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Heimerdinger Build Guide by RezoneVerified

Support [NEW Season 8] - Diamond 1 Guide - PUSHPUSHPUSH

Support [NEW Season 8] - Diamond 1 Guide - PUSHPUSHPUSH

Updated on January 22, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RezoneVerified Build Guide By RezoneVerified 6 0 61,817 Views 5 Comments
6 0 61,817 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RezoneVerified Heimerdinger Build Guide By RezoneVerified Updated on January 22, 2018
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How is it going guys! My name is Rezone and I am a One Trick Heimerdinger player. I upload gameplays, guides, tips and pretty much any other Heimer related content you could more than likely imagine! Follow me on Youtube/Twitch on and

I was the best Heimerdinger EUW in Season 7 and I'm best known for inventing the Holy Trinity of Tilt build on Heimer a couple of seasons ago! (Banner of Command, ZZ, Rylais etc)

I peaked last Season at Diamond 1 and this was due to my aggressive play style! Rushing Liandries, multiple Dark Seals, constantly diving...i like to think that i bring my own unique playstyle to the ****enator!
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I play pretty much hyper aggressive constantly, having ignite and flash allows me to get some early kills pre level 6. This in turn gives me an early spike and eventually leads to me getting first blood tower or snowballing the lane. Having ignite also gives you that extra damage when your spells are on cooldown.

In certain matchups exhaust is Zed and Talon but having the ability to purchase a stop watch quite early allows you to still build ignite in Season 8.

Teleport in my opinion is only beneficial for pushing sidelines and generally splitting, Heimer lacks severe gank potential due to him needing to firstly set down his turrets in order to do any significant damage.
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The primary/standard rune that I use is Comet! Comet right now is definitely the best overall damage rune, especially on Heimer. Champions have the ability to dodge the comet but with a good grenade combo there is no chance they will ever be able to do this!

Aery/Klepto are good runes for toplane or support. This is due to the nature of the champions you will be against - Fiora, Camille, Tahm, Malph, Irelia etc...These champions are mostly melee and having Klepto/Aery allows you to consistently punish them for trying to get into range! With Heimer having a high range auto attack there is no reason for you to not have a crazy early game lead/early kills! The only downside is that Klepto falls off drastically in teamfights/late its a risk you take when choosing them. Win early or die late.
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Best lane?

In Season 8/Preseason the best lane for Heimerdinger is still mid over top. This is due to his old counters losing their extreme burst from the Thunderlord change and also due to most toplaners being tanky as HELL! Sure you can go top but end game its going to be more beneficial to have a Fiora, Tahm or Shen in teamfights than it would be to have potentially 2 AP damage dealers!

When playing him top its best to take Aery or Kleptomancy, this is due to the natura of Heimer having a great range on his auto attacks.

Constantly auto attacking melee champs top = more Aery procs or more Klepto gold

When playing Heimer mid its best to take the Comet rune. This is due to most AP midlaners having a strong range and in turn negating any auto attack gain from Aery/Klepto. Landing a grenade during your combos pretty much guarantees a comet hit. ALSO your Ultimate Turret procs Comet TWICE during the time it is alive.
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My experience.

I have mained Heimerdinger for around 4 seasons now and have hit Diamond every season. I peaked at Diamond 1 84LP in Season 7.

I have around 3000 Heimerdinger games in total - 2MILLION MASTERY POINTS.

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I have always been a fan of playing and building aggressive. Rushing a Liandries allows you to bully the other laner and most of the time gain some early kills while inadvertently forcing them to build defensively. Focus on most of your damage coming from your lazer beam procs and not your missiles, a lot of people thing that Heimers main burst comes from his missiles or poke but there is nothing better than landing a spicy grenade on a ganking Kha/Rengar and 2 hitting them!

Having a manaflow band and dorans ring allows you to adeptly mana manage. This will take some getting used to! "Especially if you are used to rushing a morellos"
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With the rune rework ALL assassins are scary! Priority ban is Zed/Talon. With Electrocute they have the ability to literally one hit you once they get Duskblade. Rush a Zhonya/Stopwatch when dealing with these bois!!

Syndra used to be a hard counter but isn't as bad as she used to be...still though in the right hands she can be hard to deal with. Comet is ALWAYS best to keep her at range. Try and get a kill pre level 6 in order to best consolidate your mighty presence in lane!

In the toplane Tryndamere and Jayce are the hardest matchups right now! Trynd will constantly dive and split push once he hits 6 and Jayce with Electrocute is scary. Make these priority toplane bans and hope for an Irelia/Fiora in your lane! Taking Klepto against dominant melee champs should allow you to get ahead and stay ahead! Beware though that Kleptomancy falls off late.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author RezoneVerified
RezoneVerified Heimerdinger Guide
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[NEW Season 8] - Diamond 1 Guide - PUSHPUSHPUSH

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