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League of Draven (PASSIVE)
Draven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lucian's passive is crucial to watch out for when laning against him , his Q can pierce through minions and deal damage to you , watch over your positioning and try not to get hit by it . He is stronger than you until you buy a Bloodthirster, afterwards you should feel stronger. Top supports to have against him are Thresh and Leona. Always tell your suppor to take ignite against him because his E just cancels out the exhaust slow!
I put a lot of time into my guides! This guide contains almost 4,000 words of completely Draven information of what I learn/know/and carry. As a Draven player. Enjoy :)
It has been a while guy's! Last time I updated this guide it was December 2014. Here we are 11 months later with a new season ahead of us all! let's crush them! :)
flat ad runes will make you push lane very far, which will increase the chances of you getting ganked! and when you start losing stacks as draven the more worse you'll do as the game progresses, The slight flaw with 19 armor pen is that you'll be low on ad early. But your ult and your crits will annihilate anybody in your path!

Draven counters alot of champions aswell, Here is a screenshot of the champions he counters.

Here is a well known Draven player "Fabbbyyy" Scoring a well earned Pentakill with Draven
This is how Draven is unique compared to other ADC's. Can any other adc do this???
Draven could also position himself when doing Baron! To catch EVERY SINGLE AXE! I'll post a Screenshot

Cons: Sadly, if Draven doesn't get any kills and actually "Feeds" It'll be quite difficult to comeback into the game and keep up to par with Attack Damage.
More Pros
Very rewarding champion for the time you put in.
Tremendous damage throughout the game.
High skill cap means that it's very noticeable when you improve your Draven play.
Excels at killing isolated targets.
Global pressure through his ultimate.
More Cons
Not the simplest champion; if you don't play aggressively, then you need to change your play style heavily.
No built-in escapes from gap closers.
No real poking strength.
Double Edged sword : The fact that you are taking Lifesteal runes into notice, your trading will become more powerful , and when the enemy hits back you should be able to heal it up with the 4% lifesteal you have!
4 points in Fury : Provides you with 5% attack speed, synchronizes with your W ( Blood Rush ) nicely, also makes your trading potential stronger.
3 points in brute force : Scaling Attack Damage (0.66 per level): Gives 12 Attack Damage at level 18 which is significant as your axes take 85% of your total Attack Damage into notice when they're at level 5!
Martial Mastery : Gives 5 Attack Damage; explanation is the same, makes your Spinning axes hurt like crazy!
Executioner: 2 reasons why to put 3 points into this mastery. First one being that Draven is the "Glorious executioner" :^)
Jokes aside, the mastery is improving Draven's trading potential , increasing ALL damage he deals to the enemy+ potentially making your Ultimate deal damage to the enemies struck by it.
Warlord : Increases Bonus Attack Damage by 5% : So , your first item to take should be Infinity edge, it gives 80 attack damage and you get 4 attack damage from this mastery, which also contributes to adding 5% bonus attack damage, a lot of free stats for 3 mastery points, sign me up.
Dangerous game : Heals you for 5% of your maximum health and mana whenever you kill a champion : CRUCIAL MASTERY! It is a clutch mastery providing a lot of Resources, if you're low on HP killing someone would maybe help you survive ignite ticks or just let you win more brawls while in a teamfight!
Frenzy : Critical hits increase your Attack speed by 5% for 3 seconds : Hitting the enemy with 2 crits would provide you with a "Dagger" so having 3 stacks of this is worth for about 600 gold! Keep that in mind
Defense mastery tree!
Block : Reduce incoming damage from champion basic attacks by 2. This mastery provides with let's say 2 armor at early levels as it blocks 2 damage from champion basic attacks. Benefitial for surviving tough fights and trading in the lane!
Recovery : 2 health regen per 5 seconds. Free sustain. Why not?
Enchanted armor : Increases your bonus Armor and Magic Resistance by 5%. Very benefitial if you're buying a Guardian Angel , if you're not your runes will provide extra survivability!
Veteran scars : 36 health. Gives extra toughness and makes the enemy trying to trade less threatening.
Pro's for pushing lane
1)More stacks for your passive, the more stacks you earn the more gold you'll get when you kill an enemy target and that provides you way stronger snowball forces!
2)Enemy adc's who don't really have a whole lot of wave clear and just farm with there Auto attacks and don't really have any ability to clear wave's, then you could easily bring in a huge farm lead over the enemy as they'll be struggling to farm as you're axing your way to the lead!
3)Harder to get kills! Draven could easily fail a tower dive early on by getting CC'd by the enemy target and that will mess your entire laning up!
1)Could Easily be Ganked! Thats a common issue for aggressive Draven players, if a Draven is camped and dies to each gank he'd lose stacks and become practically useless!
2)Junglers,Mid's, and other allies can't really help you out by ganking the enemy considering they're massively pushed!
1)lane freezing can lead to a great cs lead, IF your support could harrass and zone well with you.
2)Lane freezing will definitely lower your Adoration ratio's with your stacks, and I mean it won't matter too much if you gain a cs lead and start destroying the enemy targets late game then you'll win!
1)Lower amount of stacks for your passive considering you won't be pushing
2)Your support is at risk of being caught out for bringing in a constant zone.
3)Expect lane ganks from the enemy jungler.
R+(Hits them)+Rewinds(DO NOT LET IT REWIND ALL THE WAY BACK, if that happens it can't be done)+Flash OVER them=there you go your ultimate has hit them 3 times.
Creativity could easily be discovered by playing Draven. You could kill anything with this champion.
1)Leona- Her Engage,ultimate, and passive. Could give you multi-kills when you're really low in hp. Plus, she's really strong and tanky.
2)Braum- Man oh man, when you proc Braums Passive with a Q they'll be really low, SIMPLE first blood kills with this champion.
3)Thresh-Depends on the thresh player really, if he could get you really fed early that'll be terrific
4)Janna- Her shield protects you from trades, and gives you more flat ad that means your Q would do a jackton more of damage.
5)Sona- If she could line up a godlike ult your ult would be easier to land, she gives free sustain to you, more damage to the enemy.
6)Zyra-Very squishy! But! her Damage is insane! She does secure kills often with her plants so I wouldn't say she's definitely recommended. but you could definitely win lane with this champion by your side (She's my strongest support).
7)Vel'koz- this guy could provide MASSIVE harrass, and still burst the hell out of people with his ultimate.
8)Nunu-This guy is actually very very strong! Nobody supports with him that much. But his blood boil+ snowball on the enemy is BROKEN. Draven with more attack speed+W+the enemy is slowed? What more could an adc ask for! haha.
9)Nami-Her heal, and 3 bubbles can make you do alot of damage.
10.Taric-His stun can make or break a bot lane. He's very tanky but no so much of crowd control is provided from his kit.
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