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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
This is the first build I have made and it's for my favorite jungler...

You are a jungler, so you need smite, it's that simple. I know there are some junglers who can jungle smiteless such as

The other spell you use is more flexible, your options are:

It's an all around good summoners. it lets you ambush people well and escape ambushes just as easily. Also it can save your teams life in a jam. If

A good alternative for flash, gives epic chasing power. Combine this spell with your

Since nocturne is an assassin you want to have a spell for catching people so I would not suggest going without


If you buy the

This is the last item in the build that gives you attack speed. If you really wanted to you could replace these with

I cannot stress how wonderful this item is, extra AD, extra armor, extra lifesteal, and a free ward every three minutes. Don't forget about those wards and waste them, I like to use them on the top lane as they are normally not a ward heavy lane and the extra wards makes it that much harder for the enemy jungle to gank them.

I have decided on the

This will give you excellent assassination power for your mid game. It buffs your Att. Speed and damage, gives you more sustain, and has that beautiful active that makes it all but impossible for them to escape you. Using this along with frozen mallet and

Assuming the game has lasted this long you are now desperately trying to find the correct fight to pick for your team to finish the game. Having a GA will make you tankier and allow you to fearlessly jump into a fight that your team wants. Just wait until someone over extends, eat them, win the 4 v 5 and then finish the game.

I love this thing, early game jungle this lets you output more damage and gives you a bit of extra healing that allows you to stay out in the jungle longer. Also remember that once you get

Also, this skill allows you to scout for and track unseen enemies, if you throw this into a bush and the person runs, you will be able to see the trail appearing in the fog of war. They may not realize it but you saw their path of travel for 5 seconds and can probably make a good guess of where they went.

My advice, early game use it whenever it is ready. Use it all the time and make the enemy fear the darkness. Late game however you need to save it for a strategically perfect time, snipe their squishies pre-teamfight so that you are now looking at a 5 v 4 in your teams favor, or save it and wait for one of the enemies to flee from a team fight... let them think they are excaping and then crush their hopes, this is how you inspire fear in their hearts (muahahahahahaha).
Ultimate is great for initiating, and causes fear in the entire emnemy team when you use it.
His tankiness catches people off guard because he is normally a squishy character.
Squishy early game
Fear is not instantaneous and can be dodged with a flash.
Not much AOE for team fights.
Ultimate is great for initiating, and causes fear in the entire emnemy team when you use it.
His tankiness catches people off guard because he is normally a squishy character.
Squishy early game
Fear is not instantaneous and can be dodged with a flash.
Not much AOE for team fights.
Start at blue or red, decide which based on which lane you want to gank first. The lane you want to gank should be next to the second buff you grab. Get red or blue, then go grab the other buff. If possible, you should level 3 gank a lane, you have a level advantage and all three of your abilities at this point so shield any cc, activate your fear, and you should at least get a flash out of them. Also if possible, re gank the lane soon and take advantage of the used flash. As long as there isn't and obvious gank or counter gank to make you should farm your own jungle up. At about the 5 1/2 minute mark you should put wards on both the enemy buffs, when you see them taking one you steal the other. Keep their buffs warded throughout the game and steal as many buffs as possible.
Ganking with Nocturne is going to rely mainly on two things, knowing when to gank, and knowing when to use your spell shield. Don't just spam your spell shield, use it to block stuns and ulti's. My favorite use of it ever was when I blocked a
Darius ulti, which would've killed me, and then killed him and got to hear him rage about how that should've killed me and I was obviously a hacker. Aiming your spell shield to block ulti's and stuns is one of the most important aspects of Nocturne to master.
Ganking with Nocturne is going to rely mainly on two things, knowing when to gank, and knowing when to use your spell shield. Don't just spam your spell shield, use it to block stuns and ulti's. My favorite use of it ever was when I blocked a

When team fighting with Nocturne you need to focus down their ADC and APC, The extra tankiness from this build allows you to aggressively jump through the enemy team and then the damage lets you kill off the ADC or APC in 2 or 3 seconds. I would suggest the AP carry first, this build doesn't give you magic resist so if you use your ulti to instantly melt their APC then you don't have to worry anymore and can dispose of the other enemies at your leisure. Hopefully attacking these prime targets gets the enemy team to focus you a bit, use your spell shield, life steal, and tankiness to distract the enemies as long as possible, if you're scary enough, and they focus you, then your APC and ADC will do serious damage and not have to worry about being focused.
Nocturne is an excellent mental weapon, his ultimate causes fear in the enemy team, even the ones your not going after, and causes them to act irrationally and make mistakes, letting your teammates use your ulti to take advantage in their lane. Late game Nocturne is not exceptionally helpful in team fights, really you should just kill off the ADC or AP Carry as soon as the team fight starts and then fear someone on the enemy team. Also, don't forget that his ulti gives you the option of ganking without going into their bushes, wards are ineffective against you so gank aggressively and scare the heck out of everyone, GL HF
If you have downloaded Leaguereplays (It's free and easy) then you can watch a replay of me using this build in a ranked games here:
This is my favorite ranked match I've played as Nocturne. We had good team comp, good teammates, and one awesome
Nocturne :) The enemy managed to get
Blitzcrank but we shut them down anyways.
This was a pretty close game for a bit, but the enemy jungle was way to aggressive and got himself killed (by me) a whole lot. I actually didn't come out positive K/D, but that is because I knowingly died several times because I knew my team would get kills off it, which is okay, the jungler is not as important as the APC or the ADC. Also you can see a moment early on in this game where I ask the enemy Zed a question and then attack while he is typing a response... lol.
This was an easy ranked match. Our team was awesome and the enemy team was noobs. I actually rushed the
Infinity Edge because the extra damage early made killing the noobs so much more fun.
This is my favorite ranked match I've played as Nocturne. We had good team comp, good teammates, and one awesome
This was a pretty close game for a bit, but the enemy jungle was way to aggressive and got himself killed (by me) a whole lot. I actually didn't come out positive K/D, but that is because I knowingly died several times because I knew my team would get kills off it, which is okay, the jungler is not as important as the APC or the ADC. Also you can see a moment early on in this game where I ask the enemy Zed a question and then attack while he is typing a response... lol.
This was an easy ranked match. Our team was awesome and the enemy team was noobs. I actually rushed the

01/10/13 - Added Helpful Suggestions from Others: Items
01/11/13 - Added Elixirs to the Item Build
03/15/13 - Changed item build: replaced Infinity Edge with Warmogs
03/15/13 - Added Summoner spell section
07/30/13 - Changed Atma's out for Blade of the Ruined King
07/30/13 - Deleted Helpful Suggestions from Others: Items
07/03/13 - Added Lifesteal Quints as an alternate choice
01/11/13 - Added Elixirs to the Item Build
03/15/13 - Changed item build: replaced Infinity Edge with Warmogs
03/15/13 - Added Summoner spell section
07/30/13 - Changed Atma's out for Blade of the Ruined King
07/30/13 - Deleted Helpful Suggestions from Others: Items
07/03/13 - Added Lifesteal Quints as an alternate choice
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