LoL Best Poppy Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Poppy on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Poppy builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 2 Guides
Poppy - My Q + U = 911
Toppy's Infinite Compendium to Smashing Faces.
Poppy, Whomper, and Her Heavy Hammer
Poppy crazy Melee DAMAGE DEALER
Poppy - Top Lane
Poppy, the invulnerable nuke!
Ranked Poppy - solo/jungle
Poppy the Bouncer
AD burst Poppy. "The ***** of solo top"
Poppy solotop, ovelooked assasin
Poppy the Tank
Poppy Popping Pimples
Domination in Dominion - Post Fizz build
Poppy, Combo Kill / Tank Killer
Poppy's Hammer Diplomacy
Poppy The Hybrid Smurf
Season 2 Builds