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Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Awww Shiet. Here it comes.

I'm still pretty new to this whole thing, so it won't be pretty but it'll still give you the information you need.
Welcome to Pantheon. The fun ends here.
Pantheon is a strong early-game assassin. At least, that's what Riot names him.
In reality, Pantheon is.. whatever he wants to be, really. While primarily an assassin/bruiser, he's capable of a lot more.
Other guides will build standard tanky DPS and triforce on him. This is viable and pretty good, but Pantheon's real power is in his damage. He doesn't have a 100 attack rating for nothing, you know.
This guide will be quick and to the point. You can probably read through all of it before your game starts. However, I do advise you read up on this well beforehand.
Pantheon's rune structure is very simple.
Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Armor pen and resistances.
This is where I will have zero leniency. The armor pen is far too important. Do not, and I repeat:
DO NOT use AD runes on Pantheon.
If you feel you take too much damage but still deal plenty, drop the Arpen quints for resistance quints. While this is not recommended, it is allowable.

Armor pen and resistances.
This is where I will have zero leniency. The armor pen is far too important. Do not, and I repeat:
DO NOT use AD runes on Pantheon.
If you feel you take too much damage but still deal plenty, drop the Arpen quints for resistance quints. While this is not recommended, it is allowable.

PASSIVE: Aegis Protection
This is your beloved passive,

Q: Spear Shot
This is

W: Aegis of Zeonia

E: Heartseeker Strike

ULTIMATE: Grand Skyfall

The big thing here is maxing out

effective harass. This is what you need to focus on.
I usually go Q>W>Q>E when leveling, but you can take

Pantheon's best as a Solo Top, but can take mid, bot, or even jungle in a pinch. The majority of this guide will focus on solo top, but it can apply to all lanes with the proper modifications.
Pantheon is Solo Top, it's best to take an aggressive stance. Your strength in this lane will rely on how much you control the lane. It's best to zone your lane opponent as much as possible. It is advisable to purchase some wards or even a
Sightstone. When you do not have a ward, hang back at bit. Let your opponent push. Fight them no farther than the river bush. If the enemy team has no jungler and are going Duo Top, choose the one who deals the least damage early game. Now, ignore them and focus on the other enemy. Zone the unchosen enemy the most, and leave most of your harass for them. Once you find an opening, exploit it and kill them as early and as much as possible. Now, have your way with the other enemy unless your health is too low.
Solo Mid isn't exactly
Pantheon's niche, he can still do very well in this lane. However, I advise going mid only to counter certain champions such as:
In mid it's important to recognize how vulnerable you are. Once you figure out safe laning patterns, you can step up your aggression. That's also important in this lane. You have to zone your enemy hard and fast and give them no room to step in on you. Pantheon works best against skillshot mages and melee mages. Other mages like
Ryze and
Mordekaiser are too strong for
Pantheon to fight in lane.
It is not advised to take this lane unless necessary. If you do go bot, I would only recommend going with the following lane partners(In order of importance): When duo bot, you need to rely on your lane partner to zone and CC the enemy while you farm. In the case with
Blitzcrank, the best thing to do is have him knock them up followed by your stun then his silence. If they get away he can pull them back in and do it all over again.
Same thing (sort of) with
Do not ever, ever share a lane with an AD Carry. You will only hurt each other and throw the game.
Solo Top


Solo Mid

Solo Mid isn't exactly

Duo Bot

It is not advised to take this lane unless necessary. If you do go bot, I would only recommend going with the following lane partners(In order of importance): When duo bot, you need to rely on your lane partner to zone and CC the enemy while you farm. In the case with

Same thing (sort of) with

Do not ever, ever share a lane with an AD Carry. You will only hurt each other and throw the game.
Here's where I get strict.
I'll break up this unit into segments based on time of game.
Most people start with
Boots and
Health Potionx3 first.
"But why, senpai?" you might ask. Again, this is where we focus on
Spear Shot. Read it carefully. "(1.4 AD per bonus attack damage)" There's that important statement.
This is why we start with
Doran's Blade. Because of the +10 AD it adds, it slaps 14 bonus damage on
Spear Shot at level 1.
"Hey, this sounds good for AD runes! Why can't I take them?"
True. AD runes adds quite a bit of damage to
Spear Shot. However, the effectiveness of this wears off by mid game. The Armor Penetration will not slump off like that. It'll stay rather consistent throughout the game. Trust me, when you've got 24 armor pen from runes and masteries with a
Black Cleaver and a
Last Whisper, things add up quick.
By now, you should have gotten at least 1 kill (or even first blood, if you can manage it). Assuming you've been farming consistently, you should have around 700-1000 gold. If you haven't gotten a kill by 5:00, you need to step up your game, and quickly, because after this point, less than excellent performance will reduce your effectiveness every 60 seconds. Build into a
The Brutalizer. Grab some
Long Swords and some pots. Once you have it, get a
Ruby Crystal and finish off into a
Black Cleaver. If you can finish BC before 15:00, you've just secured your mid game. If you feel you're taking too much damage, grab a
Phage instead. Your mid game will be a bit weaker but you should not be too much worse for wear.
By now you should be pretty well catered. This is the point where you should buy a
Frozen Mallet. This'll do you for durability until late game. After this, grab a
B. F. Sword then follow up into an
Infinity Edge. The I-edge may take until late game to finish. You CAN get a
Bloodthirster beforehand, but it is not recommended.
This is where your apex will be reached. You will begin to weaken around this point. If you've managed to build everything up to this point, you will still be very dangerous, but your damage won't quite match what it was early and mid game. Here, you get a
Bloodthirster and a survivability item of some kind. Usually a
Sunfire Aegis will do the trick, but for others a
Guardian Angel is a better choice. This is typically left up to you, depending on the situation.
I'll break up this unit into segments based on time of game.
Starting out (0:00-5:00)
Most people start with

"But why, senpai?" you might ask. Again, this is where we focus on

This is why we start with

"Hey, this sounds good for AD runes! Why can't I take them?"
True. AD runes adds quite a bit of damage to

Early Game (5:00-15:00)
By now, you should have gotten at least 1 kill (or even first blood, if you can manage it). Assuming you've been farming consistently, you should have around 700-1000 gold. If you haven't gotten a kill by 5:00, you need to step up your game, and quickly, because after this point, less than excellent performance will reduce your effectiveness every 60 seconds. Build into a

Mid Game (15:00-25:00)
By now you should be pretty well catered. This is the point where you should buy a

Late Game (25:00-60:00)
This is where your apex will be reached. You will begin to weaken around this point. If you've managed to build everything up to this point, you will still be very dangerous, but your damage won't quite match what it was early and mid game. Here, you get a

![]() Don't build this. Pantheon's pretty easy to manage his mana usage on, and it isn't worth damaging your game just so you can recklessly spam ![]() ![]() |
Well, okay. Attack speed isn't a terrible stat on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
AP items in general. It's tempting to build them, what with ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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