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Recommended Items
Runes: Poke and Smash
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Abillities
Junkyard Titan (PASSIVE)
Rumble Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
The rare matchup you are better off going Ward then Lens. Your constant threat of poke will force lane to under there tower where his grab will outrange your poke. Best to stand close to river and watch for gank and try to poke Bot.
+ Big magic damage autos on shared target
+ hard cc
+ hard to gank
+ Big magic damage autos on shared target + hard cc + hard to gank
+ Strong at all stages of Game
+ High Damage stats that do not require a large budget
+ Percentage health damage on Q makes you a valuable Tank buster
+ Naturally makes popular AP carries in bot lane even better
+ Off meta advantage (your opponent won't know what to do)
+ You will always complete your support item before enemy
+ Strong 1v1 potential
+ Can push and defend from minion waves as a support
+ Proper ult placement can completely change teamfights in your favor
+ Very useful at fights in river, pits, and jungle
- For maximum value you want at least 2 good magic damage dealers on team
- Managment of heat requires you to commit to fights or back off early
- Little to no health recovery options
1. Bottom
2. Jungle
3. Mid
4. Support
5. Top
Support and Top have the very important task of looking at the team and deciding not just what the team comp needs but also what champion can also counter what the other team is bringing. The laneing phase carrys the weight of roughly 40% of the game. So you can't think two dimensionally and only consider lane counters.
Rumble is a great pick when you see your team has atleast 1 other reliable magic damage dealer and the enemy team seems to favor more high health champs. Not when they are full of glass cannon ***sasins.
It is not required but Rumble prefers laneing with someone who can relaibly follow up on his

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Rumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that slows by 35% and deals 140 / 210 / 280 (+35% of ability power) magic damage per second for 5 seconds. |
Your role is to poke and provide peel for your carries. By sticking close to your carries you can maximize the amount of damage they do by having them take advantage of your MR shred/damage amp while simotaniously making it difficult to get to them or hit with long range projectiles.
Standard combo is

In lane (While poking out enemy) you want to stay just below or hover around 50% heat. This will afford you plenty of options if you get ganked and surprise them with underestimating your damage output when you enter the danger zone and savage attacks when overheating
Lane Phase
Establish bottom bush contorl using poke pressure and starting

Your goal is to push them undertower but not be so far forward you can't escape a potential gank that you wont see coming. So try and stay within 400 range of bushes (4

Risk of Ganks become exponential higher after the 3:45 mark so be aware of time because at this point they are screaming for help and they know you have no vision of river having started

When you do go back always look for an oppertunity to assist jungle in taking

Lane phase is nearly over, you have completed your first item and teamfights on objectives are more likely. Your affectivness in teamfights is directly tied to your use of wards and map awareness. You need wards to best manage your heat for incoming threats and ambush oppertunities.
Mid Game
After Tower has been taken you and Bot should have the goal of rotating mid then top and taking both of their outer turrets. The only time you should be alone is if you are traveling/placing wards. Your focus is purely on assisting team in taking objectives. This is because with

Late game tips
+ if your team has a potential backdoor player with

+ assist team in pushing minion waves by activating

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