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Garen Build Guide by 16BitPotato

Top Q max Garen

Top Q max Garen

Updated on March 17, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 16BitPotato Build Guide By 16BitPotato 13,634 Views 0 Comments
13,634 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 16BitPotato Garen Build Guide By 16BitPotato Updated on March 17, 2018
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This is my semi in depth garen build that should help you get out of lower ranks if you keep dedicated and stay focused to climbing. Oh also I'm 16BitPotato but the name doesn't work in league because for some bloody reason you can't have it in league, I climbed outta bronze this season with this build and it worked for free-elo last season so I decided I'd post it here with you all.
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Time to get down and dirty! (strat talk)

So.... The main part of this build when going the tank route is starting and rushing the iceborn gauntlet I know the mana is a waste but the passive proc on his q is actually really strong and synergises well with his kit you can first item black cleaver and probably should with e max but I don't enjoy playing that way so I don't. The other build seems troll I know but it is actually incredibly strong I urge you to try the ad garen build in norms or a custom just too see if it does what you'd like it too. *YOU DON'T NEED TO RUN GHOST BTW* you can run whatever you want for this build I like ignite but if you so feel that, that won't suit your game that's fine :)
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Pros / Cons

Ok so I'm just gonna do these for garen as a champ becuz I fell his greatest weakness is his teamfights in mid game because he actually can't be where he needs to be, this build adresses that.

+amazing utility with sheen proc after iceborn
+really good damage if you combo (aa q aa e)
+super strong early game for top laners

-the jazz build is kinda trolly I'd honestly avoid it unless in norms
-this is kinda a rip off of blue ezreal just for an ad bruiser.
-this build isn't perfect you should probably build maw on garen as I just feel it's a good item for him.
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To be honest this a normie stomper build and not much more but quite fun if you can pull it off!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 16BitPotato
16BitPotato Garen Guide
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Q max Garen

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