(Patch 25.S1.2) [ALL MATCHUPS & SYNERGIES] Challenger Draven's Guide on Hail of Blades Draven

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Recommended Items
Runes: HoB
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Leveling
League of Draven (PASSIVE)
Draven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If he's support malphite you won't have to worry until level 6 where he really shines. His full AP build is easier to deal with than his full tank 1, if he's top lane you need flash to deal with him. He's an anti-carry, if you give him any reason to flash ult you, he will. Be mindful and respect him. If he's full tank you can't deal with him till LDR.
Alistar's weakest part of laning is levels 1 and for the most part 2, just keep in mind he's pretty much a walking caster minion until 3. Once 6 he's 1 of the best diving champions in the game, matched with HoB you're going to have a delightful time with an Alistar who actually understands his champion.
Alistar's weakest part of laning is levels 1 and for the most part 2, just keep in mind he's pretty much a walking caster minion until 3. Once 6 he's 1 of the best diving champions in the game, matched with HoB you're going to have a delightful time with an Alistar who actually understands his champion.
Champion Build Guide

Social Contacts:
Discord - @mcdnldsmngrxdd / Tunkkimuna#6415
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/mcdnldsmngrxdd
Contact my discord for coaching. Rates are $35US an hour.
Who am I?
I'm Mcdonald's Manager, I've been Challenger since Season 7, to those who know the name widely regard me as the best player to touch this champion.
Some of my greatest achievements have been:
- 80%+ winrate to challenger
- 70%+ winrate 1k+LP challenger
- 44W-1L to masters
- 99W-0L and managing to throw the last game (99W-1L)
- peak Rank 1 & 2 early season
- peak Rank 13 end season
I've managed all this while never having a setup of my own, which some find that hard to believe. I've went from place to place borderline homeless but through the kindness of strangers providing me a desktop to play on, currently I get around by playing on my brothers laptop and wifi internet. Even through it all I've prevailed with strategies and systems I've developed on my own through extensive self-research and trail and error, psychological tricks that I've yet to see/hear discussed by anyone else.
Throughout my years I've met a lot of players too scared to play Draven because of the mechanical prowess required to navigate the rift with him, I'm here to teach you that even if you have limited hardware or think you have bad mechanics, you can not only just succeed, but EXCEL with Draven. So strap in as I teach you everything you need to know to think like a Challenger, whether you're an aspiring Draven player or a veteran looking to sharpen his gameplay.

![]() | Strong laning | |
![]() | Great trading potential | |
![]() | Snowballs very quick when ahead | |
![]() | Lane agency | |
![]() | Trading kills is Draven favoured | |
![]() | Strong mid-game | |
![]() | Versatile | |
![]() | Rewarding to learn | |
![]() | Zoning/Objective control |
![]() | Low range | |
![]() | Easily poked | |
![]() | Limited mobility | |
![]() | Vulnerable to ganks | |
![]() | Easy to shut-down | |
![]() | Weak late-game | |
![]() | Hard to comeback | |
![]() | Low transferable game-knowledge | |
![]() | Challenging to learn |

Outscaling threats

Poke threats

General tips & tricks vs hard matchups
Gamelosing threats: These are going to be your hardest matchups, besides levels 1-3 you are going to hard lose at every point in the game to these combos, but that's not to say they're unwinnable. The most important thing you can do against these champions is to NOT DIE if you need to give a wave, give a wave. Your best bet is sitting back and making sure your waves are good, our goal is to farm passive stacks and hope for an opportunity on getting an execute with R stacks or a kill. If we can escape laning slightly behind Gold/XP or even; then we've made it through the hardest part of the game. Solo carrying is out of the question (unless you are monstrously ahead), you are going to need to be team reliant. Wait for your team to help you deal with these picks towards mid/late game, do everything in your power to help your team deal with them, teamplay is your saving grace. If you're unable to deal with them that is okay, help your team in whatever way possible, whether that be dealing with their top, mid, and or jungle, or simply sacrificing resources to make sure your team stays ahead (I.E dropping a wave to secure an objective) the more your team succeeds the more you succeed.
Outscaling threats: Besides beating you extremely hard late game, most if not all you'll stomp in laning. Deny them the opportunity to scale and make sure they stay behind, the mistake a lot of

Poke threats: Poke picks are solely designed to shut you down and fully deny you your chance at snowballing. Due to Draven's lack of mobility options (not having a dash), short range (no long-ranged abilities to assist farming), and choreographed movement patterns (picking up axes). You become a very easy target to hit skillshots on and zone if they have the correct tools to do so. Laning is going to be miserable until you have items to deal with them, just like "Game-losing threats" try your absolute best not to die in lane. If you're struggling to stay alive buy early lifesteal (

Tips & Tricks 5:
I've included everything you need to know into 1 clear video, the manuscript can be found in the description box on the youtube video
One trick not included is E buffering, same as R buffering, you simply wait till the target is about to stun you and you press E. This can be useful to cancel abilities, most noteable examples: ||


Full speed:

Slowed down:

Items & Summoner Spells 6:
For the bulk of Items & Summoner Spells I've included everything you need to know on the front-page. (situational items, full build alternatives & other summoner spells) You can access this by hovering over the "NOTES" or clicking the "NOTES" dropdown menu if you're on mobile. This section will only include my full build and my default Summoner Spells as an indepth explanation to why I choose to itemize this way.


Gameplay 7:
Gameplay is going to focus on the 3 main stages of the game, early - mid - late. This is going to focus solely on snowballing and creating a lead. If you're unsure how to deal from behind, refer back to chapter 3: hardest matchups and individual matchups in the counters & synergies section.
Early game: Building a fortress/starting a slow push - early game pressure is 1 of the most important things you can have, and it all stems from the first wave. There's a lot more you can do with the wave other than shove it in repeatedly into the enemy

(From left to right) 1st image: as can be seen the first and second wave I've managed to secure a minion lead. I am close to my minions to deny

2nd image: Now that cannon wave has arrived, I have maintained my minion advantage and have improved on it. I am a complete cannon up now with an HP lead on

3rd image: With

4th image: The aftermath had resulted in both

Once reset, the enemy's wave will slow bush back to you. Because we've just gotten a lead, we can allow this and

1st image: As we can see, the minion wave has thinned out from tower to 6 vs 3, therefore pushing back towards me.
2nd & 3rd image:

4th image: Since we didn't push the wave in, the

Aftermath: With her wanting to reset after the whole exchange, I hold the wave at my tower until she does. I then transition my freeze into a slow push allowing me an excellent back timer further pushing my lead. In 6 minutes, I have created a 1.7k gold lead, and a 3 level lead in a Grandmaster/Challenger game.
Transfering that lead into the mid-game: Now that we're up a healthy chunk of gold, after we get first tower were going to rotate to the mid-lane. We're going to establish mid-lane prio by making sure our waves are pushed towards the enemy to create map pressure.

Since I have established mid prio, and with my team pressuring for dragon. This gives me free access to the entire side of the board, which allows me to waltz into their jungler and catch their

Now in mid-game, we need to set ourselves up for success. How do we do that? By securing objectives and maintaining map dominance.

1st image: while no objectives are up, I am creating map threats the enemy is forced to respond to. This allows mid and top to gain pressure, as they'll be no enemies in it, I will get my

2nd image: Now that

3rd image: We're now able to all collapse on

Late game - finding ways to end: Mid-game and late-game for

1st image - positioning yourself correctly in a teamfight: Due to our lack of midlane presence, aswell as

2nd image - picking and choosing our objectives: Evaluate what it is you can, and can not get away with. Due to our toplaner

3rd image - always having escape routes while killing the enemy: Dying in an end game fight is 1 of the worst things that can happen. If you're the only 1 performing on your team, dying can result in losing your grip on the game or straight up losing instantly. This is why when poking and pressuring the enemies, it is very crucial to make sure you've got somewhere you can run to when things don't go in your favour. Although we're only fighting a 3v3,

The Conclusion/Item set importer 8:
If you made it this far, thank you for reading, I really do appreciate it. If you found this guide helpful, give it a like and share it with others, if you disliked it down vote it and leave a comment on what I can improve on future guides. For additional help as stated before, I offer personalized coaching session aswell as stream at https://www.twitch.tv/mcdnldsmngrxdd , if you have any questions or comments please put them below or send them when I'm streaming, if you need to reach out contact me on discord: @mcdnldsmngrxdd - Tunkkimuna#6415.
-Mcdonald's Manager
Item set importer:
{"title":"Mcdonald's manager Draven ","associatedMaps":[11],"associatedChampions":[119],"blocks":[{"items":[{"id":"1055","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1}],"type":"New Block"},{"items":[{"id":"3134","count":1},{"id":"1036","count":1}],"type":"first back"},{"items":[{"id":"3142","count":1},{"id":"3006","count":1},{"id":"6676","count":1},{"id":"3036","count":1},{"id":"3031","count":1},{"id":"6673","count":1},{"id":"3026","count":1}],"type":"full build"},{"items":[{"id":"3006","count":1},{"id":"3111","count":1}],"type":"boots"},{"items":[{"id":"3142","count":1},{"id":"3006","count":1},{"id":"6676","count":1},{"id":"3036","count":1},{"id":"3031","count":1},{"id":"3026","count":1}],"type":"full build with GA"},{"items":[{"id":"6697","count":1},{"id":"3006","count":1},{"id":"6676","count":1},{"id":"3036","count":1},{"id":"3031","count":1},{"id":"6673","count":1}],"type":"hubris full build"},{"items":[{"id":"3153","count":1},{"id":"3072","count":1},{"id":"3139","count":1},{"id":"6695","count":1},{"id":"6673","count":1},{"id":"3094","count":1},{"id":"3046","count":1},{"id":"3033","count":1}],"type":"situational damage options"},{"items":[{"id":"3026","count":1},{"id":"3156","count":1},{"id":"6665","count":1},{"id":"6333","count":1},{"id":"3065","count":1}],"type":"situational defensive options"}]}
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