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Lucian Humor Guide by thekingofnothn

ADC nyukkuh

ADC nyukkuh

Updated on July 26, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thekingofnothn Build Guide By thekingofnothn 1,488 Views 0 Comments
1,488 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author thekingofnothn Lucian Build Guide By thekingofnothn Updated on July 26, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


yo whaddup. lucian is a really good pick against woman, ezreal, taric, and white people. unless its gragas. but i didnt list him in the counter list cus hes fat. anyway im a gold player cuz lucian is all about gold and yeah. enjoy.
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you gotta take ghost to escape the police. and heal so once you run out of bullets you get a last resort escape
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Ranked Play

start the game and look at your team. if you have either nidalee or udyr, its safe to take lucian beacuse then you get peeps to drive-by with. if anyone trys to mess with your spells just rape him once ingame and show him the power of your torch. yeah burn his *** and force him to suck your **** with your guns like a baws. you gotta stay dashing all the time. you go in, shoot, and fk off. or else police will have enough time to catch you. always make sure one of your niggas/*****es are protecting you. if youre in doubt, give a call to your twin shadow homies to help you shoot niggas.
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Creeping / Jungling

ignore them completly. if you see your jungle buffin, take the buff. he doesnt need it as much as you do, beacuse you got **** to do. all he does is kill weaklings, you gotta escape the police and rob people. take the entire jung for more profit, also when your support dies make sure to take his gold. if youre against caitlyn, swap lane or go afk.
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Pros / Cons


-hes black
-he got 2 guns when everybody got 1
-he looks damn cool
-he got 3 *****es
-he got homies to assist him
-can dash alot and escape
- +20% movement speed when running from Officer Caitlyn and Officer Vi.

-hes black
-can run out of ammo
-can be alone when no twin shadows, udyr, nidalee or jinx.
-you recieve 95% more damage from Officer Caitlyn and Officer Vi.
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Team Work

**** that. the only one you need is udyr and nidalee. the rest can suck your ****. just shoot everyone
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thekingofnothn
thekingofnothn Lucian Guide
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