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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Veigar and his abilityes
You can farm his Q for every last you does you get 1 abilitypower ! (Permanent) ( last hits with Q)
W: his W let fall a metroied of the ground (AOE) (Skillshot) he does heavy burst dmg and need time to explode!
E: Veigar spawn a Cage ,when you run into the cage you will be stunned ( for every skill on E the time for stun will be higher).
R: His ulti is Specialy she does Heavyst nuklear burst on 1 Enemy ( no AOE) (no Skillshot)
80% of the AP from the enemy does his R bonus Dmg.
Passiv: he get for 15 missing mana 1% more mana Reg.
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