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Recommended Items
Runes: Guard Cat
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Yuumi the Magical Cat
Feline Friendship (PASSIVE)
Yuumi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Blitzcrank is one of the hardest counters to the Guard Cat due to his ability to remove all shields from a target, his hard engage by hooking your tether, his massive amounts of CC, and his surprising damage output. Guard Cat is fairly safe on her own, but it's hard for her to do her job of keeping a carry alive against any of the hooking/all-in champions.
Jhin's passive scaling off movement speed and attack speed makes for an amazing synergy with Yuumi's new E granting an attack speed boost that scales off its level, and the scaling movement speed that will increase the more AD Jhin has (which is also increasing off your E). His kiting is amazing, and allows you to build more supportive and utility items for the entire team rather than just him.
Jhin's passive scaling off movement speed and attack speed makes for an amazing synergy with Yuumi's new E granting an attack speed boost that scales off its level, and the scaling movement speed that will increase the more AD Jhin has (which is also increasing off your E). His kiting is amazing, and allows you to build more supportive and utility items for the entire team rather than just him.
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