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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Just dumb
Champion Build Guide
Grasp Game Guide
Dupaatv here, Diamond Nid top 1trick here to show you guys its possible to mentally drain your opponents to a state of crumbling depression... or rage.. usually the latter.
With playing Nid top, its more of a side game than actually playing league of legends. Grasp Game; if you dont know it, you most definitely should learn and here's how- Grasp when activated on an enemy champion give the user 3.5-7 health depending on the attack stance of said user. So knowing Nidalee as a shapeshifter she gets both melee and ranged stats. Ever 3-5 seconds of combat you should be aiming to get stacks. Luckily with Nid its very easy to start stacking with 0 risks pre level 6. I have a more in depth guide on how to put Nid ability kit to the MAX. SHEEN is a big step in winning the poke phase of laning. With Grasp/Sheen on top of an auto attack is great. (And ways to proc that combo is either Human form Auto then immediately switch to cougar form and jump to activate sheen before the auto lands, same principles apply to Human form E and Q)
Remember learn her damage curve. Wave clear is also very quick due to Cougar form resets with W.
And if your questioning what to build against the team your up against. Pretty much build for Divine AD/AP or Iceborn AP/TANK. I've seen these and tested these to be the best play style for the two different build paths.
AGAINT AD TOP - Building iceborn is proven to help sustain a lane against a strong ad opponent. Usually Frozen Heart is a great second option. Its all optional. You take 10% reduced damage for 2.5 seconds. every 1.5 seconds if applied/weaved properly with your abilities
AGAINST AP TOP - Building Divine will help with burst and sustainability with the enemy poke. as well as higher burst damage/scaling
Divine is a tough call because its just a skill build. Hard to pin a proper title for it
With playing Nid top, its more of a side game than actually playing league of legends. Grasp Game; if you dont know it, you most definitely should learn and here's how- Grasp when activated on an enemy champion give the user 3.5-7 health depending on the attack stance of said user. So knowing Nidalee as a shapeshifter she gets both melee and ranged stats. Ever 3-5 seconds of combat you should be aiming to get stacks. Luckily with Nid its very easy to start stacking with 0 risks pre level 6. I have a more in depth guide on how to put Nid ability kit to the MAX. SHEEN is a big step in winning the poke phase of laning. With Grasp/Sheen on top of an auto attack is great. (And ways to proc that combo is either Human form Auto then immediately switch to cougar form and jump to activate sheen before the auto lands, same principles apply to Human form E and Q)
Remember learn her damage curve. Wave clear is also very quick due to Cougar form resets with W.
And if your questioning what to build against the team your up against. Pretty much build for Divine AD/AP or Iceborn AP/TANK. I've seen these and tested these to be the best play style for the two different build paths.
AGAINT AD TOP - Building iceborn is proven to help sustain a lane against a strong ad opponent. Usually Frozen Heart is a great second option. Its all optional. You take 10% reduced damage for 2.5 seconds. every 1.5 seconds if applied/weaved properly with your abilities
AGAINST AP TOP - Building Divine will help with burst and sustainability with the enemy poke. as well as higher burst damage/scaling
Divine is a tough call because its just a skill build. Hard to pin a proper title for it
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