for 8.4 Changes, did not affect the build as much though.
//5th March 2018
-minor runes, item, and matchups update
//11th March 2018
-8.5 did not affect
Karma at all, yet I am meeting a lot more
Dariuses and
Swains now, so expect matchups soon.
//26th March 2018
-8.6 Changes to runes and items -
Mirror Shell and
Iron Skin have been removed,
Abyssal Mask got minor changes.
//16th April 2018
-8.7 did not affect
Karma or this build.
//28th April 2018
-8.8 did not (again) affect
Karma - the build is still viable and fun to play!
//24th May 2018
-8.9 and 8.10 have affected the starting items - minor update of these.
//8th June 2018
-8.11 Changes added to items and runes. Rest in peace,
The Ultimate Hat.
//24th June 2018
-minor changes
//9th July 2018
-8.13 did not affect
Karma and the build is still very viable. Added two more matchups.
//23rd July 2018
-in 8.14,
Karma got some changes. Her starting armor got buffed, which benefits this build greatly! Early, her mana sustain is better and her inner fire has a bit bigger explosion radius now / even tho combined with
Mantra, it deals a bit less damage early game.
//16th August 2018
-8.15 and 8.16 did not affect this build and it is very viable. Even though
Scorch has half the damage now, the cooldown was also lowered to 10s, which benefits our poke-based laning even more.
//20th November 2018
-8.23 already and the build is still very viable.
Karma has been buffed few times, and the new rune
Shield Bash is great with this playstyle. Looking good!
-I also want to apologize for not updating the guide through the last few patches due to a lack of time. I will probably update the guide slightly every now and then.
//10th December 2018
-minor chapter updates, 8.24 changes did not affect this build.
//5th February 2019
-the build is still very viable and the last few patches helped it too. For example,
Shield Bash and
Forbidden Idol got buffed, both being used in the build
//18th February 2019
-none of the changes affected this build, plus some of the matchups (
Irelia) are somewhat easier now, after the nerfs.
//12th June 2020
-After more than a year, I decided to come back to the guide and I will try to update it as often as possible. The build is still not only viable but also very rewarding in the current meta!
//29th June 2020
-removed outdated info
//8th October 2020
-the guide is still very viable, currently testing out the new items on PBE, so we can update to the next season!
//15th October 2020
- What a time to be alive!
Karma has been hit with some nice buffs this patch, go and get some free LP!
//26th January 2021
-S11 is here, so I will try to update the guide as much as I can! Some parts are still missing, but bear with me, please.
//4th February 2021
Karma's base mana regen and the cost of inner fire got buffed in 11.3!
//19th February 2021
- The build is still very viable. There were some changes to moonstone, but the main builds remain untouched.
//3rd March 2021
- We got another buff in 11.5, this time, our Q cooldown got reduced!
//18th March 2021
-There are no changes to the build in 11.6
//4th April 2021
The build stays unchanged for 11.7 and Karma remains invincible.
//12th July 2021
Karma has been nerfed recently (her base AD got reduced by 3) and so did Divine Sunderer, but the builds are still very viable. I will try to update the guide as much as possible.
//3rd March 2022
Added some S12 changes, continuing to test more. Will try to update the guide from time to time. The build remains strong, recently I found
Moonstone Renewer to be the most viable mythic choice.
//16th April 2022
Moonstone has been nerfed but still remains the best item for our playstyle.
//14th May 2022
Not much has changed this patch, but the next one is going to bring huge healing changes and will need more testing.
Looking forward to your feedback!
- CB
//10th November 2017
- changes to some of the recommended items
//11th November 2017
- added item description
//17th November 2017
-minor update
//26th November 2017
-minor update
//5th December 2017
-minor update, match-ups WIP
//12th January 2018
-added few matchups
//16th January 2018
-second rune page added
//29th January 2018
-8.2 Changes
//11th February 2018
-8.3 Changes did not affect Karma, just to point this out.
//14th February 2018
-Change in the runes section and reasoning for not using Inspiration runes.
//22nd February 2018
-minor update for 8.4 Changes, did not affect the build as much though.
//5th March 2018
-minor runes, item, and matchups update
//11th March 2018
-8.5 did not affect

//26th March 2018
-8.6 Changes to runes and items -

//16th April 2018
-8.7 did not affect

//28th April 2018
-8.8 did not (again) affect

//24th May 2018
-8.9 and 8.10 have affected the starting items - minor update of these.
//8th June 2018
-8.11 Changes added to items and runes. Rest in peace,

//24th June 2018
-minor changes
//9th July 2018
-8.13 did not affect

//23rd July 2018
-in 8.14,

//16th August 2018
-8.15 and 8.16 did not affect this build and it is very viable. Even though

//20th November 2018
-8.23 already and the build is still very viable.

-I also want to apologize for not updating the guide through the last few patches due to a lack of time. I will probably update the guide slightly every now and then.
//10th December 2018
-minor chapter updates, 8.24 changes did not affect this build.
//5th February 2019
-the build is still very viable and the last few patches helped it too. For example,

//18th February 2019
-none of the changes affected this build, plus some of the matchups (

//12th June 2020
-After more than a year, I decided to come back to the guide and I will try to update it as often as possible. The build is still not only viable but also very rewarding in the current meta!
//29th June 2020
-removed outdated info
//8th October 2020
-the guide is still very viable, currently testing out the new items on PBE, so we can update to the next season!
//15th October 2020
- What a time to be alive!

//26th January 2021
-S11 is here, so I will try to update the guide as much as I can! Some parts are still missing, but bear with me, please.
//4th February 2021

//19th February 2021
- The build is still very viable. There were some changes to moonstone, but the main builds remain untouched.
//3rd March 2021
- We got another buff in 11.5, this time, our Q cooldown got reduced!
//18th March 2021
-There are no changes to the build in 11.6
//4th April 2021
The build stays unchanged for 11.7 and Karma remains invincible.
//12th July 2021
Karma has been nerfed recently (her base AD got reduced by 3) and so did Divine Sunderer, but the builds are still very viable. I will try to update the guide as much as possible.
//3rd March 2022
Added some S12 changes, continuing to test more. Will try to update the guide from time to time. The build remains strong, recently I found

//16th April 2022
Moonstone has been nerfed but still remains the best item for our playstyle.
//14th May 2022
Not much has changed this patch, but the next one is going to bring huge healing changes and will need more testing.
Looking forward to your feedback!
- CB
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