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Udyr Passive Ability
this is my first public guide so tell me if something could be better and that stuff ^^
hope u guys enjoy this build.
Stay primal \m/
The runes for my AP Udyr are verry different from the normal chooses.
I like playing with high ap in the early game so i pick ap runes only.
Playing with armor (or scaling armor) and magic resist (or scaling MR) still works fine but i prefer the ´´i hit ur face early´´ way. I realy know that is not the best choose for a solo laner but hey ^^ playing everythink the normal way isnt fun every time ^^ so try it.
I like playing with high ap in the early game so i pick ap runes only.
Playing with armor (or scaling armor) and magic resist (or scaling MR) still works fine but i prefer the ´´i hit ur face early´´ way. I realy know that is not the best choose for a solo laner but hey ^^ playing everythink the normal way isnt fun every time ^^ so try it.
The Masteries Build i use is just a ´´normal´´ 21-9-0 melee AP Carry build.
Still for focusing on the early game.
Cause picking up some easy kills in the early game (even without a jungler or a second top mate)
helps a lot for purchasing our core build items (Sheen, Haunting Guise and Seekers Armguard).
There is also the way to play Phoenix Udyr like a AP Offtank so u just got to build his masteries like 13-17, including 3 points in Tenacious and 2 points in Juggernaut for more life and to got more cc counter.
Trying to play the AP Udyr like a Tank isnt worth it, cause then the damage gets worse.
The only good think if u play him like a AP Tank is the effectiveness of the Turtleshield.
Still for focusing on the early game.
Cause picking up some easy kills in the early game (even without a jungler or a second top mate)
helps a lot for purchasing our core build items (Sheen, Haunting Guise and Seekers Armguard).
There is also the way to play Phoenix Udyr like a AP Offtank so u just got to build his masteries like 13-17, including 3 points in Tenacious and 2 points in Juggernaut for more life and to got more cc counter.
Trying to play the AP Udyr like a Tank isnt worth it, cause then the damage gets worse.
The only good think if u play him like a AP Tank is the effectiveness of the Turtleshield.
The item build is completely set for our Phoenix Stance.
-Liandry´s Torment gets triggert by magic damage -> Phoenix flames deal magic damage
-Zhonya´s Hourglass is a badass sustain item that makes u untargetable and ur flames are still burning
-Sunfire Cape - deals 40 magic damage on every second on every enemy unit (so u deal more damage just with walking around and u get more life and armor (i realy love sustain :D )
-Rabadons Deathcap is just Rabadons Deathcap i think there will be no quests about it
-Lich Bane is one of my favorite melee ap items and it works good with Udyr cause every time u swith ur stance the passiv gets triggered (and u passivly get more mana, AP and movement speed).
-the damned Boots of Swiftness are my fave boots cause they reduce enemy movement slowing effects by 25% and u get a good movement speed that (combined with the bear stance) will help u getting away from dangerus situations or to close up to ur mates if they need help.
-Liandry´s Torment gets triggert by magic damage -> Phoenix flames deal magic damage
-Zhonya´s Hourglass is a badass sustain item that makes u untargetable and ur flames are still burning
-Sunfire Cape - deals 40 magic damage on every second on every enemy unit (so u deal more damage just with walking around and u get more life and armor (i realy love sustain :D )
-Rabadons Deathcap is just Rabadons Deathcap i think there will be no quests about it
-Lich Bane is one of my favorite melee ap items and it works good with Udyr cause every time u swith ur stance the passiv gets triggered (and u passivly get more mana, AP and movement speed).
-the damned Boots of Swiftness are my fave boots cause they reduce enemy movement slowing effects by 25% and u get a good movement speed that (combined with the bear stance) will help u getting away from dangerus situations or to close up to ur mates if they need help.
This AP build is a FARMING MONSTER the Phoenix Stance is realy all u need for Farming.
U still can combine it with the Tiger Stance for being faster.
And Udyr becomes a strong pusher cause still farms minions while he fights his opponents on a lane cause of the AOE effects on the Phoenix Stance.
U still can combine it with the Tiger Stance for being faster.
And Udyr becomes a strong pusher cause still farms minions while he fights his opponents on a lane cause of the AOE effects on the Phoenix Stance.
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