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Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability

GP10 - gold per 10s
AD - attack damage
AP - ability power
arp - armor penetration
mp - magic penetration
ADC - AD carry
APC - AP carry
MS - movement speed
CC - crowd control
I use classic runes for
Poppy :
Greater Mark of Attack Damage x9 - for easier last hits.
Greater Seal of Armor x9 - for armor(you'll definitely need those at top lane).
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist x9 - some magic resistance for mid/late game.
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed x3 - for nice movement speed boost(
Poppy's main gap closer).
Other valuable choices :
Greater Quintessence of Vigor x3 - really helpful vs champions like
Yorick in early game.
Greater Seal of Gold x9 - little boost of your gp10.
Greater Mark of Desolation x9 - vs heavy armor enemies.

Other valuable choices :
Greater Quintessence of Vigor x3 - really helpful vs champions like

Greater Mark of Desolation x9 - vs heavy armor enemies.
My poppy mastery tree is a bit unusual 1/15/14.
It's based on MS, GP10, survivability :
Summoner's Wrath
Veteran's Scars
Well if you prefer, you can take 21/0/9 mastery tree for more damage, but really u have enough :D.
It's based on MS, GP10, survivability :

Well if you prefer, you can take 21/0/9 mastery tree for more damage, but really u have enough :D.
The build from above really doesn't need changes it works vs any team.
Still there are some valuable exchanges:
Hextech Gunblade >>
Last Whisper >>
Black Cleaver or
Phantom Dancer or
Quicksilver Sash.
Avarice Blade >>
Youmuu's Ghostblade (instead of
Last Whisper again).
Still there are some valuable exchanges:

Diplomatic Immunity >>
Devastating Blow >>
Paragon of Demacia >>
Heroic Charge.
vs heavy AD
Diplomatic Immunity >>
Paragon of Demacia >>
Devastating Blow >>
Heroic Charge.

vs heavy AD

Rank A
Ghost +
Ignite -
Ghost gives you insane MS boost that can be used during
Diplomatic Immunity for fast catching up with your victim and
Ignite damage is increased by 40% as well if used on the target with your ult on.
Rank B
Flash - if you think you won't need the bonus MS from
Exhaust - very helpful in 1v1's but also can be used in other smart way.If enemy team has TONS of CC then u can exhaust the enemy with less CC and ult him , so he won't be able to kills you meanwhile.
Cleanse - pick that vs many CC's.
Teleport - very situational spell, but it can save games!By teleporting behind enemies on ward can win team fight, also useful when split pushing or backdooring.

Rank B

Diplomatic Immunity on support or low damage/CC target and wreck the faces of their carries.
If enemy has huge amount of CC then you'll need a little help from your team:
ask some1 tanky to initiate instead of you and wait til your lowest CC enemy use his CC on your mate then rush in the team fight and ult that enemy instant and wreck faces.

If enemy has huge amount of CC then you'll need a little help from your team:
ask some1 tanky to initiate instead of you and wait til your lowest CC enemy use his CC on your mate then rush in the team fight and ult that enemy instant and wreck faces.
If played well
Poppy can carry +70% of 1v5 games.

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