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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Bridge Between (PASSIVE)
Udyr Passive Ability

Wingborne Storm is your main key for farming, along with
Wingborne Storm when you're next to enemy minions. If an enemy champion comes near while trying to farm minions, activate
Iron Mantle and continue to attack to get a little extra health and then either escape or charge.
Tiamat will help you do two things.
1. Kill a ton of minions very fast.
2. Conserve your mana. (You don't have to activate
Wingborne Storm as often if you need to conserve.)
The added area effect of
Tiamat helps greatly the sooner you can get it.
If you need extra quick money, or the lanes are being controlled fully by either the enemy or your team then you can jungle a bit for money. Use the same method to kill monsters as minions.



1. Kill a ton of minions very fast.
2. Conserve your mana. (You don't have to activate

The added area effect of

If you need extra quick money, or the lanes are being controlled fully by either the enemy or your team then you can jungle a bit for money. Use the same method to kill monsters as minions.

If you are top lane with another champ then it may be a good idea to switch
Spirit of the Elder Lizard with
Aegis of the Legion for some extra defense for both you and your ally, as well as enabling you to act as a temporarily tank in times of need.

You probably will very rarely reach the end of this build since it's designed for 3v3s, but in the occasion you do, your team will surely have the advantage, with you pulling much of the weight. Most of the time you will only make it to the
Frozen Mallet which is fine because that will help you get a ton of kills and assists when you're charging the enemy.

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