LoL Best Poppy Build Guides 2024
Build guides for Poppy on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Poppy builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 3 Guides
Pop 'em all!
Poppy the Iron Jungler (S3)
Barrier Bait Bonanza
Poppy Diplomacy [Top_S3] by Miadoro
Armor Poppy (a Solotop guide)
How To Poppy [S3]
Dominion AP Poppy
Poppy Jungle; Ball of Death
This is for my father
Dangerous Poppy
[S3] Speedy Poppy - The fastest path to their carry
Poppy, from 100 to 0 [*S3 UPDATET*]
AP Poppy, Master of the Jungle
Poppy the fear of the jungle!
[S3] Poppy All in one build
A Yordle by the Tree
pOPpy hates S3(Assassin build)
pOPpy hates S3(tank build)
Season 3 Builds