Rengar doesn't like him as for Darius, they both slows you and prevent you from leaping by sticking on you. Don't all in, you can out-trade him if he waste Q. He outscales you really hard later in the game and he's really broken but you can win if you get a good team
Conqueror or phase rush.
Eclipse or Divine Sunderer
You gotta ward middle bush lv1 so you know if he enters it, him getting inside of it is a problem and you don't win lv.1 if he has boneplating, you can out-trade him if you W2 his W so he can't slow you.
Conqueror or Fleet or Grasp
Eclipse is good into her.
You win lv1 if she doesn't have ignite.
You can out-trade but be careful when she's charging Q2, ideal is jumping on her right after she uses it or you gotta have W to heal her Q2 damage back.
Any mythic you need
Focus on cs and grasp proc, don't wast fourth stack and always W2+auto/Q/Q as reset after his E, so you get grasp and you can win the trade. Play taste of blood instead of sudden impact. If you play in different ways he gets to be an extreme threat
Fleet, eclipse. It's really rare to see a good vladimir, the champion itself can be good on the right hands, but the most of the time you can harass him with rengar.
(Top) Grasp or Conqueror, with boneplating and if you have grasp also taste of blood.
Build any item you need (Eclipse if you can carry in squeeshy comps, Divine if you have to sidelane into squeeshy comps with a tank besides Sett, Goredrinker if there are a lot of melee/tanky characters.
Play laning around fast and short trades, it's better to jump on him with 4 stacks.
Conqueror or Fleet
Eclipse/Divine/Glacial Gauntlet/Goredrinker
His Q is painful, do AA E(mid air) Q (as auto reset) di it really fast and run back spamming W , if he's scared or doesn't have R you can just use one more Q, if he E you he deals less damage if he hits minions as well. Early HP is better than early armor into Garen.
Divine or AP.
Shen is a menace if he can force extended trades, so keep W2 ready to cleanse his E during every trade, just focus on getting grasp proc and run back, a really good item is serpents fang but you can even go ap if you want to have an easier laning into him, also just buying dark seal and stacking it is really useful.
Grasp or LT or Fleet.
Divine+BC is really good.
Play to get him out of teamfights because he's more useful, you can beat him hard early but he has EXTREMELY high gank set up and enemy will use it, so track enemy jungler. After some levels killing him in lane get's almost impossible, play to crash and roam, invade jungle and help securing objectives.
Grasp or LT
Don't let him push wave under your tower, play for aggressive extended trading since you are a lot stronger for duels. As you get Divine he really never kills you especially if he doesn't go lethality.
Grasp or Conqueror
Divine Sunderer or Goredrinker
W2 his E and a lot of his damage get's off, Urgot players are not the smartest usually and will chase you in bushes where you can actually kill them, otherwise play for aggressive short trading and try to dodge his E or cleanse it. If he gets first blood go warden mail and he will still get hard times.
Divine Sunderer
Poppy is overrated as a Rengar counter, matchup is better than you think but her W is annoying and she has tons of damage, still you can heal back a lot of damage and kill her through trades. Still an hard matchup compared to others but might be considered a major threat
Conqueror or Fleet
It's really Rengar favoured. go assassin with conqueror, if you have ignite she can't even hide in her W, hold your W to heal back after her E2. After 6 play for roams because with R her duel power get's extremely high.
Fleet or Conqueror
Eclipse(better) or Goredrinker
You can kill him with not too much effort, just don't get baited on jumping into him when he has Q3 and dodge his Qs. Respect his lv4 if he's full hp.
Fleet or Conqueror
Eclipse (Draktharr if you get fed)
Akshan has a lot of damage and might be a problem, take second wind secondary to have better trades. Early he can beat you with an all in if he get to take 3 hit, but he's still a ranged so you can oneshot him later in the game if he doesn't build a lot of armor. Winning lane is not impossible and you counters his invisibility with your R.
He's really good aganist assassins, antiganks champ (his W) peeling monster, with him near his adc you won't be able to do nothing. Play EoN against him especially if he's human.
Fleet+second wind/Grasp/Conqueror
Play safe when hotsposts are too exposed, when they are don't trade her if possible, the most dangerous part about her is her W, when you dive of her you need to bait it. Go eclipse, but don't try to oneshot her if she has more than 1/4 hp, she has high sustain, but you can just out-trade also her. it's a major especially if you are impatient (and because of her W but it's really easy to bait). She outscales you and after you both have first item+tabi she will probably win all ins despite of her score, so play around eclipse and kill her slowly
Be aggressive when he's normal form, don't fight him as mega gnar until you are really fed. Go assassin (ecplise) and you can do E max second to slow him, W max second only if you are getting camped or losing, but this should be impossible to lose.
(find what's better for you into him, options are fleet/conqueror with Eclipse and Divine with Grasp or when behind)
You can W2 Jax E stun, but it would be better to E2 him and go to the bush safely. You beat him as long as you play for fast and short trade, space him out with his minions and lane should be good. After 6 you might get oneshotted by the 0 2 Jax, nothing special. You can win with not too much effort the matchup tho, you are better for roams, ganks, and can follow your team plays better.
Eclipse(Or Draktharr if really fed)
Now that Q can get blinded this matchup is not too free, you should win lane easily but in a 2vs2 he can just blind you and shots you like a little minigun. More annoying than dangerous. Play fleet and go assassin if you don't have to frontline, if you do play safe after a few levels and stop 1v1 him if you don't have passive stacks, go Goredrinker since he can blind your Divine.
Right now i prefer conqueror, it's more consistent for scaling and you can all in him, things that will happen soon since his passive forces you to if you fail to dodge his abilities or make a longer trade). If you dodge his Q you usually win (early game), if he goes tank he's a really bad human being abusing broken meta, BUT almost anyone does it, so nothing new right? I never went divine on him, because basically you just need damage to kill him. After future buffs memento mori will be godly into this matchup and also serpent fang can be good. Use empowered W for his R when you know he has it. Qss can be good because even if you W2 his R he still keeps the stats until the time his R should have went down. Example of build: Eclipse, Serpent Fang, Malmortius, .... (if winning, otherwise hexdrinker first) i tell it's good but i don't think it's a must, i usually play lord dominik and once i used to play BORK second, so it's not that rigid.
Now i can end this threath, idk why did i write so much on this matchup but i hope it will be more useful now, have fun summoners <3
You can beat her really hard in lane, punish her everytime she try to farm, you have better trades just be sure to dodge her E or to have stacks to W2 after her E Q AA Q combo so you get all her damage off and shred her.
Conqueror/Lethal tempo
He always wins all ins, you can beat him early just if you have ignite and LT or Conqueror but you have to abuse your leaps to cancel his autos. After a few levels you will NEVER beat him in a all in, go for trades and play around eclipse, you might even go Divine but i think Eclipse is better for the MS to not let him stick on you and win with 3-4 short trades.
Eclipse(Draktharr if really fed)
You can beat her really hard, just don't let her push wave deep or she start poking you really hard. remember her main damage is W so dodge it or use your W to recover the damage and be sure to not be in the center (it should not be difficult) after 6 she will always look to R you immediately because she wants to survive from you or to coinflip so keep W2 ready, don't waste it until you are taking damage from her passive.
demonic into jak'sho
Play to proc Grasp early with Dblade start. First recall buy dark seal and start maxing W. He's not a menace the best he can do is setting a gank up on you (you can 1v2 if you don't get caught by his E when you have no W2. NEVER Q1 on him if he has E because you buff your att.speed and so you get more damage on yourself.
Divine sunderer(Eclipse if he's going ap)
Be sure to W2 his Q so you don't get hit by his E, if you don't: gg. Don't let him get you with W2, because besides the damage you can heal back, he gets an huge heal, so don't rush on him even if he's low because he might still win.
Voli has a good laning as a counterpick but falls off later in the game unless he goes for some weird bruiser builds.
Lee Sin
Free lane, just W his Q2 and all in with Q2 on him, he can't win.
First 3 levels she can't do anything, kill her lv.1. After 4 focus on healing youself and proc grasp, she has insane sustain from passive.
You can just spam leaping him and he can't do much about it, you have a lot of damage early so you can win easily. He can be a problem just after 6 with his ult, but now it gets reduced by tabis. If you get camped early go executioners or brumble vest(if really behind) and still might be able to beat him
Do E max second since he has almost no burst, he's all about damage during time, so slowing him to space him is better. Be careful and try to dodge his E (he has 2 of them)
Lv1 don't trade or all in if you don't have 4 stacks, after you should win easily until lv.6 where she get a really high spike. Riven is my second most played champion but i have to admit that her eclipse build looks unfair in some matchups, she was really free for Rengar and had to respect him for longer times in lane when she had to build Goredrinker. Now she might be an even or a major.
Just oneshot him from lv.1 to lv.18.
Your E and R reveals him during his Q.
You can destroy him, just don't get pulled under tower with his R.
You can win easily, maybe it's not the easiest matchup for a newbie Rengar. After Divine he should not be able to kill you. Go Black Clever second to shred his armor. Buying dark seal might help you as well since he's one of the best armor stacker in the game, you might go full ap as well if you don't need to frontline too much.
Grasp/Letal tempo
Rush 800g antiheal and BOTRK, so the lane becames free. He's still dangerous because he can CC chain, as an INSANE damage, it's pretty much an abominioum (i'm not a Zac hater, he's one of my most played champs, top 5 at least). Be careful about enemy jungler and try to track him if possible.
Letal tempo/Conqueror
Lane is not too hard unless you don't get wave perma pushed against you. I used to go kraken into ravenous and then some hp, now it's different but i think you can easily beat her with kraken into eclipse.
Letal tempo(suggested)/Conqueror
Early you beat him really hard, you can all in him all the time, later in the game you can beat him only if you are really ahead, especially after he builds hullbreaker. Be careful about his E slow and W block, now your Q bug on his cage is fixed so you can use it.
Serpent fangs rush
Ivern top is not a menace to Rengar, there is no way he kills you especially before 6, but he has high utility for his team so it's a 0 threat in lane but might win later in the game with teamfights. Serpent's fangs rush is really good because it allows you to trade hp and not just shield into him. Remember that after rework his E blows even if you break his shield so engage on full stacks with E2 or W2(on his Q) and hold W for his E proc.
First 2 levels you can't say anything to him, sit back and take exp. After some levels you start to be actually good against him but he can outplay Rengar. He has high waveclear and can permapush wave so that you are not allowed to get in bushes.
You can bully her lv.1 with a bush and you have early killing potential, after a few levels she will became really hard to fight, you can kill her if you are ahead. After you build Divine you always win 1vs1. You are going to spam W a lot in this matchup because she has a lot of cc so don't waste it. You have poor killing potential in lane usually after some levels so you might go ravenous second and play to crush wave and roam. Otherwise go Black clever second or BOTRK.
You hard win early. Let him waste his passive before jumping on him (if he has passive up his knife glows); prioritize jumping to last hit barrels and then all in him, don't jump on him when he's on a barrel, go on barrel first. You gotta snowball into him because later in the game he will have damage to carry the game.
You can win this lane pretty easily, the problem is that he can just sit under his tower and press R to get assists, kills and he scales a lot, be careful if he has exhaust because he might kill you as well. Play to invade enemy jng, if he roams early you should be able to kill him. Take over the game as quick as possible so rotate if possible.
Conqueror(suggested)/Letal tempo
You can beat him especially lv.2 when you can cleans his whole combo. take 4 stacks lv.1 and try to kill him. He has really good damage in first levels and gets sustain after he get E, don't try to dive, he will just E into the wall. at lv.4-5 he should not even be a champion with no form. The problem is that he scales really well, but you are a good counter until he has the damage to insta oneshot you.
Eclipse(Draktharr if really fed, or maybe Youmuu to match her roams)
Also if she's a ranged, it's not a free matchup as for gnar, she has insane damage, after 6 she has a better roaming potential than you, she can take vision on you even without wards, so she ruins your invades. Really toxic champ in my opinion...
He has really high sustain, after he gets tabi it will get really hard to kill him. Lv.1 you can kill him with conqueror and LT but it's a slot machine. To get an easier amtchup you can play sorcery secondary with nimbus cloack and scorch, hold your exhaust/ignite for when he's low so you get MS from runes and space him out, press R and jump back on him when his R is running down (if you are afraid to not have good timing wait for it to run down, it might not be a problem as well).
You can win pretty easily, be careful after 6 and try to dodge/flash his R, if he misses you win. If you have fleet don't all in and out-trade him. Even with conqueror he might win all ins, especially if you don't bait his bone plating, so try to play around short trades. Lv.1 get 4 stacks if possible to get kill potential.
I found this to be an easy matchup everytime i played it, just be careful about his W and don't let him pull you under his tower. You can cleanse his R off with W2 or his damage after ult, just hold ignite (if you don't want to play tp) for after he uses R because he gets high lifesteal, but you can oneshot him if he doesn't keep refilling. Focus on keeping HP high.
Easy matchup for Rengar veterans, might be one of the hardest ones for Rengar newbies. Play around grasp procs, and don't waste fourt stack, otherwise he AA W you and start to oneshot you with his whole combo. If you don't waste the stacks you can W2 his W and run away spamming it.
Lv.1 you hard win, after keep W2 for his W and go behind him when he uses E, using minions if necessary. He's not a big threat but might be dangerous if he has his jungler nearby. He might win if you are both low since his empowered Q scales off with missing HP.
Eclipse(Or Draktharr if you get fed)
He can't do nothing if not barricate. The only way he can be a menace is if you get caught by his E when sorrounded by his 3 tourrets, if he wastes it you can punish him really hard. Be careful later in the game if he has zhonia because he will actually be able to outplay you. Lane is free.
Aurelion Sol
Free lane, nothing to say about.
Don't all in her lv.1 if she has all Qs up or she sticks on you, take 4 stacks and kill her with short trades. Tabi into her are broken but a good Bel'Veth will always be a menace, because she has W to cancel your leaps and E as damage reduction, insane teamfighter and if she gets to take herald with R lane is over.
You should always win, she should be able to say something only after 6, but you can dodge her R if you don't jump on her W, just don't try to give her free E poke or she melts you.
You should win early, she can kill you easily after 6 if you can't dodge every R she got so be careful. DON'T ALL IN HER, she has really strong autos so try to let her get off less autos you can. She outscales you later in the game and gets a lot of armor so you need armor pen.
Dr. Mundo
All you have to do is dodgin his Q and trade, try not to be in hsi W range when he uses it. Lane should not be that hard.
He's a menace for sure, you can win by playing for aggressive trades/all ins, if you go for short trades he wins because of his sustain, if he get's Q and breakes your all in you risk to have hard times. Start Dblade even if he's a poke champion early. Later in the game he will become a 1v9 machine so be sure your team build for tank damage items so you can all melt him, don't esitate to flame delusional adc who goes Collector when there is cho'gath top before of LDR or BOTRK.
Kayle despite of what you can think is a difficult matchup. Lv.1 she easily wins, so don't try to all in her. Get 4 stacks and short trade, dodge her Q lv.2 or she sticks on you, after some levels it becames more Rengar favoured, she has a spike at 6-11-16. During teamfights try to sneak on prio targets without R and W+W2 away if she ult and then R, go on her right after her R goes down.
Tahm Kench
Play to proc grasp, be sure to dodge his Q since it procs grasp and heals him by default. when he has R don't let him stack on you when he's near to tower or has ghost. If your jungler is ganking wait with fourt stack for him to W and cancel it with E2.
Free, he can only E(melee) your leap, but should never be able to kill you.
Letal tempo/Conqueror
Play to all in him or you will lose, after he has 6 be careful and save your R to escape. You might want to go mobility boots but i think they are not always the best ones even into Nasus. Just try to get fed early. Later in the game play to proc Eclipse and peel him away for your team with E/E2
If he has conqueror it's a free lane, with PTA be more careful but you should still win, play around grasp procs and W2 his E if you can't dodge it.
Play around grasp and abuse your sustain, matchup should not be too hard, just don't let him stick on you.
Pretty free, just bait her W and W her Q, after you get Divine she should never be able to kill you. She can only kill you after 6 if she does a perfect cc chain combo. She might become a real threat if she builds glacial gauntlet and peel for her team.
If you are Rengar you have to be happy when you see this guy
With Yuumi giving you healing and extra damage if you have a bush you will be pretty unbeatable. She's good for both rengar bruiser and assassin, she makes you frontline for aegis if you have goredrinker and gives you movement speed to phase out after you kill enemy carry.
Her camo gives you leaps
Tanky engagers are really good for Rengar, they get a lot of attention form enemy team and frontline so you can go assassin with no worries, flank enemies and take down carries. Both Zac and Rengar have good healing so their weaknesses is enemy building antiheal and making 2vs2 weaker, but they have high damage as well so it might not be a problem.
If you are Rengar you have to be happy when you see this guy
With Yuumi giving you healing and extra damage if you have a bush you will be pretty unbeatable. She's good for both rengar bruiser and assassin, she makes you frontline for aegis if you have goredrinker and gives you movement speed to phase out after you kill enemy carry.
Her camo gives you leaps
Tanky engagers are really good for Rengar, they get a lot of attention form enemy team and frontline so you can go assassin with no worries, flank enemies and take down carries. Both Zac and Rengar have good healing so their weaknesses is enemy building antiheal and making 2vs2 weaker, but they have high damage as well so it might not be a problem.
I remade every toplane matchups, made new ones, i'm tired after 12 hours of guide editing so accept to just have tiers here please.. Rememeber that despite of not being a threat for you, enemy jungler is a problem for your laner and can get fed enough to eventually duel you. It is your job to get a lead and take over the game.
(My permaban) Maokai is surely one of the biggest threat for Rengar, since his E is stronger in bushes so he counter Rengar's passive and it's really hard to snowball into him, so it's pointless to play Rengar aganist him.
I hate this matchup so much, he can win 1vs1 into a Rengar and it's one of the most unkillable champions right now, with Rengar it's always hard to face him because he has way too much utility, the best option to face him would be divine sunderer but not going assassin is really bad usually on Rengar jng, but if you are not an OTP and you are facing him it would be a really good option to go bruiser.
This matchup is really free, invades are easy, empowered W can cancel her R and she's pretty squeeshy. Most intelligent Lillia players will rush tabi and demonic, after that they will be a threat, maybe an even after it, but you usually can snowball so hard to almost double their items and take over games.
Free invades, he gets a lot of damages from camps, a lot of time Sylas players don't want to full clear in this matchup so they just lv3 gank, if they don't you are going to get first blood. I like conqueror because with it you can duel him really easily even if he gets a lead.
He will ALWAYS full clear, so the invade is so free, he's squeeshy and if he doesn't run exhaust (which is pretty rare in the jng) you are going to beat him always.
Rengar is known to be the best Nidalee's counter, nothing to say about this matchup, if you lose that the most of the time is because you being a bad Rengar/jungler.
Hecarim itself is not that dangerous, the problem is that he has one of the best clear speed in the game and he can outfarm the most of the champions in the game, he's not hard to invade because he's not supposed to unlock E lv3 to run away and even if he does you just need an empowered E. Hecarim is a full clear jungler and he will get a menace with the game going on, because he has a really high armor and hp buildpath with even good damages and he has a good utility to take over teamfights, you have to win early really hard.
You can beat her pretty easily in the first levels, with the game going on she will get pretty tanky and eventually build Zhonia, she can oneshot you even if she's behind and you use W. Maybe this is still Rengar favoured but Elise is just overpowered.
She sucks on her main role, on jng she's literally unplayable and even if she was good Rengar is a lot favored into her.
The main problem about Kindred is that he can R you and if there is no bush he can kite you down, easy to invade in first clear but a lot of times he won't full clear, In teamfights his R negate your Draktharr proc so you will get killed easily, try to never engage or oneshot a target if you don't have vision on him.
I think she can win pretty easily, but as a Rengar you can win early really hard, the most annoying part is that Rengar already has troubles in defending towers (no bushes and they can poke you) and she's really op after she gets herald or baron at siegeing because of her R passive. Don't try to oneshot her, with her E she can avoid almost all the damage. If she builds a tank items you are pretty fked, just go for her backline and kill her with your team, shouldnt be a problem as long as she doesn't have an unkillable backline as Xayah or Samira (Samira is killable as for Xayah but it's really hard to a lot of times).
He's really easy to snowball against, he sucks untill he get the form, if he goes blue it's a free win the most of the times, red is hard to beat but you should get fed really easily so what's the matter? just avoid his W, actually the most counter thing he has against you is red form W to cancel your leaps.
Pre 6 is a pretty free matchup, after she gets 6 she became a real menace and her passive is too broken, if you chase her you will find a full hp Eve again. Maw is pretty a must into her because she might oneshot you even if you are fed. A good thing is that you can spot her with your R even when she's invisible.
Just a coackroach on your way, I like elettrocute into him because he can get your FS away pretty easily in 1vs1, but FS is just too good to snowball so think twice about what the game will be like.
Zac himself can get sh1t on by Rengar even in early skirmishes, the danger about him is if he has the possibility to cc chain with his team. He almost always full clear and for you it's an easy invade early if you empowered E him, with the game going on it will get pretty hard to invade him alone because of his really high sustain, i don't like to admit it since Zac is one of my most played champions, but he's really broken right now and probably could be higher in the list.
Lee Sin
With Conqueror you can duel him, but a lot of times i still want to go for FS to carry, so think if you can 1vs9 the game or if you need to still be in a good spot but you will play more around a teammate that you think might carry better. Lee is a really punishing champion and with the elo getting higher he can be considered a bigger threat because of the high skill ceiling.
She's not that big deal, you can 1vs1 her and you can just refill after her full combo since if you are not that behind she will not completely oneshot you.
Invade him often, he has no escape besides R and Flash.
Don't let him stick on you, fight with rotations of spells and it's easy.
For a reason (that we all know about) she's allowed to be completely broken since season 11. Her R is broken, her Q is c4nc3r, she feels like a cc chain and a oneshot assassin at the same time, she can literally oneshot a tank even if behind, she can go full assassin but still not being squeeshy because she spam shields. This champion is really wrong i think and it should not be that strong, but she will not get nerfed apparently, even if her power is clear and evident, just look at the pro league, she's one of the most consistent and op picks even there.
Jarvan IV
Not unbeatable but really OP, with conqueror you can probably duel him but it's pointless, he will be still useful in teamfights and early skirmishes.
You can snowball into him, but with the game getting longer he will be more useful and his passive (despite of all the nerfs) is really op, but I think that Rengar might be one of the best champions to face him since he suffer more from burst damage than from damage on time. His R is dangerous and he can prevent you from oneshotting is backline using it to cancel your leaps, so be aware of it. Pre 6 he's a minion to you. Right now Wukong is really broken (and i love him to make Amumu abusers suffer XD).
Xin Zhao
Master Yi
Don't let him stick on you, don't waste E2 on his W. He kills you 1v1 if he has no cd
Serpents second
Nunu & Willump
Relenteless hunter is a must have.
Free matchup for you, if he goes ap he might be able to kill you, but if he gets fed you just build malmortius and he can never kill you
Easier than it looks, you can invade her as well, just don't get baited in her W especially if you don't have EoN.
He's a lot favored in duelling, but if you are ahead enough and he's not going full defensive you might kill him. You can outgank him. I suggest to have Relentelss even to outrun his Q and not getting caught and forced in a 1v1.
She can snowball with you and gives you insane ad
Nothing to explain so far. There are a few ivern supports and they can even counterjungle with spellbook, it's easy to gank them and they can roam with you.
Her camo gives you leaps
Try to imagine what would happen if he empowers your mythic. Also a really good engaging tank, rengar like hard engage champions since they get a lot of attention by enemies, so flanking will be easier.
I think he he's the best one for Rengar
Really good combo with your and hers R, even if you go bruiser with her you can oneshot enemy carries.
She can snowball with you and gives you insane ad
Nothing to explain so far. There are a few ivern supports and they can even counterjungle with spellbook, it's easy to gank them and they can roam with you.
Her camo gives you leaps
Try to imagine what would happen if he empowers your mythic. Also a really good engaging tank, rengar like hard engage champions since they get a lot of attention by enemies, so flanking will be easier.
I think he he's the best one for Rengar
Really good combo with your and hers R, even if you go bruiser with her you can oneshot enemy carries.
Hi, I'm an EUW Rengar OTP, I can play many other champions both toplane and jungle, but I'm a jungle main. I peaked emerald 1 46 lp last season while getting +18 -29. Then I got mental boom and didn't reach diamond in time, but was there on a 60%wr.
In this guide i'll report items and runes based on my personal knowledge and also what I feel like, sometimes it's important too since everyone has a different playstile for same champions. I lost frequency in updates since one year ago and I won creator contest as well. My biggest flex is getting over 500 best Rengars EUW (1250 world wide). S14 I feel like Rengar is going to have troubles with current items, but things will be frenetic and I'll try to be faster in updating and sharing builds.
Follow me on yt
Most meta runes for jng 13.13
FS is almost always good.
Fleet into some matchups, especially against all in based champions.
Conqueror for max damage
Elettrocute to int right now
Letal tempo i think it's a never pick in jng right now, but can be good if you are facing a lot of melee champions (4+)
Runes (JNG)
is the most safe pick in the jng(failed ganks still provides somthing with FS), gives you gold making and good damage(especially later in the game).
gives you early potential and sorcery page makes you really strong later, in higher elo you always need ispiration secondary instead of sorcery.
is good because when it's full stacked you have more range for leaps and early spike.
is really good for an early-late (early strenght is higher than with FS, but similiar to Elettrocute) spike and gives extra ad stacks for oneshotting, really good with hybrid builds or eclipse assassin.
Pick HP in mixed comps, since you are jng and you will face every enemy you don't need just one type of defense, and also you will regen more after levelling up for bonus Hp incomes. Armor and Magic Resist are situational, you usually pick them in comps where 4+ has one type of damage. A cons of HP is giving you less damage from lord dominik, but have a good sinergy with your W (which is an health regen, not an heal, so it scale with the damage you get: more HP=more missing health=more value from W).
Runes (TOP)
is good aganist matchups where you have killing potential in all the stages of the game, i don't pick it really often. You need alacrity in order to stack it up faster and heal.
is good for an early spike and lv.1 kills, good also aganist tanks but you need a lot of sustain to survive laning phase. You need bloodline, sustain is needed to survive so don't pick alacrity.
is the hardest page to run, but it's the strongest for trading because of the insane sustain it offers,probably the best one for rengar, get used to grasp rengar asap because it's really stronf. Don't pick att.speed you are not going to all in so take 2 adaptive force or 1 ability haste. Ingenious hunter is really good but you have to build divine or also eclipse, but the most effectiveness comes with divine, if you want to go tank in season 13 might also be good, you could pick inspiration since it gives you item haste, but also gives you summoner spells haste for more TP and especially when you go for tanky build it's good to have TP.
is a really good rune, a lot safer than others, gives movement speed to dodge skillshots, healing and overall could be the best rune for rengar. Cons? when you are playing aganist tryndamere or others which you can't trade and get away on your own legs, it's not a really good rune, it's for trading, not all ins. Alacrity gives more killing potential, pick att. speed for the same reason, but att. speed is something i like, usually it's better to pick 2 adaptive force and bloodline or tenacity depending on the matchup.
Rengar has one of the best early game in the game, in the early he's an high damage bruiser, you want to gank and get at least 4 stacks asap, but bullying on lane, especially if it's botlane is always good, it fixes Rengar's main problem: ending the game. In their spawn there is no bush, so you are weaker and need a team supporting you.
Play greedy in comps you can 1v9 in, so especially tanky comps, path 3 camps into an action, gank or invades, you might full clear as well but taking advantage earlier is better if possible and makes you less exposed to getting invaded, because Rengar is weak at defending himself since you will get cds. A good Rengar can outduel every jungler in the game early in the game so you can invade almost everyone, i'd say it's better to not invade extreamely high mobility champions, but if you know where they are walldashing you can put a ward as soon as you see them and leap on them.
Don't do double buff, don't do 4 camps, it's bad as Rengar. Do mono-section clears (3 camps from one side); 5 camps skipping krugs; full clears (if you do that take hp in runes, hp oustcales armor at lv4).
Rengar always wants to start from red buff, because he play a lot with auto attacks, even his Q differently from Kha'zix's Q counts as an auto-attack.
A good way to gank sidelanes is sitting in a bush and telling your laners to bait enemies to all in, really good to do especially against tank supports, they always look for an engage window so if your laners intentionally expose themselves you will get a free kill botlane.
To gank midlane you need a good midlaner who baits the enemy to the bushes for you or to have R. You can make your mid use a pink ward to bait as well, it works especially if your midlaner is slightly behind.
S14: just get everything topside and you are okay, 5 of those void things and lanes get won automatically.
Guide Rework
I did another rework in the date 06/07/2023. Hope it will be easier to follow the guide now.
12/01/2024: I'm updating the guide again, right now I deleted almost every build and gave new ones, checked some runes, but i'm going to remake even matchups and the rest of runes.
What kind of champion is better for Rengar? (JNG)
Talking about the toplane i think it's almost not important which champion you get, the only thing is that champions who can get early prio are usually better on Rengar since they allows you to invade, personally i like cc tanks like Ornn, who get a lot of attention during fights and make your job easier.
Talking about the midlane it's better to have an heavy ap (so the enemies can't stack up armor) champion who can get early prio, a midlaner will always try to help when he has prio. Syndra and Galio are usually the best ones, but i like a lot Vex, because of her R, when you fight in a jungle and you goes to a bush to the other doing multiple kills she can follow you really well and she has a pretty good waveclear and hard poking.
Talking about the adc the best ones are adc who can easily kill tanks, so that you don't struggle during teamfights because of their peeling, i think Varus is really good right now because he's good at shredding tanks, he also has good CC to follow ganks after 6.
Talking about the support every support is good but i think the best ones are engage supports, when you ambush in the botlane they can help securing kills more than others. I like pantheon because he can build black clever to make rammus matchup easier or champions like Maokai and Amumu, good engagers also for teamfight and with ap damage. I find Alistar, Pyke and Blitzcrank to be the best ones.
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