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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Arcane Mastery (PASSIVE)
Ryze Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
You are weak
Well... why make a tank mage. The reason is because Ryze has consistent damage and why would you be playing Ryze if you wanted to play a an AP Assassin. This build will GREATY reduce your damage and if you are behind you will loose and likely be reported for trolling. However. You will probably get more than one rotation of spells off before being bursted. Hurray! I wouldn’t default on tank Ryze but if you are against a full ad or ap team then a tank build would be more effective than usual. As Ryze you stack conquer rather quickly. It’s surprising. Due to your 8 percent true damage and healing you will be slightly better in 1v1s against certain champions. Early game you can press a lvl advantage at lvl 2 if you get 1. With e and q and conq you will probably be able to face tank almost other champs with only 1 ability.
This build for example would be ok in an ad Assassin matchup like day reworked panth. He would normally be able to 1shot you with his disk blade but your armor will be able to stop him and he has decently long Cooldowns midgame you can take advantage of. I would Not play this into a Kayle or the like because you won’t scale and then... yeah. If the game goes long enough and you have already reached full build you should start switching tank items to damage. Tank falls off, but damage is forever. Much fast and many speed to you fellow monkeys. Don’t troll in ranked. :3
This build for example would be ok in an ad Assassin matchup like day reworked panth. He would normally be able to 1shot you with his disk blade but your armor will be able to stop him and he has decently long Cooldowns midgame you can take advantage of. I would Not play this into a Kayle or the like because you won’t scale and then... yeah. If the game goes long enough and you have already reached full build you should start switching tank items to damage. Tank falls off, but damage is forever. Much fast and many speed to you fellow monkeys. Don’t troll in ranked. :3
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