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Talon Build Guide by AggressiveAqua

Middle Pentaburn Talon

Middle Pentaburn Talon

Updated on January 23, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AggressiveAqua Build Guide By AggressiveAqua 2,426 Views 0 Comments
2,426 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AggressiveAqua Talon Build Guide By AggressiveAqua Updated on January 23, 2018
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Why play Pentaburn talon?

Hello. I'm AggressiveAqua and I am a Bronze 2 Support main meaning I know exactly what I'm doing. If you are having your doubts about this build, consider the following.
1. Are you tired of regular Talon?
2. Have you wondered what it would be like to be Assassin Teemo?
3. Have you ever wanted to get reported by your own team for intentionally feeding?
If any, all or none of these these things are true, than you should use this build.
I spent more time creating this build on mobafire than I did actually thinking about it and testing it to see how close to the line between viable and reportable it is, so you know that you can trust me.
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How to play him

Essentially, until around level 4-5 you play him like you'd play normal Talon, you aren't running something like Electrocute so your level 2 burst might not earn you first blood like usual unless you poke your enemy down lower than usual.
But make sure that once you pick up that red smite, when you land your W and get those two stacks of your passive, Smite, Q, AA to proc that sweet bleed and the damage from smite. Follow that up with an ignite and their health will be draining faster than if they had stepped on a lategame Teemo shroom.
Of course, you have scorch, his passive, red smite and Ignite.. but that's only 4 burns? I thought this build had 5?
Well. That's where you go and take your jungler's Red Buff whenever possible, giving you a True Damage burn that adds together with ignite and red smite and some health regen to help survive enemy pokes.
Finally, you can bring this up to a hexaburn by picking up a Liandry's torment for current health burn every time you land your W or to burn alongside your passive. Remember, Talon's W also slows so that Liandry's burn is doubled when you hit the second hit with it, and if you landed your W twice you should be following that with a smite, Q, AA ignite to make sure that he doesn't make that mistake again.
Oh and I guess you should roam or something because you're Talon but if you go botlane chances are you'll just die or come back empty handed and their toplaner is 7/0 so going up there is just gonna feed more kills. So roam to your discretion.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AggressiveAqua
AggressiveAqua Talon Guide
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Pentaburn Talon

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