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Swain Build Guide by Feral Walrus

Middle "My **** is Hungry!"

Middle "My **** is Hungry!"

Updated on September 12, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Feral Walrus Build Guide By Feral Walrus 2,528 Views 0 Comments
2,528 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Feral Walrus Swain Build Guide By Feral Walrus Updated on September 12, 2013
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Work in Progress

Currently, this guide is a work in progress. But if you feel like you've seen enough, like you've seen everything, then I suggest you take a lesson from the wisest man I know:
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This is my first guide, and possibly my last (if my parole officer finds out). And before we begin, I strongly recommend that you listen to this and watch your enemy feed you.

Please note that Bubba Lee Banks is not a team player, and as a support, stole a vital kill.

Swain is a champion that excels in lane dominance against many champions. His incredulous amounts of sustain, mana and health-wise, allows him to continually farm -- especially at level 6. On top of this, he has a snare ( Nevermove), and a slow ( Decrepify). I'm hoping that this guide gives you some insight into the power of the master tactician, and his huge ****, Beatrice.

Feed your inner ****, and unleash Swain today.
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  • Lots of CC
  • DoTs do a good bit of damage
  • Becomes quite tanky with Ravenous Flock
  • Swagger of a cripple

  • No getaways
  • Has a personal vendetta against mana
  • No nukes (except maybe Nevermove)
  • Ignite will be your mortal enemy
  • If not played right, then won't necessarily live up to the all-American, YOLO standard.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x9 - So that Ravenous Flock gobbles them faster.
Greater Seal of Armor x9 - To take a few Razor Shurikens to the face.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x9 - Because Ryze is too stronk.
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x3 - For that early Torment...literally.
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Feeding Your Cock, and Master Tactician Stuff

So, it comes down to the bulk of this guide. If you've picked up anything so far, hopefully it's the realization that Swain can be rather tanky, especially with Spirit Visage and Zhonya's Hourglass.

Swain, in my opinion, is capable of snowballing extremely easily. At level 6, Swain becomes a beast (literally). There are many times when I find myself getting a double kill as soon as I pick up my ult, and utilizing an entire creep wave. Now, what do I mean by "utilizing an entire creep wave?" Swain's ult hits up to three targets. When fighting a champion, 1v1, you have the upper hand with minions around. Your ult will leech the health of those nearby minions, whilst allowing you to farm gold. Never be afraid to pop your ult, and fight.

In order to capitalize on Swain's outrageous ult, Ravenous Flock, then you must be able to maintain a steady intake of mana -- which is why his passive, Carrion Renewal, comes into play. Yet, overcoming this hurdle grants outrageous sustain.
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