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Nunu Tank Top Lane - You really don't want to make him angry

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Ability Order
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Mordekaiser will rip you to pieces. Try not to choose Nunu against him. Avoid this match at any cost. If you ever had the worst chance to face a Mordekaiser then you should never attack him but eat all the poke. And, wait for your jungler's ganks. Build MR. Go for a spirit visage.
- Amazing lane sustain with Consume.
- Very tanky when full build.
- Can receive a lot of hits and still stand strong.
- Amazing AP scaling in both his Ice Blast and his ultimate Absolute Zero.
- Can kite enemy laners easily.
- Can Juke enemy spells easily.
- Can run from a harsh situation easily.
- Ganks are not a big threat for him.
- Escaping is one of Nunu's finest pros.
- Easy to learn.
- Slows till no sunshine.
- Absolute Zero can change the tide of a fight.
- Absolute zero can be interrupted easily by any kind of knock ups, silence or any other soft CCs.
- Enemies can flash away from his ultimate quiet easily.
- His ultimate takes practice to pull off right without getting interrupted, needs good positioning.
Teleport for going back to lane or joining team fights.
Teleport and Flash is a pretty good spells combination and is used mostly to play in the top lane.
In teamfights your objective is to either peel for your ADC or focus there ADC and show him the true annoyance of tank Nunu.
- You should always fight near minions. They will help you to get your health back in the laning phase and trade quiet well with the enemy laner.
- In this build always focus on farming other than harassing your teammate.
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