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Pantheon Build Guide by Time1Save

Top Pantheon Toplane build

Top Pantheon Toplane build

Updated on November 28, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Time1Save Build Guide By Time1Save 18,068 Views 2 Comments
18,068 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Time1Save Pantheon Build Guide By Time1Save Updated on November 28, 2020
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TheInkKingLoL (43) | November 27, 2020 9:31am
Hey there!

I assume that this is top lane because of the new solo lane Pantheon changes. However, I have a couple questions.

What's the benefit of Overheal over Triumph or Presence of Mind when you're looking to one shot someone? If you one shot them doesn't the extra shield mean nothing for you? I feel like Presence of Mind would help solve mana problems, and Triumph would help with diving since his W no longer blocks tower shots.

Also why Goredrinker? Just curious as to the advantages over items like Trinity Force or Stridebreaker.
Time1Save | November 27, 2020 10:40am
I take Overheal to have a little more survival, as it is true that you onenshot any ADK or mage.But at the moment when 4 Champions turn on you, and you don't have 5stack W, you want to survive as long as possible, while having a reserve of E. So shield will help you, Like, I feel that the enemy needs more time to kill you.
I don't feel any benefit from the Trinity Force except getting a passive faster, in addition its passive effect gives 5% attack speed for each legendary item, we don't need it, its useful for Panth, with BoTRK that good,buuut, you need a long fight for Trinity Force buff.
Strikebreaker works well against mobile ranged Champions (vayne, Quinn, Kallista), but it's not useful in mid-game, for me that's for sure.
While,Goredrinker , gives you an unreliable survival rate in teamfights, I really played a lot of games with this item, and every time I use it, I feel something that I never felt when playing for Pantheon(2100 games), I feel invulnerability, especially when standing in an environment on low HP, during E you sharply heal at 1200+ HP, and this is just incredible(of course, if the opponents did not buy heal cut, but no one expects a heal from Pantheon, so...). described the fact that you get a ability haste for each legendary item, and you return to the fight within 6 seconds.
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Pantheon Toplane build

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