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Pros :
- very good scaling damage through the game.
- good mobility
- can kill mutiple targets with ult
- also steal high priority objectives (baron, dragons) with ult
- beautiful and good looking with star guardian skin
- good poke early game. shred tanks late game.
Cons :
- more squishy than me you cant !!!
- arcane shift on cooldown = low mobility except with flash
- risky pick in midlane
- situational. no pick if Adc top like Teemo or no tank support.
- very good scaling damage through the game.
- good mobility
- can kill mutiple targets with ult
- also steal high priority objectives (baron, dragons) with ult
- beautiful and good looking with star guardian skin
- good poke early game. shred tanks late game.
Cons :
- more squishy than me you cant !!!
- arcane shift on cooldown = low mobility except with flash
- risky pick in midlane
- situational. no pick if Adc top like Teemo or no tank support.
Exhaust : really useful with Ezreal. your E gets you closer to your target and the slow of 30% for 2.5 seconds will help you chain the Q/AA/Q faster than your shadow ;). You can also Q/W/E/AA/Q. this moveset will grant attack speed plus your passive and a lot of poke damage.
It's a great spell for espace too combine with your arcane shift off cooldown of course. If you play smart you can turn the tables on your favor. an ennemy is chasing you ? try some poke while running away and when he is in range, land the exhaust. the slow will help you arcane shift safe or a side to apply more damage followed by a Q/AA/Q.
Flash : well i will not explain in details this spell well known by everyone. Just keep in mind before using flash to secure a kill on your lane that this is your only escape if your arcane shift is on cooldown. Keep it and prefer to use the ultimate to secure a kill, sometimes a good aiming with luck lead to success haha :)
It's a great spell for espace too combine with your arcane shift off cooldown of course. If you play smart you can turn the tables on your favor. an ennemy is chasing you ? try some poke while running away and when he is in range, land the exhaust. the slow will help you arcane shift safe or a side to apply more damage followed by a Q/AA/Q.
Flash : well i will not explain in details this spell well known by everyone. Just keep in mind before using flash to secure a kill on your lane that this is your only escape if your arcane shift is on cooldown. Keep it and prefer to use the ultimate to secure a kill, sometimes a good aiming with luck lead to success haha :)
I tend to max Q first of course because of the low cooldown a lot of poke possibility. Plus, the cooldown is reduced when the ability hits an unit or champion. Lvl2 going straight for the arcane shift for more mobility and play more agressive, maybe secure a kill. The W is useful when taking turrets or in teamfight to enhance the attack speed of your team espacially the melee assassins.
Deathfire touch excellent on Ezreal since you gonna try to poke max with your Q on the enemy. Split the points between fury and sorcery help with the attack speed to apply more often the deathfire touch debuff. Useful for last hit minions as well in combination with savagery. of course, you can use the thunderlord mastery which works too.
Marks : magic penetration of course we play Ez AP full AP so no questions here. a little bit of attack speed which help in trades.
Glyphs : magic resist to handle all the magic damage from those mages of the midlane. yes im looking at you Syndra even you Ahri. Ability power to boost our damage.
Seals : Armor to reduce the incoming damage from a Zed, Talon or Gangplank. Scaling health to be a tiny bit " tanky " lol. Will be good in late game teamfights.
Quintessences : AP AP AP AP !!!! i wont say it again. promise... AP HA !!!
Glyphs : magic resist to handle all the magic damage from those mages of the midlane. yes im looking at you Syndra even you Ahri. Ability power to boost our damage.
Seals : Armor to reduce the incoming damage from a Zed, Talon or Gangplank. Scaling health to be a tiny bit " tanky " lol. Will be good in late game teamfights.
Quintessences : AP AP AP AP !!!! i wont say it again. promise... AP HA !!!
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