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Lucian Humor Guide by PsychoPflanze

Middle Projectz Lucian

Middle Projectz Lucian

Updated on May 21, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PsychoPflanze Build Guide By PsychoPflanze 2,052 Views 0 Comments
2,052 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PsychoPflanze Lucian Build Guide By PsychoPflanze Updated on May 21, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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So, this is the official "Projectz Lucian Build". This is a very strong build, as it comes with the element of surprise. The main part about this build is going hybrid and ****ing them up. Also you will have to have good decision making, i am explaining that later.
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Pros / Cons

What are the pros and cons of this build?


+ Element of surprise
+ Good AOE damage
+ Good single damage
+ AP and AD damage
+ Mobility
+ A little bit of tank


- Hard decision making
- Hard early, mid and late game
- Need skill and maybe a good team (not necessary)
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Why should you buy those items?

Easy, you jump in with e and follow up with protobelt into 5 dudes. What is that? Damage and an engage for your team to follow up. You do kinda good damage and to a lot of pepes (around 3 to 5). And you can even use it to disengage

If you just have one target, for example your enemy mid laner. Go full in and use everything on them they can't escape when they are slowed.

This item gives you a lot of range you can use.

Boots of swiftness:
Gotsa go fest. But you could also use berserkers of any boots at all

Ninja tabi's:
Armor duh, you could exchange them for magres boots if you so please

Hexdrinker or Zhonyas:
Sustain and either of them are useful.
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Team Work

If you get absolutely rekt:
Git gud and wait for your jungler. If you already have gunblade or protobelt of course, kills should be easey
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PsychoPflanze
PsychoPflanze Lucian Guide
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Projectz Lucian

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