LoL Best Olaf Jungle Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Olaf Jungle on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Olaf Jungle builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 3 Builds
3.12 Olaf jungle [with modifications for top]
Olaf dungle in the jungle (FOR ME)
First build I'v made
Olaf Jungle/Top lane Hammer Time
Olaf tank
My First Build: Olaf The Perfect jungler!
The jungling AD Tank of BROMACIA
Olaf: The Muthaf**king Berserker
Brolaf: Troll Of The Jungle
Jungle Olaf; Bromacian Ganks
pubstomp with Brolaf / Enjoy your Free-Elo
Olaf - Jungle with CDR (S3 high-health meta)
Olaf roars in the Jungle!! (S3)
[S3] Jungle Olaf / Trundle
OLAF (Bro-laf in Jungle)
Operation Jungle Valhalla: I AM BEOLAF!!!
Season 2 Guides
Olaf - A viable jungle pick?
Olaf Jungle - Does my axe make me look fat?
Season 2 Builds