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Just unfair. He can OS your boxes at any time of the game, making it almost impossible to kill him especially with his dashes and stuns. Busted champ, i always ban him.
His ranged AA's, his tankyness and his CC's.. give me cancer evey time. Try to set up traps for him and try to dodge his ult with your ult. Very difficult as a beginner.
His poke is just a pain in the ***. If it is a good Teemo you will have a very hard time. Set up traps in the bushes and wait for him to step in. When he does just try to get your combo done and Ignite him. Try to predict his Q and dodge it wiht your Ult.
Easy in early as he has to step into your traps to kill you. If you are a good shaco player you will have a good time top in the early and mid game. He will destroy you in a 1v1 later when he builds MR so try to switch with your botlane.
Cancer. His poke and shields are so annoying. Build traps and hope he runs in, if he does, burn everything on him as you wont have the chance very often. He can farm behind his minions and easy counter your Q with his cage.
No chance to kill him with your traps due to his little ghosts that activate your traps everytime. you can q out of his cage tho but thats all you can do. So just wait for his ghosts to die and built traps arround the bushes and wait for the right moment to engage.
Easy Game. She has to walk into your traps to kill you so build the traps near to walls so when she engages with her dash she walks into them automaticly.
Depends on early game. If he gets ahead it will be very difficult to kill him as he is tanky af and does insane dmg. But he still needs to walk into your traps to kill you so try do dodge his jumps and wait for the right moment.
He just pokes you down with is pistol and barrels. He still is very squishy tho so just try to bait him into your traps. Very difficult for a beginner.
Poke + Tankyness. Very difficult, dont fight him as Mega Gnar. A good shaco player can outplay him but as a beginner, very hard matchup.
You can think that it is an easy matchup but it's not that easy. His grab and slows + bleed gives you a hard time surviving lane. Still he can get outplayed especially when youre a good shaco. Set up traps and try to predict his Q or ult and dodge them with your ult. Sounds difficult but it's possible.
Even matchup in my opinion as he has to walk into your boxes to kill you. But he is very tanky and deals lot of dmg. Poke him with your E to stop his Heal.
Probably the easiest matchup you can have. watch out for her Riposte tho.
Easy af. you can bait her so easily just let her stun you while standing in your boxes. She will dash to you and your boxes. Easy kill.
She can poke and stun you, very difficult matchup.
Dr. Mundo
He cant do anything against you in early and mid game. Later he will be unkillable so try to switch with your botlane.
Dont underrate his dmg especially when he has Tiamat. He has to walk into your boxes but he shields lietarally everything. When he gets ahead you will have a hard time.
Easy game for a good shaco player, you can easy bait him into your boxes and dodge his ult with your ult.
If you play it good he cant kill you as he has to walk into your boxes. When he has ult try to bait him into each box seperately so he waists time and ignite him as late as possible to get the kill.
Playce your boxes near to a wall and wait for her to try to dash you into the wall. Easy kill then.
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