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Recommended Items
Runes: Manamune setup
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Level up order
Mark of the Kindred (PASSIVE)
Kindred Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He is very difficult to deal with. A good and more importantly, fed Jax will finish you under a counterstrike stun. Best not to invade this guy and avoid or ban him.
You can work together to maximise your team's impact in lategame, with you both providing a means to survive the unsurvivable, resulting in neat, montage worthy teamfight and game saves. Just try and not overlap your ults!
You can work together to maximise your team's impact in lategame, with you both providing a means to survive the unsurvivable, resulting in neat, montage worthy teamfight and game saves. Just try and not overlap your ults!
Champion Build Guide

My name is Eshgrim, playing on the EUW server, a long time League player and Kindred enthusiast. I've instantly fell in love with this champion right after her reveal and have been playing her vigorously ever since her now seemingly so faraway release in 2015. While it's safe to say I'm too much of a pleb to reach high elos and put a fat respectable rank down the table, I'm happy with the experience and knowledge I have accumulated with Kindred over the years, and I'm also happy to share what I can :)

Kindred is perhaps best described as: unique. We are talking about a jungler marksman with virtually infinite scaling, bold playstyle and an exceptional, difficult to use and potentially game changing ultimate that is uncommon for an ADC.
Let's break down the abilities ft. for simplicity.
PASSIVE: More about this down below in Tips section.

First, let's talk about marks!
Marks are very important to collect as they are the means to scale with, improving our abilities and attack range. Keep this in mind, however, inting for marks is a common mistake and you should not do that. The first mark always spawns on a rift scuttler on one side of the map (typically on the opposite end of the river of where you're at). You can ideally sneak the first mark before the enemy jungler even gets there, or solo kill them (depending on champion), or at least ping for your midlaner's assistance if you have to.
Keep track of the enemy jungler's movements and the minimap, only move in to invade for marks when you have a clear idea of where the jungler is, and if the nearest enemies are visible on their lane.This is important because a surprising amount of times players go out of their way to take your marked camps or to trap and kill you, and the last thing you want is your teammates starting to flame you with "jungle diff" in /all chat.
For your personally chosen marks; always start the game with marking the enemy jungler in case you encounter them on your scuttle mark or happen to countergank him. Afterwards, typically target the enemy you're most likely to get a kill/assist on(this is especially true for mid-to-late game),or the enemy you intend to gank in the near future, depending on lane priority (maintain or create).
You get the attack range bonus at 4 marks, so this is your early game goal. Truthfully everything above that is an extra, but it will never hurt to obtain more marks later on as the game progresses.
About E - Mounting Dread
Using Mounting Dread right at the start of a fight is a very common misplay by lots of Kindred players, especially newer ones. The slow component isn't as important at the execute mechanic, so ideally you should wait with using this ability until your target reaches the execute treshhold (which depends on your critical chance; 15% HP by default) and learn to rely on kiting, Blue Smite slow and Stormrazor procs. Example: *VIDEO COMING SOON*
Using R - Lamb's Respite
This can be your ticket to win games or lose games. For general purposes, you can use Lamb's Respite to win duels by using it to prevent you from dying and fully apply Mounting Dread on your opponent, then launch Wolf to finish them off AFTER your ultimate fades. You can also tower dive with ult, finishing your enemies and retreating, dropping ult right on the edge of tower aggro range, saving yourself or your teammates from dying to it. You can even win Smite battles on objectives with it, dropping the ult as soon as the dragon/Baron is reaching smiteable HP range, potentially baiting the enemy jungler to waste their Smite while the objective is unkillable, then allowing you to Smite it yourself once Lamb's Respite fades. Examples: *VIDEOS COMING SOON*
In teamfights, you should use Lamb's Respite to either save yourself from certain death, save your most important teammates, or to counter cheesy wombo-combos and all-ins, providing your team a chance to fight back. Examples: *VIDEOS COMING SOON*
Jungle pathing

Kiting & wall hopping
Kiting is an essential mechanic to any marksman, and Kindred is no exception. Your effectiveness with Kindred will heavily rely on how nimble you are and if you can keep yourself safe while dishing out as much damage as possible! Thankfully, we have some nifty tools in our arsenal for this purpose. Q + W allows us to jump more frequently, and it should be used mainly for dodging skillshots and kiting mid-to-late game. Avoid jumping directly towards enemies, especially when ganking, because that way you can be easily shut down by an otherwise avoidable CC and you're just putting yourself in harm's way. Only jump towards enemies if it means immediately landing a certain killing blow.
Please let me know what do you think; I'm always open for feedback and critizism!
I will also intend to extend, improve and update this guide as time and opportunity allows.
Thank you, peace!
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