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Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
How to play :
-Also if your opponents in alley are AD Carr'ies, High experience in Meditation will make u more immortal in alley and you'll get faster levels than them.
-On a first minutes of game "Style Wuju" will make u faster in killing minions.
-Use punch "Alpha"on a minion next to you, and You'll be safe after finished attack.
-On a first minutes of game "Style Wuju" will make u faster in killing minions.
-Use punch "Alpha"on a minion next to you, and You'll be safe after finished attack.
-Meditation its better choice to heal your dagames in game, but Master Yi is susceptible on traps in a first minutes of game.
-If Master Yi tries to farm, by using "Style Wuju", attack him few times,to make him use "Meditation".
-One more thing, if u cant make kind of slower Master Yi it doesn't mean that u can't stop him.Obviously you can, by using Ultimate skill.
-If Master Yi tries to farm, by using "Style Wuju", attack him few times,to make him use "Meditation".
-One more thing, if u cant make kind of slower Master Yi it doesn't mean that u can't stop him.Obviously you can, by using Ultimate skill.
- Flash - Its good to escape, to get someone, susceptible in team fights. This one skill always had to accompany Master Yi
- Heal - In normal fights is always important. A lot of players usually forgets about that, u have the healing spell,but if you will use this spell as smart as you can,it will give u dominance at the start of the game. For me its a second skill,which I'm using when i play as a Master Yi, becouse of one thing, Master doesn't have too much health, and usually this skill is reducing that big defect.
- Ignite - Very susceptible when you are killing someone. Use it to finish your opponent
- Heal - In normal fights is always important. A lot of players usually forgets about that, u have the healing spell,but if you will use this spell as smart as you can,it will give u dominance at the start of the game. For me its a second skill,which I'm using when i play as a Master Yi, becouse of one thing, Master doesn't have too much health, and usually this skill is reducing that big defect.
- Ignite - Very susceptible when you are killing someone. Use it to finish your opponent
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