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Recommended Items
Runes: Main Runes - Damage
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He can poke you and run away easly. Hate this champ whatever I play in game.
[ jungler info]
In the jungle, the champs with stuns works well with your charmp.
[ jungler info] In the jungle, the champs with stuns works well with your charmp.
Champion Build Guide
I'm the main of

Recently, I was interested in Evelynn, and I noticed that it can be intended for midle lane. I tried to find some guides, but their number was negligible, they were out of date, or just plain weak, so I decided to make a tutorial by myself for people who would also like to try this unusual pick
Is that a troll pick?
Soo, looking at Eve, it is AP assassin with powerful spells, a lot of people say that playing positions other than jg wastes her potential, however I have a lot of fun by oneshoting my opponents by off-meta pick
Although her charm is more less valuable on the mid lane than in the jugle, she is still great for holding the opponent down or attacking with no pressure.
Patch 12.13
"P Heal per second (total healing unchanged): 15-75 (based on level) >>> 15-150 (based on level) - W Magic Resistance Shred: 25-35% >>> 35-45% - R: Now sets passive on a 1.25s cooldown."
Now Evelynn can easly trade in middle lane, and her 1.25s on a R gives easy running away from enemy.
Patch 12.14
A lot of healing items and runes got nerfs, now you should play safer to not lost to much hp, but it is still playable.
Patch 12.20
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Base damage per mark increased to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 from 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50. |
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Charm duration increased to 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 seconds from 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2. |
Patch 12.22
Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.
You should focus on wave management, positioning, trades more than you would play normal midlaner. I don't play it, beacuse it's broken in every game, but just for fun.
Patch 14.1
A LOT of items got AP amount buff, while Eve passive and her AP ratio didn't change. Now you can heal and deal more damage, let's hope it doesn't get a nerf soon (or at least not a strong one).
Patch 14.2
W: (Allure)
Can no longer target small monsters.
Patch 14.8
R: (Last Caress)
AP ratio reduced to 65% AP from 75% AP.
Maximum AP ratio reduced to 156% AP from 180% AP.
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E - Whiplash is short dash, dealing percentage demage based on AP, gives you 30% move speed too. If Evelynn reset coldown by your passive, then this spell is improved. |
Play safe and wait to 6lvl with control/poke mages (if you go into a risky trade you can easily die it and be weaker in late, I was quite often flustered because being greedy I started a fight which ended up being first blood for the enemy, Evelynn is treacherous), because your R gives evelynn big powerspike and easy way to run away, then you should roam. Evelyn is invisible and is assasin what make good combo for getting free kills on top or bot. If you have good KDA you can buy Mejai's to snowballing the game. Your R getting +180% AP demage, so you will carry in late after good start to focus eliminate biggest enemy Players.
There is much more experience in the middle than in the jungle, so you can reach level 6 faster, and then get
a kill. If possible try poke enemy im early, because now that you have an R you can think about killing opponent. I know getting cs eve is hard, personally it irritated me terribly, but with time It is learnable. Try to kill single targets with your E and push lane with Q. From now you only get stronger, but don't count on it, of course, if you are 0/10. Take part in teamfights, but remember that if you go into it, then, You will most likely die or make kill. In my opinion, if you are not feed, you should target a single character (e.g. adc) and oneshot it. The more damage you deal, the more it will cause confusion with your R,
Time passes in favor of your damage, evelynn with full build hardly ever resists anything if you hit someone by a reinforced R. Although you are weak against tanks, eve is not completely useless, because your W takes the percentage of HP. Anyway it is not enough to kill a full tank with full hp, but champs with low hp are perfect. Besides, you're still jungler, so if your jungler has 0/10 or is AFK, you can easily take his farm from beginning mid game, especially blue or red buffs.
Starting items
There are some tips
- Remember that electro can be used with your Q
- Try to synergy with jungler. If you use a charm on your opponent while he will make gank, you probably have guaranteed kill
- Focus on roam to the other lines
- Remember to farm as it gives you more gold than kils, although farming on Evelynn is quite hard 🙂
- Your R is best spell to dive under towers.
- try to attack the enemy from the back after lvl 6 (after using the charm, people usually run under tower, if they can't see you, use it)
When I startedd this It was very hard to gain normal CS and meanwhile not to die, but now I love this pick.
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