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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Serpentine Grace (PASSIVE)
Cassiopeia Passive Ability
Pros and Cons
Cassiopeia is an AP Mid with amazing harass and damage. However, she is very hard to play and requires long term commitment.
-Can easily control a lane and zone out opponents.
-Devastating damage and great at chasing.
-Outscales people.
-Really good Stun Ultimate!
-Absolutely amazing at harassing!
-Really, really squishy with no escapes.
-Really hard to play well.
-The more you play, the more combo's and tricks you learn. Long commitment.

TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+ 80% AP)

TOTAL MAX MAGIC DAMAGE: 225 / 315 / 405 / 495 / 585 (+ 135% AP)

MAGIC DAMAGE: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 55% AP)

MAGIC DAMAGE: 200 / 325 / 450 (+ 60% AP)
Early game is very simply put as: understanding the nature of the lane -> how you're going to play. Are you facing a melee champion that you can easily continue harassing? Are you facing an enemy that outranges and have to be in a farm lane? This aspect is important because of your first buy. Are you going to be going Kage's for Twin Shadows? Do you need tankiness and sustain so you're going to buy Hextech Revolver?

Twin Fang does more damage.
Lets say you have 200 AP, you land 2 Noxious Blasts and 4 Twin Fangs. You have 4 points in Q and 2 in E. Without factoring magic resist:
-2 Noxious Blasts = 2 * 195 = 390 + 2(200 AP * .80 AP Ratio) = 390 + 320 = 710 Damage.
-4 Twin Fangs = 4 * 85 = 340 + 4(200 AP * .55 AP Ratio) = 780 Damage.
Twin Fang does more damage. But I max Noxious Blast more. Why?
The strength of Cassiopeia is at levels 3-5. It's not at level 2. A level 1 Twin Fang does little damage. The chances of you picking up a kill at level 2 is really unlikely. Understand the nature of the lane and think about putting more points in Q or E.
---Is the opponent close range? Put more points in Twin Fang! You know you get to land more Noxious Blasts and get more opportunities to frequently damage with Twin Fang.
---Is the opponent longer range or playing passive? Not able to combo? Put points in Noxious! Putting 2-3 points in Q really early is underrated. When I'm zoning hard, all I have to do is land a silly poison cloud and I'm able to conserve mana. The opponent can't farm because he's scared of my damage, and I haven't even used Twin Fang.

MAGIC DAMAGE PER SECOND: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+ 15% AP)
TOTAL MAX MAGIC DAMAGE: 225 / 315 / 405 / 495 / 585 (+ 135% AP)
To me, the difference between a good Cass player and a great Cass player, is how they use Miasma.
Use Miasma First!
Cassiopeia is known for her Noxious/Twin Fang combo, but Miasma just makes it even better. Throwing out a Miasma does a few things:
1. Lets you throw out Twin Fang faster: Miasma procs poison immediately unlike Noxious.
2. IT SLOWS. IT SLOWS: Did I mention that it slows? This is the reason Cassiopeia is good against melee champions. A slow from Miasma lets you hit Noxious Blast easier. It slows the opponent, and if you have Rylai's slows even more.
3. Lands you kills better: If you need to burst down, Miasma can only help. Extra damage + slow only helps.
Use Miasma before Ultimate
Using Miasma before stunning makes the opponent stay in Miasma's circle longer, dealing more damage. After the opponent comes out of the stun, they're slowed, letting you burst down easier.
Land Miasma behind Opponent
I like it when I move close in lane, the opponent starts to move back but I throw out a Miasma behind them as they turn around. They're slowed, poisoned, I get to land a Noxious easily after I Twin Fang. Easy harass and can pick up kills.
![]() ![]() |
Are you facing a melee champion? Use Amplifying Tome + 1 Pot. Harass him. Punish him for farming. Is he close? Use ![]() ![]() |
When it's going to be a farm lane, Faerie Charm + 6 Pots + Ward is my favorite start. Do I need to stay in lane nonstop and can't harass? This is the start to go. |
Twin Shadows v. Rylai's Scepter
Twin Shadows is a lot cheaper, gives magic resist, gives movement speed, and a great active. I love this item for early/early mid games or if I'm roaming a lot. It really helps pick up kills. Perfect active when the opponent flashes, I just pop the active to kill or get away.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter : It's up to you to decide when you need health or a constant slow. Rylai's has always been a good item for Cassiopeia but I feel Twin Shadows gives enough slow that is needed for much of the early/mid game. Rylai's synergies well with
Liandry's Torment.
Items to Think About:
Your items for each game with Cassiopeia is just going to be:






I strongly recommend against
. They slow down your early/mid game dominance and only hinder you.

Annie is tough since she can stun and burst down so hard. It's tough knowing when you can be aggressive. I like to turn this into a farm lane depending on the skill of the player.

If she stays in lane, you can decide between maxing Q or E. Q zones her out and doesn't let her farm at all. I recommend maxing E if she's dumb and wants to stay close. Punish her and combo for easy kills.

Understand the range of his rift walk. He's a melee farmer and it depends on whether you want to max Q or E. If he's going a little safer, Q. If he's dumb and wants to fight early, max E.
Banshee's Veil helps a lot. If he's smart, he'll Rift Walk and then silence. If he's not and silences first, well just enjoy a kill if possible.

After level 6, you have to be careful since her ultimate gives her invulnerability. You should be able to out range and out harass with Noxious. Don't let her keep harassing with her Q + E, it can really hurt with just something like Nashor's Tooth and Large Rod or Haunting Guise.

After she uses her spells, she can't do anything but waste mana shielding. Punish her for having long cooldowns and high mana costs. Always keep moving.

Most of the time, this is just a farm lane. You don't really want to go in aggressive since he can silence and also suppress. He's good at 1v1's for a reason, no point in trying to pick up kills.

Keep in mind that you can't let him harass or snare you.

Really nothing to do but play passively and farm well.

If he uses his Q to farm, it's going to push the lane. Let him push since he's squishy. If he's auto attacking, just keep harassing.
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