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Teemo Build Guide by WhiteDustWolF

Middle Pop'n Hide

Middle Pop'n Hide

Updated on May 15, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WhiteDustWolF Build Guide By WhiteDustWolF 1,838 Views 1 Comments
1,838 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WhiteDustWolF Teemo Build Guide By WhiteDustWolF Updated on May 15, 2016
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Hi there Sated Bums, This is build for teemo Pop'n Balloons and hiding in the bush

First off for this build i chose teemo to be somewhat free roamer with possibly max ap damage and assassin like. It will have its pros and cons of course .

- Your kills MIGHT be higher or simply you will get kill chances either steal or your own doing.
- Map Awareness strategy, if you are teemo you have to know where to get kills so you need to be at one place to another to grow your crops/nukes/shrooms/traps . It is easy for you to detect what will be the situation will be / is .

- High ap , meaning well kills and assist steals.

* With your High ap and Strategy with you going around places and seeing the movements of enemy . You have the steering wheel buddy.

- Thing is if you are cought by melee ranged enemies like tryndamere. You are probably gonna die. counter to this is what i said in the pro section Map awareness
- Placing an alone nuke/shroom in one place will help you see but not kill.
- Probably your own tower will be destroyed if you always travel to counter that yet again map awareness.

Disclaimer: I do not gurantee that you will win your game or be suddenly play like a pro or something. So your is not my butt , if you got beaten times its yours ( probably also mine if this build is not for you.)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WhiteDustWolF
WhiteDustWolF Teemo Guide
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