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Hi Guys im TheUrfGod (even though my account says CapnClippers im going to switch it soon) im a Plat tier Jungle main, at the beginning of the season i was Bronze 1 so i have climbed a long way and if i can do it in one season i can definitely help you climb as well you should check out my YouTube channel for video guides that can help you can give you a more visual explanation.
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today we will be teaching you guys how to play camille in the top lane i hope you enjoy this guide if you like our content please check out the demo gaming youtube channel ive played camille a lot recently and i think shes really good
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today we will be teaching you guys how to play camille in the top lane i hope you enjoy this guide if you like our content please check out the demo gaming youtube channel ive played camille a lot recently and i think shes really good
i love these runes for camille because it makes her a little tanky at level 18 it also gives her 14% CDR so when you build trinity force and boots of lucidity you get max CDR and you get a little bit of attack speed which is pretty good for poking and last hitting.
trinity force
this is one of the core items on Camille and is necessary for every build and is an amazing first item because it gives a lot of cool down to Camille which lets you engage and escape easier and lets you do more damage using q it also gives you 40% attack speed and After using an ability your next basic attack deals (200% base AD) bonus damage thats insane for Camille so its definitely a must have
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
i really like going these boots because with these the trinity force and the runes you have max CDR which is really good for Camille especially in mid game where you're going to roam and gank
ninja tabi
ninja tabi is situational but whats really good going against team comps with high attack damage or going against a ad champ that uses auto attacks like Aatrox.
blade of the ruined king
not many people build this on Camille which i think is nuts because it works so well with her kit! giving you 25% more attack speed 12% lifesteal also Basic attacks deal 8% of the target's current health (min 15) bonus on-hit physical damage which makes her autos that much more powerful especially with her ult and the active helps you get so much chase potential try it out :).
ravenous hydra
this item is good on Camille giving you too much attack damage and lifesteal
frozen mallet
most people also dont build frozen mallet on Camille but i think its very good on her actually because it increases your chase potential and gives you a lot of health but you can easily trader it out with STERAK'S GAGE.
guardian angel
this item is really great if you want to focus on the back line with out worrying about getting collapsed on and it can really be a game changer.
randuins omen
this item is pretty good going against AD melee champions and gives you a slow which is really nice for catching poeple out.
steraks gage is a great item on Camille because it gives you +50% base attack damage and doesn't let you die and can be really awesome for those clutch plays.
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