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Straight to the point... It works if You farm well Enough and Don't Get ganked Early
Its for an aggressive Play style... You should be in Cougar for most of the game... Spamming Your QWE....
You Have Magic Resist and Armor
Your Playing mid...
Your Opponents In 5V5 Blind pick will 9/10 times Play an AP character... Please Take Note that your superior magic rsist + Attack damage against a AP mid character is very High...
Getting a kill with just spearing them and ignite is common if done well
Dodge there attacks and speall. And poke with a basic attack
Once in Cougar mode... Especially if there is a gank... Don't be afraid to jump in and QWE...
Your mana is Building with each Item ... There for your AP + AD grows....
If Your Getting beaten .. Either by more ganks or a counter pick... POKE with the spear and Normal attacks if Possible...
Buy wards in that case
Set traps in the grass By the river next to mid lane
Also place in your opponents Jungle... Detecting Weaklings or the jungler is everything...
Be aggressive Yet smart with your play
Your Playing mid...
Your Opponents In 5V5 Blind pick will 9/10 times Play an AP character... Please Take Note that your superior magic rsist + Attack damage against a AP mid character is very High...
Getting a kill with just spearing them and ignite is common if done well
Dodge there attacks and speall. And poke with a basic attack
Once in Cougar mode... Especially if there is a gank... Don't be afraid to jump in and QWE...
Your mana is Building with each Item ... There for your AP + AD grows....
If Your Getting beaten .. Either by more ganks or a counter pick... POKE with the spear and Normal attacks if Possible...
Buy wards in that case
Set traps in the grass By the river next to mid lane
Also place in your opponents Jungle... Detecting Weaklings or the jungler is everything...
Be aggressive Yet smart with your play
1. This build Has More sustanance for team fights
2. More sustanance for farming
3. Better Laning
4. Quicker Kills
5. AD + AP is very effective post level 18 and Full Build. Poke Is also effective then
6. Durability
1. Q Spear is Weak Early and Mid Game
2. More Meelee Fighting - More Damage Close Range from Other Champs Like a Top Laner or Jungler
1. This build Has More sustanance for team fights
2. More sustanance for farming
3. Better Laning
4. Quicker Kills
5. AD + AP is very effective post level 18 and Full Build. Poke Is also effective then
6. Durability
1. Q Spear is Weak Early and Mid Game
2. More Meelee Fighting - More Damage Close Range from Other Champs Like a Top Laner or Jungler
Most people Choose a counter if you play Nidalee mid and you don't have last pick... This is a certanty...
Bare in mind She Can Top Lane Too With this build
She can also Jungle from Level 6
* What your team Can do is have 2 champs Top and have No Certain Jungler...
* Once she hits cougar form the jungle and ganks are at your disposal... And she won't be counter picked then
* Your Team still needs a tank even though Nidalee is more tanky... Lots of great team fights need cc
Bare in mind She Can Top Lane Too With this build
She can also Jungle from Level 6
* What your team Can do is have 2 champs Top and have No Certain Jungler...
* Once she hits cougar form the jungle and ganks are at your disposal... And she won't be counter picked then
* Your Team still needs a tank even though Nidalee is more tanky... Lots of great team fights need cc
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