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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ban this champion! Rengar is stronger than Nidalee at 1v1 in all parts of the game if you fight him near brushes. You need to gank a lot before Rengar hits level 6, since Nidalee's early ganks is far superior to Rengar's, but once he hits level 6 he's going to come for your butt. If Rengar gets fed early you can go for Zhonya as your second or third item to prevent him from deleting you. Ward your jungle entrances early so he can't invade you.

This guide will be focusing on

I decided to main

These are the only Marks you should ever consider on Nidalee jungle.
Going for


Conclusion: Go for



All of


Also, make sure you run through brushes when you move around the map, since

You should always try to gank from the point closest to the enemy champions tower, giving him/her no choice but to run towards you. By doing this it will be much easier to land your

Keep in mind that the enemy champion will most likely try to dodge your

Make sure you run through the lane brushes to get the passive movement speed from

Remember that you can use your

You can also use your

Using your

- Great clear speed and sustain

- Amazing early pressure

- Utility/Mobility
You can put

- Skillshot reliant

- Vulnerable to hard engage
You shouldn't buy defensive items on

- Slightly falls off late game

The second mechanic you want to master is the ''double jump'', basically what you need to do is use your

Videos on how to do ''Double jump'' and ''Instant ward clear'' below :)
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