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Shen Build Guide by Fwend

Top Playing Shen [S8]

Top Playing Shen [S8]

Updated on June 17, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fwend Build Guide By Fwend 8,767 Views 0 Comments
8,767 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fwend Shen Build Guide By Fwend Updated on June 17, 2018
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Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating
Second Wind

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Ultimate Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Introduction Shen [S8]

Welcome to the #1 Silver Shen Na Build. This is my very first guide. Today you would learn not only to master Shen, but to also prove all those monkeys that you shall not be the underdog. That you should be messed with. This will insure your respect for you to become yet another Alpha. Above I just have all the basic things you need to know, but check the notes if you want in depth stuff. Most of that stuff will also be discussed down below. Also make sure to ban any champion that usually goes black cleaver first item.
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Rushing Zz' rot and why

You may wonder why I'm being such a pain about this item but it is essential in order to play Shen. First of all I'm going to talk about the items it take to build this item. It really is a saint. Build the cloak that the enemy champion main damage is. So you can get 90 to 100 armor or magic resist by the time the enemy will most likely get phage or something. This would help you win these 1 on 1s. which can toughen you by time you have to ult to other lanes. But once you build zz rot it can help you split push a lot and overall be pretty tanky by your first item.
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Early Game

Shen is really good at being aggressive and applying pressure so here a bullet point of the things that you should do whenever the game starts.
1.In beginning of game put Q on left bush. Somewhat above where the minions would first hit each other
2. Don't use Q and hit secure first 3 minions.
3. Walk up around river and try to land Q on enemy champion while moving closer
4. Cheese. It's okay to take damage since you have grasp. No other champion has a more OP lvl 1 ability.
5. Back off.
6. Continue to cs until hit level 2. Once you hit 2 repeat the same thing and use E to dash away. Or you can E on him doesn't matter.
7. For the rest of early game just harass and farm. Try to have a cloak by the 1st or 2nd time you back.
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Mid Game

There's not really much to say except to ult and keep split pushing if you have ult or teleport. I don't know what it's like to play Shen in high elo and I heard that there is a lot variables so just keep ulting and being that buddy to your teammates. Karma is real! Nimbus Cloak is really good since you can chase easier after you ult and go for a flash.
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Late Game

You should now replace your zz rot with a gargoyle or other tanky item. I recommend gargoyle because it's really great for team fights which are very important in late game. Just pop it in team fights and hope the best for your carries to do damage. You also don't have to always W yourself. You should stay in the front but try peel.
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Things to Do Whole Game

Land Q on enemies. That bonus damage is really good early game and should be manipulated. When you engaged you should get that shield from your passive which is really good for dueling. Positioning and timing is everything in here. Memba!
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E Flash

E flash is a great way to engage on the enemy, but most importantly went ganking or chasing. Make sure to practice this skill in the practice tool game mode in League. The way it works is that you E and during the movement of that dab, you flash on them. Again very good and spooky play. It is also a great way to land your e if you were pointing at the wrong direction.
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Unlike most champions Shen can work in all lanes. He is pretty much a hybrid since his q and r scale on ap and they are important items on his kit. Anything is possible as Shen <3. Keep this stuff in mind and have fun! I will do a Jg shen guide later on. Stick around!

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