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Gangplank Build Guide by Scen

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Updated on January 2, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Scen Build Guide By Scen 2,341 Views 0 Comments
2,341 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Scen Gangplank Build Guide By Scen Updated on January 2, 2015
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About me

Hey, I'm Scen. I'm currently platinum 2 and have around 1500 ranked games played this season. I don't main toplane but in solo que you don't always get your role. I designed this gangplank guide to work with almost any teamcomp and against anyone. I currently have a 64% winrate with gangplank with 34 wins and 19 loses.
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Why play gangplank?

Ever since Gangplank's ultimate ability was reworked he's been a lot stronger and more consistent. It's now a strong initiate with high AOE damage and a slow. It's instant and global. It can be used to clear waves better than even Ziggs ultimate but with more range.

He can be built very diversely.
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The idea

This guide isn't as much how to win the lane but how to help your team and getting ahead of your lane opponent while doing so.

Most of the time you won't be able to kill your lane opponent without help from the jungler. It best if you try to farm with your parrrley and just stay alive. If you're not dying you will be getting ahead from the bonus gold your parrrley gives.

Once you hit level 6 you're going to want to consider using your ultimate ability to help another lane. Try to watch the mini map as much as you as it can seriously change a fight.

Once you hit late game your role is usually going to be the tank/off tank. Try to poke as much with your parrrley as you can before the fight starts.

Using your ult to initiate can be very effective. Alternatively you can use it to try to finish off a champion or get as many enemies under your ult as you can.
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Scen Gangplank Guide
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