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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Arcane Mastery (PASSIVE)
Ryze Passive Ability
Ryze The Rogue Mage
How to use your abilities correctly : Q-R-W-E. The best choice for Ryze's escape tool is flash, since it's the most powerful escape tool for Ryze, besides ghost. The reason why I pick ghost as well is the great mobility it provides. Giving an extra speed boost as well as ignoring unit collision ghost is a very good tool for ganking, chasing and/or escaping. If you're not used to ghost, teleport is also a valid option giving an additional escape tool, map-mobility and if you use it correctly you can perform perfect ganks.
Ryze isn't a very mobile champion so having movement speed quint's is a very good idea early game. Having the extra movement speed gives you the upper edge if you are chasing an enemy with your team where you'll be able to catch up and snare the enemy champ with ease. Ryze is a very squishy champ so having scaling health runes is a good idea, giving you that extra point that will win your lane. The marks and glyphs are self-explanatory giving you that much needed magic penetration and damage.
You're probably asking yourself *Why do you want to build Muramana on him?*. Well the anwser is simple. The item gives you an AMAZING ACTIVE and PASSIVE that does extra magic damage based on your mana so it's best to buy it early-game to stack it's passive efficiently. After Muramana you should continue your build with Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart and Banshee's Veil giving you extra suvivability and (because of Muramana) extra damage. Your last item should be the perfect item for Ryze. Archangel staff. This item grants you alot of mana and gives you a passive that turns 3% of your mana to ability power (when max stacked it gives you a massive shield equal to your maximum mana).
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